Keselamatan merupakan salah satu prinsip dasar penyelenggaraan transportasi. Persimpangan merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisah dari semua sistem jalan. Persimpangan jalan dapat didefinisikan sebagai daerah umum dimana dua jalan atau lebih bergabung atau bersimpangan, termasuk jalan dan fasilitas tepi jalan untuk pergerakan lalu lintas di dalamnya. (AASHTO, 2001, C. Jotin Khisty, B. Kent Lall, 2005). Salah satu persimpangan. Simpang Tiga Bersinyal Bojong merupakan salah satu dari tujuh simpang di Kabupaten Pekalongan yang menggunakan pengaturan APILL. Pada kaki simpang selatan terdapat kebijakan lurus jalan terus
Pengaturan APILL tiag fase seharusnya bisa meminimalisir konflik yang terjadi pada simpang tiga, namun pada kenyataannya kebijakan lurus jalan terus berpengaruh terhadap konflik lalu lintas, terutama konflik merging. Dari hasil analisis yang dilakukan, kinerja simpang tersebut masih stabil (DJ = 0,34; Tundaan, T = 25,832) meskipun mempunyai indeks tingkat pelayanan jalan D. Hasil analisis konflik dengan menggunakan metode TCT (Trafic Conflict Technique) Swedish menunjukkan bahwa 70 % lebih konflik yang terjadi akibat kebijakan lurus jalan terus pada simpang tersebut merupakan konflik serius. Sehingga kebijakan lurus jalan terus pada Simpang Tiga Bersinyal Pasar Bojong tidak diperlukan agar konflik yang diakibatkan oleh kebijakan lurus jalan terus dapat tiadakan.
Safety is one of the basic principles of organization of transportation. The junction is a part which is not separate from all of the road system. Crossing the road can be defined as a common area where two or more roads join or intersect, including roads and roadside facilities for the movement of traffic on it. (AASHTO, 2001, c. Jotin Khisty, Kent b. Lall, 2005). One of the intersection. 3-way Signal Bojong is one of seven simpang in Pekalongan that uses the APILL setting. At the foot of the southern junction road continues straight policyTiag APILL settings phase should minimize conflicts that occur at the intersection of the three, but in fact the policy straight Street continues to have an effect on traffic conflict, especially conflict merging. From the results of the analysis performed, the performance of the intersection is still stable (DJ = 0.34; Tundaan, T = 25.832) despite having an index level of service the way d. conflict analysis results using TCT method (Traffic Conflict Technique) Swedish shows that 70% more conflicts that occurred due to the road continues on a straight policy intersection is a serious conflict. So the policy straight Street continues on a 3-way Signal the market necessary in order not to conflict Bojong which caused by the policies of straight Street continues to be tiadakan.
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Safety is one of the basic principles of the organization of transport. Junction is an integral part of all the road system. Crossroads can be defined as the general area where two or more roads join or intersect, including roads and roadside facilities for traffic movement in it. (AASHTO, 2001, C. Jotin Khisty, Kent B. Lall, 2005). One intersection. Simpang Tiga signalized Bojong is one of the seven intersections in Pekalongan that uses APILL settings. At the foot of the southern intersection there is a policy straight road continues
setting APILL tiag phase should be able to minimize conflict at the intersection of three, but in reality straight road policies continue to influence the traffic conflicts, especially the conflict merging. From the analysis conducted, the performance is still stable intersection (DJ = 0.34; delay, T = 25.832) despite having an index level of service D. conflict analysis results using the TCT (Traffic Conflict Technique) Swedish show that 70% more conflicts caused by policy straight road continues at the intersection is a serious conflict. So the policy of straight road continues at Simpang Tiga Bojong market signals are not required so that the conflict caused by the policy can be deleted straight road continues.
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