Pertanian Organik adalah sistem produksi pertanian yang menghindari at terjemahan - Pertanian Organik adalah sistem produksi pertanian yang menghindari at Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Pertanian Organik adalah sistem pro

Pertanian Organik adalah sistem produksi pertanian yang menghindari atau sangat membatasi penggunaan pupuk kimia (pabrik), pestisida, herbisida, zat pengatur tumbuh dan aditif pakan.

Budidaya tanaman berwawasan lingkungan adalah suatu budidaya pertanian yang direncanakan dan dilaksanakan dengan memperhatikan sifat-sifat, kondisi dan kelestarian lingkungan hidup, dengan demikian sumber daya alam dalam lingkungan hidup dapat dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin sehingga kerusakan dan kemunduran lingkungan dapat dihindarkan danmelestarikan daya guna sumber daya alam dan lingkungan hidup.

Pertanian organik adalah sistem manajemen produksi terpadu yang menghindari penggunaan pupuk buatan, pestisida dan hasil rekayasa genetik, menekan pencemaran udara, tanah, dan air. Di sisi lain, pertanian organik meningkatkan kesehatan dan produktivitas di antara flora, fauna dan manusia. Penggunaan masukan di luar pertanian yang menyebabkan degradasi sumber daya alam tidak dapat dikategorikan sebagai pertanian organik. Sebailknya, sistem pertanian yang tidak menggunakan masukan dari luar, namun mengikuti aturan pertanian organik dapat masuk dalam kelompok pertanian organik, meskipun agro-ekosistemnya tidak mendapat sertifikasi organik.

Alam ciptaan Allah Ta’ala “mengajari” kebajikan bagi umat manusia. Alam merupakan suatu kesatuan, terdiri dari banyak bagian, seperti organisme dengan organ-organnya. Semua bagian berjalan dalam harmoni, saling melayani dan berbagi. Tiap organ memiliki peran masing-masing, saling melengkapi dan memberikan sinergi untuk menghasilkan keseimbangan secara optimal, dan berkelanjutan. Setiap komponen tidak berpikir dan beraksi hanya demi ‘aku’, tetapi untuk ‘kita’: keseluruhan alam. Sesuai Sunnatullah, alam berjalan secara harmonis,”mengatur” bagian-bagiannya dalam keseimbangannya dan keteraturannya yang menakjubkan.

Pertanian organik (PO) juga tunduk pada prinsip diatas, pada hukum alam. Segala yang ada di alam adalah berguna dan memiliki fungsi, saling melengkapi, melayani dan menghidupi untuk semua. Dalam alam ada keragaman hayati dan keseimbangan ekologi. Maka, PO pun menghargai keragaman hayati dan keseimbangan ekologi. Berjuta tahun alam membuktikan prinsipnya, tak ada eksploitasi selain optimalisasi pemanfaatan. Demikian halnya PO, tidak untuk memaksimalkan hasil, tidak berlebih; tetapi cukup untuk semua makhluk dan berkesinambungan. Inilah filosofi mendasar PO.

Perkembangan Pertanian Organik

Praktek pertanian yang menggunakan bibit unggul yang dihasilkan oleh perusahaan benih, bahan-bahan kimia
buatan pabrik (agrokimia) —baik untuk pemupukan lahan dan pengendalian hama— awalnya dirasakan dapat meningkatkan hasil produksi pertanian. Namun, setelah beberapa dekade, praktek tersebut menimbulkan permasalahan khususnya terhadap kerusakan ekosistem lahan pertanian dan kesehatan petani itu sendiri.

Penurunan hasil pertanian yang dibarengi dengan meningkatnya daya tahan hama dan penyakit tanaman, disebabkan karena fauna tanah yang bermanfaat bagi tanaman semakin berkurang dan mikroorganisme yang berguna bagi kesuburan tanah pun nyaris hilang akibat pemakaian input agrokimia yang berlebihan. Bahkan, hama dan penyakit tanaman bukannya menurun, tapi justru semakin kebal terhadap bahan-bahan kimia tersebut. Sehingga, petani memerlukan dosis yang lebih tinggi lagi untuk membasminya. Ini artinya, petani tidak saja menebar racun untuk membasmi hama dan penyakit, tetapi juga meracuni dirinya sendiri.

Perhatian masyarakat dunia terhadap persoalan pertanian, kesehatan dan lingkungan global dalam dasawarsa terakhir ini semakin meningkat. Kepedulian tersebut dilanjutkan dengan usaha-usaha yang konkrit untuk menghasilkan pangan tanpa menyebabkan terjadinya kerusakan sumber daya tanah, air, dan udara serta aman bagi kesehatan manusia. Salah satu usaha yang dirintis adalah dengan pengembangan PO yang akrab lingkungan dan menghasilkan pangan yang sehat, bebas dari residu obat-obatan dan zat-zat kimia yang mematikan.

Sebenarnya, PO ini sudah menjadi kearifan/pengetahuan tradisional yang membudaya di kalangan petani di Indonesia. Namun, teknologi pertanian organik ini mulai ditinggalkan oleh petani ketika teknologi intensifikasi yang mengandalkan bahan agrokimia diterapkan di bidang pertanian. Sejak saat itu, petani menjadi target asupan agrokimia dan tergantung dari pihak luar. Setelah muncul persoalan dampak lingkungan akibat penggunaan bahan kimia di bidang pertanian, teknologi PO yang akrab lingkungan dan menghasilkan pangan yang sehat mulai diperhatikan lagi. (Sutanto, 2002).

Apa dan Bagaimana Budidaya PO ?

PO merupakan pertanian yang selaras dengan alam, menghayati dan menghargai prinsip-prinsip yang bekerja di alam yang telah menghidupi segala mahluk hidup berjuta-juta tahun lamanya. PO merupakan proses budidaya pertanian yang menyelaraskan pada keseimbangan ekologi, keanekaragaman varietas, serta keharmonian dengan iklim dan lingkungan sekitar. Dalam prakteknya, budidaya PO menggunakan semaksimal mungkin bahan-bahan alami yang terdapat di alam sekitarnya, dan tidak menggunakan asupan agrokimia (bahan kimia sintetis untuk pertanian). Lebih jauh, karena PO berusaha ‘meniru’ alam, maka pemakaian benih atau asupan yang mengandung bahan-bahan hasil rekayasa genetika (GMO/Genetically Modified Organism) juga dihindari.

Kerapkali PO hanya dipahami secara teknis bertani yang menolak asupan kimiawi atau sebagai budidaya pertanian yang anti modernisasi atau disamakan dengan pertanian tradisional. Pemahaman ini sungguh kurang tepat. PO bukan sekedar teknik atau metode bertani, melainkan juga cara pandang, sistem nilai, sikap dan keyakinan hidup. PO memandang alam secara menyeluruh, komponennya saling tergantung dan menghidupi, dimana manusia juga adalah bagian di dalamnya. Sistem nilai PO mendasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip hukum alam. PO juga mengajak petani dan manusia umumnya untuk arif dan kreatif dalam mengelola alam yang tercermin dalam sikap dan keyakinannya. PO juga tidak menolak penggunaan teknologi modern di dalam praktek budidayanya, sejauh teknologi modern tersebut selaras dengan prinsip PO, yaitu keberlanjutan, penghargaan pada alam, keseimbangan ekosistem, keanekaragaman varietas, kemandirian dan kekhasan lokal. Maka, baik kearifan tradisional dan teknologi modern yang tunduk pada prinsip alam, keduanya mendapat tempat dalam PO.

Gerakan PO mencoba menghimpun seluruh usaha petani dan pelaku lain, yang secara serius dan bertanggungjawab menghindarkan asupan dari luar yang meracuni lingkungan dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh kondisi lingkungan yang sehat. Mereka juga berusaha menghasilkan produksi tanaman yang berkelanjutan dengan cara memperbaiki kesuburan tanah dan menggunakan sumberdaya alami seperti mendaur ulang limbah pertanian.

Budidaya PO, juga mendorong kemandirian dan solidaritas di antara petani sebagai produsen. Mandiri untuk tidak tergantung pada perusahaan-perusahaan besar penyedia pupuk dan bahan agrokimia serta perusahaan bibit. Solidaritas untuk berdaulat dan berorganisasi demi mencapai kesejahteraan, pemenuhan hak dan keadilan sosial bagi petani.

Prospek Di Masa Depan

Memasuki abad 21, masyarakat dunia mulai sadar bahaya yang ditimbulkan oleh pemakaian bahan kimia sintetis dalam pertanian. Orang semakin arif dalam memilih bahan pangan yang aman bagi kesehatan dan ramah lingkungan. Gaya hidup sehat dengan slogan �Back to Nature� telah menjadi trend baru meninggalkan pola hidup lama yang menggunakan bahan kimia non alami, seperti pupuk, pestisida kimia sintetis dan hormon tumbuh dalam produksi pertanian. Pangan yang sehat dan bergizi tinggi dapat diproduksi dengan metode baru yang dikenal dengan pertanian organik.

Pertanian organik adalah teknik budidaya pertanian yang mengandalkan bahan-bahan alami tanpa menggunakan bahan-bahan kimia sintetis. Tujuan utama pertanian organik adalah menyediakan produk-produk pertanian, terutama bahan pangan yang aman bagi kesehatan produsen dan konsumennya serta tidak merusak lingkungan. Gaya hidup sehat demikian telah melembaga secara internasional yang mensyaratkan jaminan bahwa produk pertanian harus beratribut aman dikonsumsi (food safety attributes), kandungan nutrisi tinggi (nutritional attributes) dan ramah lingkungan (eco-labelling attributes). Preferensi konsumen seperti ini menyebabkan permintaan produk pertanian organik dunia meningkat pesat.

Indonesia memiliki kekayaan sumberdaya hayati tropika yang unik, kelimpahan sinar matahari, air dan tanah, serta budaya masyarakat yang menghormati alam, potensi pertanian organik sangat besar. Pasar produk pertanian organik dunia meningkat 20% per tahun, oleh karena itu pengembangan budidaya pertanian organik perlu diprioritaskan pada tanaman bernilai ekonomis tinggi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar domestik dan ekspor.

Peluang Pertanian Organik di Indonesia

Luas lahan yang tersedia untuk pertanian organik di Indonesia sangat besar. Dari 75,5 juta ha lahan yang dapat digunakan untuk usaha pertanian, baru sekitar 25,7 juta ha yang telah diolah untuk sawah dan perkebunan (BPS, 2000). Pertanian organik menuntut agar lahan yang digunakan tidak atau belum tercemar oleh bahan kimia dan mempunyai aksesibilitas yang baik. Kualitas dan luasan menjadi pertimbangan dalam pemilihan lahan. Lahan yang belum tercemar adalah lahan yang belum diusahakan, tetapi secara umum lahan demikian kurang subur. Lahan yang subur umumnya telah diusahakan secara intensif dengan menggunakan bahan pupuk dan pestisida kimia. Menggunakan lahan seperti ini memerlukan masa konversi cukup lama, yaitu sekitar 2 tahun.

Volume produk pertanian organik mencapai 5-7% dari total produk pertanian yang diperdagangkan di pasar internasional. Sebagian besar disuplay oleh negara-negara maju seperti Australia, Amerika dan Eropa. Di Asia, pasar produk pertanian organik lebih banyak didominasi oleh negara-negara timur jauh seperti Jepang, Taiwan dan Korea.

Potensi pasar produk pertanian organik di dalam negeri sangat kecil, hanya terbatas pada
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Organic farming is an agricultural production systems that avoid or greatly restrict the use of chemical fertilizers (factory), pesticides, herbicides, astringent balance grow and feed additives.Environmentally cultivation is an agricultural cultivation was planned and executed with attention to the nature, conditions and environmental sustainability, thus the natural resources in the environment can be used as best as possible so that the damage and environmental decline can be avoided danmelestarikan effectiveness of natural resources and the environment.Organic farming is a production management system integrated that avoid the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and genetic engineering, pressing air pollution, soil, and water. On the other hand, organic farming improves health and productivity amongst the flora, fauna and human beings. The use of input outside of agriculture which led to degradation of natural resources can not be categorized as organic farming. Sebailknya, farming systems that do not use the input from the outside, but following the rules of organic farming can enter in groups of organic farming, agro-ecosystem although not certified organic.Nature of the creation of Allaah "teaches" the virtues for mankind. Nature is a unity, consists of many parts, like an organism with organ-organnya. All parts run in harmony, serving and sharing. Each organ has a respective roles, complement each other and provide the synergy to produce optimally balance, and sustainable. Each component does not think and act only as ' me ', but to ' us ': the totality of nature. Appropriate Sunnatullah, nature runs harmoniously, "set up" the parts in the balance and keteraturannya.Organic farming (PO) is also subject to the above principles, the law of nature. Everything in nature is useful and has a function, complement each other, serve and live for all. In nature there is biodiversity and ecological balance. Then, the PO ever appreciate biodiversity and ecological balance. Nature millions of years proves the principle, no exploitation in addition to optimizing utilization. The case of PO, not to maximize results, not excess; But enough for all beings and continuous improvement. This is the underlying philosophy of the PO.The Development Of Organic AgricultureAgricultural practices that use the seeds produced by the seed companies, chemicalsartificial plant (agro-chemicals) — good for pest control and fertilization — initially felt can improve results of agricultural production. However, after a few decades, the practice poses a problem particularly against damage to agricultural land and ecosystem health of farmers themselves.A decline in agricultural output which is coupled with the increasing durability of pests and plant diseases, caused by soil fauna are beneficial to plants and microorganisms that are less useful for almost any soil fertility lost due to excessive usage of agro-chemicals inputs. In fact, pests and diseases of plants instead of declining, but instead increasingly impervious to chemicals. So, farmers need higher doses for longer membasminya. This means that farmers are not just spreading the poison to eradicate pests and diseases, but also poisoned himself.The attention of the world community towards the question of agriculture, health and the global environment in the past decade. The concern followed by concrete efforts to produce food without causing the occurrence of damage to resources land, water, and air as well as safe for human health. One effort that began with the development of the PO is greener and produce food that is healthy, free of residues of drugs and chemical substances.Actually, this is already a PO discernment/traditional knowledge that is widespread among farmers in Indonesia. However, organic farming technologies began to be abandoned by farmers when intensification technology that relies on agro-chemicals materials applied in agriculture. Since that time, farmer became a target intake of agro-chemicals and hanging from outside parties. After emerging issue due to the environmental impact of the use of chemicals in agriculture, technology and the environment an intimate PO produces healthy food began to be noticed again. (Chinese Indonesian surname, 2002).What and how the cultivation of PO?PO is agriculture in harmony with nature, live up to and respect the principles that work in nature that have lived all sentient life millions of years. PO is the process of aligning agricultural cultivation on the ecological balance, diversity of varieties, as well as the harmony with the climate and the environment. In practice, cultivating the PO using the most natural ingredients contained in the natural surroundings, and do not use a intake of agro-chemicals (synthetic chemicals for agriculture). Further, because the PO trying to imitate nature ' ', then the use of seeds or intake containing materials results of genetically engineered (GMO/Genetically Modified Organism) are also avoided.Often the PO just technically understood agricultural chemical intake or refused as agricultural cultivation anti-modernity or likened to traditional farming. This understanding is really inappropriate. The PO is not just a technique or a method of farming, but also a way of looking, value systems, attitudes and beliefs alive. PO looked thoroughly natural, components are interdependent and live, where human beings are also a part in it. PO value system basing on the principles of natural law. PO also invite farmers and people generally to arif and creative in managing nature reflected in attitudes and beliefs. PO also did not reject the use of modern technology in the practice it has, as far as the modern technology in accordance with the principle of sustainability, i.e. PO, a tribute to nature, balance ecosystems, diversity, independence and variety of local distinctiveness. Then, either the traditional wisdom and modern technology that is subject to the principles of nature, both have a place in the PO.Movement of the whole business of trying to compile PO growers and other principals, who are in a serious and responsible avoid intake from the outside who poisoned the environment with the aim to gain a healthy environmental conditions. They also attempted to produce a sustainable crop production in a way improve the fertility of the soil and the use of natural resources such as agricultural waste recycling.Cultivating PO, also encourage independence and solidarity among farmers as producers. Independent not dependent on large companies providers of fertilizers and agro-chemicals and materials company seeds. Solidarity for the sake of freedom of sovereign and achieve prosperity, the fulfillment of rights and social justice for farmers.The Prospect In The FutureEntering the 21st century, the world community began to consciously danger posed by the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture. People are increasingly discerning in choosing food that is safe for health and environment-friendly. A healthy lifestyle with the slogan Back to Nature has been the trend recently left a life long pattern using a non natural chemicals, such as fertilizers, chemical pesticides and synthetic hormones to grow in agricultural production. A healthy and nutritious food is high can be produced with the new method, known as organic farming.Organic farming is an agricultural farming techniques that rely on natural ingredients without the use of synthetic chemicals. The main goal of organic agriculture is to provide agricultural products, especially food that is safe for the health of producers and consumers and does not damage the environment. A healthy lifestyle so work has been internationally who require assurance that agricultural products should be safe is consumed (food safety attributes), high content of nutrients (nutritional attributes) and environmentally friendly (eco-labelling attributes). Consumer preferences such as these cause the demand for organic agriculture world is increasing rapidly.Indonesia has a wealth of resources unique to tropical biodiversity, abundance of sunlight, water and soil, as well as the culture of a society that respects the natural, organic agricultural potential is enormous. The world of organic agriculture products market is increasing 20% per year, therefore the development of the cultivation of organic farming need to be prioritized on the plant high economical value to meet the needs of the domestic market and export.Organic farming opportunities in IndonesiaLand area available for organic farming in Indonesia is very large. From 75.5 million ha of land which can be used for the business of agriculture, recently about 25.7 million ha which has been processed to the rice fields and plantations (BPS, 2000). Organic agriculture demand that land is used is not or has not been polluted by chemicals and has a good accessibility. Quality and polygons into consideration in the selection of the land. Land that has not been polluted is the land that has not yet been achieved, but in general such lands are less fertile. The fertile land generally has worked intensively with the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Use the land such as this requires a conversion period long enough, that is about 2 years old.Organic farming products reached a volume of 5-7% of the total agricultural products traded on the international market. Most of the disuplay by developed countries such as Australia, America and Europe. In Asia, markets products of organic farming more dominated by far eastern countries such as Japan, Taiwan and Korea.The market potential of organic agricultural products in the country is very small, only limited
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Organic Agriculture is a system of agricultural production which avoids or severely restrict the use of chemical fertilizers (plant), pesticides, herbicides, plant growth regulators and feed additives. Cultivation of environmentally sound is an agricultural cultivation planned and implemented with due regard to the properties, conditions and sustainability environment, thus the natural resources in the environment can be used as best as possible so that damage to and deterioration of the environment can be avoided danmelestarikan usability of natural resources and the environment. Organic agriculture is a production management system integrated that avoids the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and genetically modified , reducing air pollution, soil, and water. On the other hand, organic farming improve the health and productivity of the flora, fauna and humans. The use of off-farm inputs which cause degradation of natural resources can not be categorized as organic farming. Sebailknya, farming systems which do not use the input from the outside, but it follows the rules of organic farming can be included in the group of organic farming, though the agro-ecosystem is not certified organic. Natural creation of Allah Ta'ala "teach" virtue to mankind. Nature is a unity, composed of many parts, like an organism with its organs. All parts run in harmony, mutual service and sharing. Each organ has a role respectively, are complementary and provide synergy to produce an optimal balance, and sustainable. Each component does not think and act just for the sake of 'I', but to 'us': the whole universe. In accordance the laws, nature walks in harmony, "set" of its parts in balance and stunning regularity. Organic farming (PO) is also subject to the above principles, the laws of nature. Everything in nature is useful and has a function, are complementary, servicing and support for all. In nature there is biodiversity and ecological balance. So, PO also appreciate the biodiversity and ecological balance. Nature millions of years to prove the principle, there is no exploitation in addition to optimizing the utilization. Similarly, PO, not to maximize the results, not excessive; but enough for all creatures and sustainable. This is the basic philosophy of the PO. Development of Organic Agriculture agricultural practices using seeds produced by seed companies, chemicals are manufactured (agrochemicals) -good for soil fertilization and pest-control initially perceived can increase agricultural production. However, after several decades, the practice is causing problems particularly against ecosystem damage agricultural land and the health of the farmers themselves. The decline in agricultural output coupled with increased resistance to pests and plant diseases, due to soil fauna that are beneficial to plants diminishing and useful microorganisms for soil fertility was almost lost due to the excessive use of agrochemical inputs. In fact, pests and plant diseases rather than decreases, but even more resistant to these chemicals. Thus, farmers require a higher dose to get rid of it. This means that farmers not only spread the poison to control pests and diseases, but also poisoned himself. The attention of the world community to the problems of agriculture, health and the global environment in the last decade has increased. Concern was followed by concrete efforts to produce food without causing damage to land resources, water, and air as well as safe for human health. One of the efforts initiated is the development PO environmentally friendly and produce healthy food, free of residues of drugs and chemicals that kill. Actually, PO has become wisdom / traditional knowledge which is entrenched among farmers in Indonesia. However, organic farming technology becoming obsolete by the farmers when the intensification technologies that rely on agrochemicals applied in agriculture. Since then, farmers have become a target intake of agrochemical and depend on outsiders. After emerging issues of environmental impacts due to the use of chemicals in agriculture, PO environmentally friendly technologies and produce healthy food began to be considered again. (Sutanto, 2002), and How Aquaculture PO? PO is farming in harmony with nature, appreciate and respect the principles at work in nature that have revived all living creatures millions of years. PO is an agricultural cultivation process that aligns the ecological balance, diversity varieties, as well as harmony with the climate and environment. In practice, as much as possible the cultivation of PO using natural ingredients found in natural surroundings, and do not use agrochemicals intake (synthetic chemicals for agriculture). Furthermore, because the PO trying to 'mimic' nature, hence the use of seed or feed containing ingredients of genetically modified (GMO / Genetically Modified Organism) is also avoided. Often PO understood only technically farming that rejects intake of chemical or as an aquaculture farm anti-modernization or equated with traditional agriculture. This understanding is actually less precise. PO is not just techniques or methods of farming, but also the perspective, system of values, attitudes and beliefs alive. PO view nature as a whole, its components are interdependent and support, which man also is part of it. PO value system based on the principles of natural law. PO also invite the farmers and people in general to a wise and creative in managing nature is reflected in the attitudes and beliefs. PO also does not reject the use of modern technology in cultivation practice, as far as modern technology is in line with the principle of PO, namely sustainability, respect for nature, the balance of the ecosystem, varieties diversity, independence and local peculiarities. Thus, both traditional wisdom and modern technology that is subject to the principle of nature, both have a place in PO. Movement PO trying to gather all the effort of farmers and other actors, who are seriously and responsibly to avoid the intake of outside poisoning the environment with the aim to obtain environmental conditions healthy. They also tried to generate sustainable crop production by improving soil fertility and use of natural resources such as recycling of agricultural waste. Aquaculture PO, also encourages self-reliance and solidarity among farmers as producers. Independent not dependent on large companies providers of fertilizers and agrochemicals and seed companies. Sovereign and organize solidarity for the sake of achieving prosperity, fulfillment of rights and social justice for farmers. Prospects for Future Entering the 21st century, the world community began to realize the danger posed by the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture. People increasingly discerning in choosing food that is safe for health and environmentally friendly. A healthy lifestyle with the slogan: Back to Nature has become a new trend to leave the old life patterns that use non-natural chemicals, such as fertilizers, synthetic chemical pesticides and growth hormones in agricultural production. Healthy and nutritious food that can be produced with the new method, known as organic farming. Organic farming is agricultural cultivation techniques that rely on natural ingredients without the use of synthetic chemicals. The main goal of organic agriculture is to provide agricultural products, especially food that is safe for the health of producers and consumers and does not damage the environment. Healthy lifestyle so institutionalized internationally, which requires a guarantee that agricultural products should be safe to consume attribute (food safety attributes), high nutrient content (nutritional attributes) and environmentally friendly (eco-labeling attributes). Consumer preferences such as this cause the world demand for organic agricultural products increased rapidly. Indonesia has a wealth of tropical unique biological resources, abundance of sunlight, water and soil, as well as the culture of the people who respect nature, a very large potential for organic farming. Market organic agricultural products the world increased by 20% per year, therefore the cultivation of organic farming need to be prioritized in plants of high economic value to meet the needs of domestic and export markets. Opportunities Organic Agriculture in Indonesia The land area available for organic farming in Indonesia is huge. Of the 75.5 million ha of land that could be used for agriculture, only about 25.7 million ha have been treated to rice fields and plantations (CBS, 2000). Organic farming requires that the land used is not or has not been contaminated by chemicals and has good accessibility. The quality and extent taken into consideration in the selection of land. Unspoiled land is land that is not cultivated, but generally are thus less fertile land. Generally fertile land was cultivated intensively with the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Land use conversion such as these require a long period, which is about 2 years. The volume of organic agricultural products reach 5-7% of the total agricultural products traded on international markets. Mostly supplied by the developed countries such as Australia, America and Europe. In Asia, markets organic agricultural products is dominated by the far eastern countries such as Japan, Taiwan and Korea. The potential market for organic agricultural products in the country is very small, only limited

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