Saran yang diberikan adalah (1) Sebaiknya perusahaan perlu memperhatik terjemahan - Saran yang diberikan adalah (1) Sebaiknya perusahaan perlu memperhatik Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Saran yang diberikan adalah (1) Seb

Saran yang diberikan adalah (1) Sebaiknya perusahaan perlu memperhatikan dan mengevaluasi kembali perencanaan penjualan dan disarankan dengan menggunakan aplikasi (software) seperti Microsoft Excel dan Minitab 17 serta bagian khusus yang menangani peramalan penjualan. Sehingga dengan adanya hal itu, prediksi penurunan secara tajam pada tahun 2016 mendatang, perusahaan diharapkan untuk mengevaluasi penjualan terutama pada musim bulan tertentu. Agar penjualan tidak semakin turun sebaiknya perusahaan perlu memberikan bentuk promosi yang baru (2) Sebaiknya harga pesaing merupakan faktor eksternal yang perlu diperhatikan juga, namun meskipun banyak pesaing yang memiliki bahan aktif yang sama yaitu berupa glifosat terjadi persaingan yang ketat, maka faktor promosi juga harus ditingkatkan kembali guna bersaing dengan produk herbisida dari perusahaan sejenis lainnya. Strategi promosi yang perlu di tingkatkan kembali, misalnya dengan media televisi mencantumkan iklan di stasiun televisi, radio lokal, digencarkan kembali iklan di koran, bonus undian berhadiah sehingga lebih bervariasi untuk meningkatkan kembali penjualan produk Gempur 480 SL ini dan sebaiknya area penjualan produk Gempur 480 SL lebih di perluas lagi terutama di area Jawa Timur, dikarenakan jarang ditemukannya produk Gempur 480 SL di Jawa Timur. Pihak agronomis ASM (Area Sales Manager) sebaiknya juga lebih aktif untuk monitoring ke kios distributor agar produk Gempur 480 SL ini lebih kuat penjualannya di area Jawa Timur.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The advice given was (1) Should the company need to pay attention to and re-evaluate the planning of sales and it is advisable to use an application (software) such as Microsoft Excel and Minitab 17 as well as a special section dealing with sales forecasting. So with that, the predictions of a sharp decline in 2016 to come, the company is expected to evaluate sales especially in the summer months. In order for the sale of not getting down should the company need to give shape to new promotions (2) Should the price competition is external factors to note also, however, though many competitors that have the same active ingredient that is in the form of glyphosate occurred intense competition, thus promoting factors must also be improved again in order to compete with other similar companies of the herbicide. Promotion strategies that need to be on the increase again, for example with the television media includes advertisements on local television, radio, newspaper ads on the back digencarkan, relocation bonuses so that more varied to increase product sales back Liam 480 SL this product sales area and preferably Liam 480 SL more expand again especially in the area of East Java, because rarely finds Liam 480 SL products in East Java. The agronomist ASM (Area Sales Manager) should also be more active for monitoring to the distributor so that the kiosk products this Liam 480 SL stronger sales in East Java.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The advice given is (1) Should the company need to consider and reevaluate sales planning and suggested to use an application (software) such as Microsoft Excel and Minitab 17 and a special section that handles sales forecasting. So with that, predictions of a sharp decline in 2016, the company is expected to evaluate the sale of certain, especially in the summer months. In order sales are not getting down should the company need to provide a new form of promotion (2) Should a competitor prices are the external factors that need to be considered as well, but even though many competitors who have the same active ingredients in the form of glyphosate there is intense competition, the promotion of factors should also be increased again in order to compete with herbicide products from other similar companies. Promotion strategy needs to be improved again, for example with the television media advertising included in television, local radio, newspaper advertisements digencarkan back, the bonus lottery so more varied to increase return Gempur 480 SL product sales and product sales area should Gempur 480 SL expanded over again, especially in the area of ​​East Java, because the rare discovery of products Gempur 480 SL in East Java. Parties agronomic ASM (Area Sales Manager) should also be more active for monitoring kiosk to order product distributor Gempur 480 SL is more robust sales in the area of ​​East Java.
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