Organic Agriculture is a system of agricultural production which avoids or severely restrict the use of chemical fertilizers (plant), pesticides, herbicides, plant growth regulators and feed additives. Cultivation of environmentally sound is an agricultural cultivation planned and implemented with due regard to the properties, conditions and sustainability environment, thus the natural resources in the environment can be used as best as possible so that damage to and deterioration of the environment can be avoided danmelestarikan usability of natural resources and the environment. Organic agriculture is a production management system integrated that avoids the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and genetically modified , reducing air pollution, soil, and water. On the other hand, organic farming improve the health and productivity of the flora, fauna and humans. The use of off-farm inputs which cause degradation of natural resources can not be categorized as organic farming. Sebailknya, farming systems which do not use the input from the outside, but it follows the rules of organic farming can be included in the group of organic farming, though the agro-ecosystem is not certified organic. Natural creation of Allah Ta'ala "teach" virtue to mankind. Nature is a unity, composed of many parts, like an organism with its organs. All parts run in harmony, mutual service and sharing. Each organ has a role respectively, are complementary and provide synergy to produce an optimal balance, and sustainable. Each component does not think and act just for the sake of 'I', but to 'us': the whole universe. In accordance the laws, nature walks in harmony, "set" of its parts in balance and stunning regularity. Organic farming (PO) is also subject to the above principles, the laws of nature. Everything in nature is useful and has a function, are complementary, servicing and support for all. In nature there is biodiversity and ecological balance. So, PO also appreciate the biodiversity and ecological balance. Nature millions of years to prove the principle, there is no exploitation in addition to optimizing the utilization. Similarly, PO, not to maximize the results, not excessive; but enough for all creatures and sustainable. This is the basic philosophy of the PO. Development of Organic Agriculture agricultural practices using seeds produced by seed companies, chemicals are manufactured (agrochemicals) -good for soil fertilization and pest-control initially perceived can increase agricultural production. However, after several decades, the practice is causing problems particularly against ecosystem damage agricultural land and the health of the farmers themselves. The decline in agricultural output coupled with increased resistance to pests and plant diseases, due to soil fauna that are beneficial to plants diminishing and useful microorganisms for soil fertility was almost lost due to the excessive use of agrochemical inputs. In fact, pests and plant diseases rather than decreases, but even more resistant to these chemicals. Thus, farmers require a higher dose to get rid of it. This means that farmers not only spread the poison to control pests and diseases, but also poisoned himself. The attention of the world community to the problems of agriculture, health and the global environment in the last decade has increased. Concern was followed by concrete efforts to produce food without causing damage to land resources, water, and air as well as safe for human health. One of the efforts initiated is the development PO environmentally friendly and produce healthy food, free of residues of drugs and chemicals that kill. Actually, PO has become wisdom / traditional knowledge which is entrenched among farmers in Indonesia. However, organic farming technology becoming obsolete by the farmers when the intensification technologies that rely on agrochemicals applied in agriculture. Since then, farmers have become a target intake of agrochemical and depend on outsiders. After emerging issues of environmental impacts due to the use of chemicals in agriculture, PO environmentally friendly technologies and produce healthy food began to be considered again. (Sutanto, 2002), and How Aquaculture PO? PO is farming in harmony with nature, appreciate and respect the principles at work in nature that have revived all living creatures millions of years. PO is an agricultural cultivation process that aligns the ecological balance, diversity varieties, as well as harmony with the climate and environment. In practice, as much as possible the cultivation of PO using natural ingredients found in natural surroundings, and do not use agrochemicals intake (synthetic chemicals for agriculture). Furthermore, because the PO trying to 'mimic' nature, hence the use of seed or feed containing ingredients of genetically modified (GMO / Genetically Modified Organism) is also avoided. Often PO understood only technically farming that rejects intake of chemical or as an aquaculture farm anti-modernization or equated with traditional agriculture. This understanding is actually less precise. PO is not just techniques or methods of farming, but also the perspective, system of values, attitudes and beliefs alive. PO view nature as a whole, its components are interdependent and support, which man also is part of it. PO value system based on the principles of natural law. PO also invite the farmers and people in general to a wise and creative in managing nature is reflected in the attitudes and beliefs. PO also does not reject the use of modern technology in cultivation practice, as far as modern technology is in line with the principle of PO, namely sustainability, respect for nature, the balance of the ecosystem, varieties diversity, independence and local peculiarities. Thus, both traditional wisdom and modern technology that is subject to the principle of nature, both have a place in PO. Movement PO trying to gather all the effort of farmers and other actors, who are seriously and responsibly to avoid the intake of outside poisoning the environment with the aim to obtain environmental conditions healthy. They also tried to generate sustainable crop production by improving soil fertility and use of natural resources such as recycling of agricultural waste. Aquaculture PO, also encourages self-reliance and solidarity among farmers as producers. Independent not dependent on large companies providers of fertilizers and agrochemicals and seed companies. Sovereign and organize solidarity for the sake of achieving prosperity, fulfillment of rights and social justice for farmers. Prospects for Future Entering the 21st century, the world community began to realize the danger posed by the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture. People increasingly discerning in choosing food that is safe for health and environmentally friendly. A healthy lifestyle with the slogan: Back to Nature has become a new trend to leave the old life patterns that use non-natural chemicals, such as fertilizers, synthetic chemical pesticides and growth hormones in agricultural production. Healthy and nutritious food that can be produced with the new method, known as organic farming. Organic farming is agricultural cultivation techniques that rely on natural ingredients without the use of synthetic chemicals. The main goal of organic agriculture is to provide agricultural products, especially food that is safe for the health of producers and consumers and does not damage the environment. Healthy lifestyle so institutionalized internationally, which requires a guarantee that agricultural products should be safe to consume attribute (food safety attributes), high nutrient content (nutritional attributes) and environmentally friendly (eco-labeling attributes). Consumer preferences such as this cause the world demand for organic agricultural products increased rapidly. Indonesia has a wealth of tropical unique biological resources, abundance of sunlight, water and soil, as well as the culture of the people who respect nature, a very large potential for organic farming. Market organic agricultural products the world increased by 20% per year, therefore the cultivation of organic farming need to be prioritized in plants of high economic value to meet the needs of domestic and export markets. Opportunities Organic Agriculture in Indonesia The land area available for organic farming in Indonesia is huge. Of the 75.5 million ha of land that could be used for agriculture, only about 25.7 million ha have been treated to rice fields and plantations (CBS, 2000). Organic farming requires that the land used is not or has not been contaminated by chemicals and has good accessibility. The quality and extent taken into consideration in the selection of land. Unspoiled land is land that is not cultivated, but generally are thus less fertile land. Generally fertile land was cultivated intensively with the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Land use conversion such as these require a long period, which is about 2 years. The volume of organic agricultural products reach 5-7% of the total agricultural products traded on international markets. Mostly supplied by the developed countries such as Australia, America and Europe. In Asia, markets organic agricultural products is dominated by the far eastern countries such as Japan, Taiwan and Korea. The potential market for organic agricultural products in the country is very small, only limited
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