ABSTRACTPleiades M, Leny, 2016. "The development of Media-based learning, Adobe Flash CS3 on Math Lessons in class VIII C MTS Tulungagung Country." Theses, Mathematics Education, and science teacher training faculty of Tarbiyah, IAIN Tulungagung, mentors,: Musrikah, m. Pd.Keywords: Learning Media, Adobe Flash CS3, Cooperative Approach, Build The Cube Space.Government efforts to achieve the goals of national education, among others, through improvements to the school curriculum, increase the number of teaching correspond to fields of study and improve teaching methods or techniques in the process of teaching and learning for the sake of the success and the achievement of an education. Likewise with educational technology and science is growing very rapidly. Among them, namely the media learning using a variety of media (multimedia), one media computer by exploiting a software or software. Adobe Flash CS3 is the right software to make various forms of visuals that can interpret a wide range of media, such as video, animation, graphics and sound that will yield maximal cognitive processes. One of the learning models are able to improve and optimize the activities of teaching and learning because students demanded to take charge of their learning process, actively, think critically, as well as having a huge effort to perform in accordance with the principles of the cooperative learning process.Formulation of the problem of this research were: 1) how the steps of learning to use media-based learning, Adobe Flash CS3 in the subject of mathematics material wake up space cube cubes in class VIII MTS N Tulungagung which are easily understood by the learners? 2) How kevalidan, effectiveness, and practicality of the learning media development product with Adobe Flash CS3 on a math lesson material wake up space cube in class VIII MTS N Tulungagung based media expert, expert materials and learners?This research included in the research of the model of development Dick & Carey has been modified into a 4-D model are summarized in 3 phases i.e. Phase 1) Define (Definition), stage Design (the design), and Develop Stage (development). The subject of research is the professors, teachers, and students of class VIII C MTS Country Tulungagung academic year 2015/2016. Data collection using the guidelines of the interview, the now and the observation sheet.Learning media products that have been developed are already assessed and validated by two expert material study and learning media expert 2. The results of the research and development of expert material I and II obtained valid Products with percentage of validations of 90% of the experts the material and media expert with the validation criteria "very valid, does not need to be revised." Practical products with qualified: first, the product has a viable criterion used without revision stated by expert material and media experts. Second, the percentage of correct answers a student acquired for 87% obtain practical criteria "can be used without revision. The third observation questions students obtained average results percentage of 7% then has krteria "can be used without revision". The product is effective with meet analsisis results obtained 86% of students complete the test on learning or can be said to be more than 80% of students are finished. Second, students with positive response analysis results obtained percentage of 77% of the student's overall response to the criteria effectiveness "positive". Third, the syntax keterlaksanaan pembelajaram namely 79% with Good criteria.The results of such research may be submitted some suggestions, namely: 1) for teachers constantly improve the quality of learning by doing learning using media including renovations using a computer. 2) students should be improving morale and motivation learn as well as have a high curiosity for the sake of learning results. 3) For other researchers to be able to develop other products associated with the learning media especially the computer so that the development of more creative and new products appear.
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