mianhae.. un-nnie *sobs* mianhae..

mianhae.. un-nnie *sobs* mianhae..

mianhae.. un-nnie *sobs* mianhae.. " Krystal sobbed
into her unnie's neck and hugged the girl tighter while
Yoona silently cried on her beloved girlfriend's
shoulder. " yah~ both of you, i'm still alive and kicking. Enough
crying, ara? " Yuri pushed the both of them and kissed
their foreheads before she wrapped both arms
around Yoona and Krystal's neck respectively while
the younger ones held her waist securely, supporting
the tanned girl all the way home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seoul. 2.30am. 8th day. Tiffany was rolling around in her bed while maknae
was already in dreamland, HyoYoung and SunYeon
were having a horror movie marathon and Tiffany
couldn't sleep because Sooyoung kept screaming non-
stop. Taeyeon and Sunny were very relaxed,
Taeyeon's head rest on the younger girl's lap while Sunny was rubbing her head gently. Hyoyeon on the
other hand was in horrible state, she held onto the
screaming shikshin tightly and calmed her down time
and again. Tiffany couldn't take it and she went to
their movie theatre while sleeping maknae was
dreaming of gogumas. " Youngie! Why are you watching horror movies when
you keep screaming? " Tiffany sat on the single couch
nearer to the screen while Taeyeon and Sunny were
being lovey-dovey ont he carpet floor. " Because Hyobaby is here and i don't want to sleep
alone. " She pouted and snuggled into her blushing
girlfriend's neck. " Sunny-ah, what time is it in LA now? " She asked and
fiddled with her fingers after everyone's gaze headed
to her. " um... i think around 9.30am? OMO we're supposed to
call the twins!! " Sunny yelled in horror and ran to the
room, while the poor dork's head dropped on the floor
with a loud thud. " baby, i'm gonna get the chargers, " Sooyoung
pecked Hyoyeon's lips and ran off as well. Soon enough, they were in the same position as the
first time they had a video call. " YAH! BWOYA! " Taeyeon and Hyoyeon yelled in fright
after seeing Yuri's scarred and bruised face on the big
screen. It really made her look like a ghost. " Taengoo, stop shouting~ " The 'ghost' whined and
covered her face sadly. " omona.. is that you, Baby Yul? " Sunny asked and
went closer to the screen after seeing the familiar
perfectly-shaped nose. " ah~ princess~ can you talk to them? I really don't
want them to see me like this, " Yuri pouted and
beckoned the eating girl to come and take her place. " mianhae Yul, what the heck happened to you? "
Sooyoung carressed her best friend's face on the
screen and her heart broke. Yuri had never gotten so
badly injured the past few years. " Unnie, can i tell the story? " Another voice sounded
through the speakers. Yuri pecked the girl's cheek and
smiled before walking to the ice princess's room. " BABY JUNG! " All of them yelled in delight and sent
flying kisses to the girl and ignored the llama sitting
next to her. " EH? AMBER! " They yelled after realising there was
another figure sitting next to the junior ice princess. " Annyeong~ So this was what happened... i'll tell you
how bad unnie and Am reacted another day! For now,
we should let Sica-unnie and Fany-unnie have their
talk. " The girls' were jaw-dropped after they heard the
news from the baby. No one should have messed with
the girl Yuri loved because she would get into a lot of
trouble no matter who it was with and there you go, a
ghost with bruises and scratches all over. " um, Fany-unnie? Can you come closer to the screen
please, i want to talk to you. " She smiled and Amber
headed to the kitchen after realising it was a private
talk while the other girls walked to the bar near the
couches. " Fany-unnie, i know for a fact that my sister was
suffering because of you and i do know what you've
done to make her feel like shit. I'm gonna give you
another chance with my unnie and if you hurt her
again, trust me when i say you will never go near her
again. Yuri-unnie has agreed and you have one chance left. Fany-unnie, if you really love unnie, i think
you should know what to do right? " " well..... " Sica's Room. " Sica-umma, your girlfriend is talking to your sister
right now. Can you save Tiff from your icy sister? "
Yuri tugged on the blanket and swiped it off the
sleeping girl. Jessica didn't even hear anything and continued
sleeping with her body curled into a ball due to the
cold air blowing harshly. Yuri sighed and bent down
but grunted after feeling the familiar pain in her
stomach. ' the things i do for you, Sica. ' Living Room. " omo, baby what are you doing to Sica-unnie?
" Yoona's mouth was open with food inside, making
Amber close her mouth due to being grossed out. " she didn't wanna get out of bed and it's already 9.30.
The girls sacrificed their sleeping time for us so i think
umma should be fair to them and to her girlfriend as
well. " Yuri laid the sleeping girl on the sofa and it was
caught by Tiffany, causing the girl to laugh. Jessica never changes her sleeping habits. But that
was the way Tiffany loved her, Jessica was never
fake like some. She was branded as rude, cold and
arrogant as well as Krystal but it was a defense
mechanism from getting themselves hurt. " JUNG SOO YEON!! Get up now or I'll put cucumbers all
over you and inside your pajamas as well. " Krystal
teased and all of them ran away to hide except the
giggling Tiffany. " JUNG SO-- Eh? Annyeong Fany-ah~ " her voice
suddenly toned down and she rubbed her eyes cutely
while facing Tiffany. ' ahhhh kyeopta! Can't i fly over and kiss her now~ "
Tiffany unconciously pouted at her thoughts and it
made Jessica stare at her amusingly. " Thinking of me, Ms Hwang? " Jessica teased and sent
a flying kiss to the girl on the screen, but oh.. how
much she was hoping to have the younger girl with
her right now. Tiffany blushed and nodded meekly, but it wasn't long
before she started to play with her fingers. There had
been a question she was dying to ask. " Jess.... do you still... um.. lo...love me? " Tiffany asked
and looked down after awhile. Jessica was taken aback, it was completely obvious
that she still loved the girl judging by how much she
had annoyed the kids with her whining for the girl. Of
course, Tiffany doesn't know that. " with every little piece of my shattered heart. "
Tiffany's tears dropped and she looked up, smiling
through her tears. Jessica was afraid to get hurt by Tiffany. Tiffany was
changed and ready to get her girlfriend back. " i lo-love yo--you *sobs* too... " Tiffany sobbed into
the camera and it made Jessica coo at the girl. " stop crying babe, it doesn't suit your face. " Jessica
kissed the camera gently and smiled cheekily. Both of them were ready to get back together, it was
just a matter of time.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
mianhae... un-nnie * Isak tangis * mianhae... "Krystal menangiske unnie nya leher dan memeluk gadis ketat sementaraYoona diam-diam menangis pada pacar tercintabahu. "yah ~ baik Anda, aku masih hidup dan menendang. Cukup««««menangis, ara? "Yuri mendorong mereka berdua dan menciumdahi mereka sebelum dia dibungkus kedua lengandi sekitar Yoona dan Krystal's leher masing-masing sementarayang lebih muda diadakan pinggang aman, mendukungGadis Disamak sepanjang perjalanan pulang. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seoul. 2.30 am. 8 hari. Tiffany berguling-guling di sekitar di tempat tidurnya sementara maknaesudah di dreamland, dari Susandi dan SunYeonmemiliki sebuah maraton film horor dan Tiffanytidak bisa tidur karena Sooyoung terus berteriak non-Stop. Taeyeon dan Sunny yang sangat santai,Taeyeon's kepala beristirahat di pangkuan gadis muda sementara Sunny lembut menggosok kepalanya. Hyoyeon padasisi lain adalah dalam keadaan yang mengerikan, ia memegangberteriak-teriak shikshin erat dan tenang waktudan sekali lagi. Tiffany tidak bisa mengambil dan dia pergi keteater film mereka sementara tidur maknaebermimpi dari gogumas. "Youngie! Mengapa Anda menonton film horor ketikaAnda terus menjerit? "Tiffany duduk di sofa singledekat layar sementara Taeyeon dan Sunnyyang mesra di lantai karpet. "Karena Hyobaby di sini dan saya tidak ingin tidursendirian. "Dia cemberut dan meringkuk menjadi nya memerahpacar leher. "Sunny-ah, apa waktu itu di LA sekarang?" Dia bertanya danfiddled dengan jari-jarinya setelah semua orang tatapan menujukepadanya. "UMM... saya pikir di sekitar 9,30 am? Kita seharusnya OMOsebut kembar! "Sunny berteriak dengan ngeri dan berlari keKamar, sementara konyol miskin kepala turun di lantaidengan suara keras keras. "bayi, aku akan mendapatkan chargers," Sooyoungdicungkit Hyoyeon di bibir dan lari serta. Segera cukup, mereka berada di posisi yang sama sebagaipertama kali mereka memiliki panggilan video. "YAH! BWOYA! "Taeyeon dan Hyoyeon berteriak dalam ketakutansetelah melihat Yuri bekas luka dan memar wajah besarlayar. Itu benar-benar membuatnya terlihat seperti hantu. "Taengoo, berhenti berteriak ~" 'Hantu' merengek danmenutupi wajahnya sedih. "omona... adalah bahwa Anda, Yul bayi? "Sunny bertanya danpergi lebih dekat ke layar setelah melihat akrabhidung berbentuk sempurna. "ah ~ putri ~ dapat Anda berbicara kepada mereka? Aku benar-benar tidakingin mereka melihat saya seperti ini, "Yuri cemberut danmemberi isyarat gadis makan untuk datang dan mengambil tempatnya. "mianhae Yul, apa sih yang terjadi kepada Anda?"Sooyoung carressed teman baiknya wajah padalayar dan hatinya pecah. Yuri pernah sudah jaditerluka parah dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. "Unnie, dapat saya memberitahu cerita?" Suara lain yang terdengarmelalui speaker. Yuri dicungkit gadis itu pipi dantersenyum sebelum berjalan ke kamar putri es. "BAYI JUNG!" Semua dari mereka berteriak gembira dan dikirimterbang ciuman gadis dan diabaikan llama duduknext to her. " EH? AMBER! " They yelled after realising there wasanother figure sitting next to the junior ice princess. " Annyeong~ So this was what happened... i'll tell youhow bad unnie and Am reacted another day! For now,we should let Sica-unnie and Fany-unnie have theirtalk. " The girls' were jaw-dropped after they heard thenews from the baby. No one should have messed withthe girl Yuri loved because she would get into a lot oftrouble no matter who it was with and there you go, aghost with bruises and scratches all over. " um, Fany-unnie? Can you come closer to the screenplease, i want to talk to you. " She smiled and Amberheaded to the kitchen after realising it was a privatetalk while the other girls walked to the bar near thecouches. " Fany-unnie, i know for a fact that my sister wassuffering because of you and i do know what you'vedone to make her feel like shit. I'm gonna give youanother chance with my unnie and if you hurt heragain, trust me when i say you will never go near heragain. Yuri-unnie has agreed and you have one chance left. Fany-unnie, if you really love unnie, i thinkyou should know what to do right? " " well..... " Sica's Room. " Sica-umma, your girlfriend is talking to your sisterright now. Can you save Tiff from your icy sister? "Yuri tugged on the blanket and swiped it off thesleeping girl. Jessica didn't even hear anything and continuedsleeping with her body curled into a ball due to thecold air blowing harshly. Yuri sighed and bent downbut grunted after feeling the familiar pain in herstomach. ' the things i do for you, Sica. ' Living Room. " omo, baby what are you doing to Sica-unnie?" Yoona's mouth was open with food inside, makingAmber close her mouth due to being grossed out. " she didn't wanna get out of bed and it's already 9.30.The girls sacrificed their sleeping time for us so i thinkumma should be fair to them and to her girlfriend aswell. " Yuri laid the sleeping girl on the sofa and it wascaught by Tiffany, causing the girl to laugh. Jessica never changes her sleeping habits. But thatwas the way Tiffany loved her, Jessica was neverfake like some. She was branded as rude, cold andarrogant as well as Krystal but it was a defensemechanism from getting themselves hurt. " JUNG SOO YEON!! Get up now or I'll put cucumbers allover you and inside your pajamas as well. " Krystalteased and all of them ran away to hide except thegiggling Tiffany. " JUNG SO-- Eh? Annyeong Fany-ah~ " her voicesuddenly toned down and she rubbed her eyes cutelywhile facing Tiffany. ' ahhhh kyeopta! Can't i fly over and kiss her now~ "Tiffany unconciously pouted at her thoughts and itmade Jessica stare at her amusingly. " Thinking of me, Ms Hwang? " Jessica teased and senta flying kiss to the girl on the screen, but oh.. howmuch she was hoping to have the younger girl withher right now. Tiffany blushed and nodded meekly, but it wasn't longbefore she started to play with her fingers. There hadbeen a question she was dying to ask. " Jess.... do you still... um.. lo...love me? " Tiffany askedand looked down after awhile. Jessica was taken aback, it was completely obviousthat she still loved the girl judging by how much shehad annoyed the kids with her whining for the girl. Ofcourse, Tiffany doesn't know that. " with every little piece of my shattered heart. "Tiffany's tears dropped and she looked up, smilingthrough her tears. Jessica was afraid to get hurt by Tiffany. Tiffany waschanged and ready to get her girlfriend back. " i lo-love yo--you *sobs* too... " Tiffany sobbed intothe camera and it made Jessica coo at the girl. " stop crying babe, it doesn't suit your face. " Jessicakissed the camera gently and smiled cheekily. Both of them were ready to get back together, it wasjust a matter of time.
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