Anorexia Nervosa
Understanding Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa is a health problem in which an infected obsessed to have a thin body and very afraid of them look fat. I was so scared, their bodies even always deemed to be lacking thin or still fat even if the reality is not like that. Anorexia-nervosa-alodokter age sixteen to seventeen years is an age that is considered prone to this disorder to begin to appear, and the majority of people with anorexia are from among girls and women. To make their bodies remain as thin as possible, people with anorexia will strive to limit the minimum size of the meal and exercise excessively. Some of them will even trying regurgitating food that has been consumed. Symptoms of anorexia nervosa and psychological problems other related Those who suffer from anorexia can be recognized from the following symptoms: weight loss significantly and looks very thin. Always pay attention to the shape of the body in front of the mirror . Considering the body most of the time. Often regurgitating food that has been eaten. Likes to lie if asked whether they have eaten. It takes into account the amount of calories, fat, and sugar in food. Often exercise excessively. Experiencing health problems as a result of anorexia itself , such as fatigue, dehydration, low blood pressure, dizziness, hair loss and dry skin. Like taking drugs laxatives and appetite suppressants. The cause of anorexia nervosa The cause of anorexia nervosa is definitely still unclear. Most specialists believe that the disorder is derived from a combination of a number of factors, such as psychological factors, environmental, and genetic or biological. The diagnosis of anorexia nervosa in the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, the doctor will usually ask about weight and diet patients to determine whether she had an eating disorder , It is important for the patient to answer these questions honestly. Doctors do not intend to judge the patient, but only want to determine the exact condition. Support people with anorexia to want to get help If you have family or friends who suffer from anorexia, do subtle approach and persuade them want to get medical help. Persuade people with anorexia to want treatment is not easy. Usually they will assume that what they have done the right thing and will refuse to admit that they really are in trouble. That's why patience and continuous support plays a very important for healing anorexics. Never criticize or make them feel depressed because it will only worsen the situation. Convey that persuasion and your support is solely because of their health worrisome. Overview of the treatment of anorexia Most cases of anorexia treated with outpatient and a handful of other cases, such as severe cases of anorexia sufferers, handled with care hospital. In addition to sensitize the people with that pattern of life which they live is wrong, this treatment aims to enable them to obtain the ideal weight back safely. The things that include anorexia treatment includes psychotherapy and suggestions related to food and nutrition. So that treatment can be done properly, the physician should adjust to the state of physical, psychological, and social situation of the people with anorexia. Treatment of anorexia can not be done instantly. To recover fully, it could take several years. Complications may occur Anorexia can lead to other health problems are quite serious if not treated successfully in the long term. Some complications of anorexia nervosa are: irregular heartbeat heart failure Menstruation is not smooth Anemia Kidney failure Infertility Osteoporosis Constipation Deaths from malnutrition or suicide
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