Unity is the slogan or motto of Indonesia contained in the national "eagle". The term is taken from the book Sutasoma, MPU Tantular essay written in Sanskrit. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika shows that Indonesia is a heterogeneous nation is a nation that has diversity, both aspects of religion, culture or race and ethnicity, the diversity that exist in Indonesia is a potential and challenges. Diversity as a potential for that: It has been proven to be real, can be the glue or solder for the Indonesian people, since the early days of independence even from the growing awareness of national and state, namely in 1908 in the fight and to fill and maintain the independence of the nation. We know together that in the history of the Indonesian nation has proved long before the year 1908 Indonesian struggle can always be broken by the colonial government, in which one of the causes for the Indonesian nation struggling still for the interests of the region or regions each so very easy for the implementation of divide et IMPERA by the colonial government. the situation thus gradually awaken leaders Indonesian people so that in 1908 had initiated a national struggle. led by Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo stood a modern organization named "Boedi UTOMO" Mr. / Ms as well as friends who I love: Along with the increasing struggle regain the independence of Indonesia, the awareness of national and state became more obvious, especially with the initiation pledge SWEAR YOUTH on October 28, 1928. At that time the entire youth of many of unity in action, such as Jong Java, Sumatra Bond Jong, Jong Celebes and so on oath pledged themselves in the so-called oath of youth, which is only going to uphold, the homeland; one nation and one Indonesian ". At the same time also for the first time she sang the song "Indonesia Raya" Creation WR Supratman. Overall it shows that the Indonesian people awareness of the importance of national unity is increasing, even though they realize that the real condition of the Indonesian nation is full of diversity. Nevertheless, the spirit of the youth oath became the inspiration for Indonesia to continue and continue to struggle in an effort to regain the independence of the nation. This effort was not in vain because thanks to the efforts and pleased Allah, finally on August 17, 1945 the Indonesian people succeed declared independence. Mr / Ms as well as friends I'm proud of: diversity as a challenge implies that: The challenges are felt particularly when the Indonesian people in need of togetherness and unity in order to face the dynamics of the life of society, nation and state. As well as these moments we are together facing and try to resolve the crisis and end the whole dimension of life and the economic crisis that has lasted long enough. Without the unity and integrity of the entire nation of Indonesia's impossible to get out of the crisis. Indonesia is a country consisting of 33 provinces, so if each province has one or two desires then in Indonesia are at least 33 to 66 wishes to be realized. Well ... of course to realize the desire of each of the area is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. In a sense requires careful planning and time to meet and the process to implement various policy actions. The Indonesian people require conditions such as the establishment of state officials who are able to understand and manage diversity of the nation equally to enable the creation of tolerance, social cohesion, togetherness and equality of nations. Thus , Development policy is needed in Indonesia are among others: Improving social harmony among religions, and tribes through dialogue and cooperation, tolerance and mutual respect; and government intervention in social and cultural life needs to be reduced; After East Timor broke away from the territory of the unitary Republic of Indonesia, followed by similar demands from some communities in Aceh and Irian. It is not something that is impossible to escape the demands of Wilay
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