THE HISTORY OF THE VILLAGE OF SUDIMAMPIRStarting from the existence of one of the settlers named Sheik Aking Handles come from village Gebang Cirebon. Sheik Handle Aking holds ki Geden was Sultanate of Cirebon, at that time he as ki Geden Gebang village in Cirebon.He considered that the Government of the sultan of Cirebon polluted by the politics of the Netherlands. Then he felt himself less agree or do not fit and feel colonized by the Dutch. Then mudurlah he left the kids and wife went running enter the Woods and make a place penjalin and embed a tree plant Acacia leucophloea and the place was given the name "ACACIA LEUCOPHLOEA".After all this time, Sheikh Aking Handles leave children and wife, the wife felt kangeng and wanted to know of its existence and certainty are still alive or already dead. Eventually concluded that to find its existence. And three people namely his wife named Nyi Vocabulary, his daughter named Nyi Ratna and santrinya named Sheik Rosad. Finally then virtue in a place where Sheik Aking Handles make a place called Acacia Leucophloea. Because they miss their mutually embraced. Then they make a new place called pagebangan because they come from the Gebang and make boarding schools in the region. The arrival of two boarding school named Abdul Muhyi and Preserved (as a student). Some time later, the arrival of the pesantre Sultanate of Cirebon and in order to attend an invitation because there are important things. Because Shaykh Aking Handles are old, then he sent santrinya named Abdul Muhyi for overlooking the sultan of Cirebon.On his way the students in bekali two kinds of supplies, namely: the form and the form one merang gedeng heirloom type of spear. Kiyomori Abdul Muhyi was named by his teacher by the name of Nampa Subaya, because it is considered as an antidote to the dangers, and at one time was married to his daughter named Ratna Compassionate. After Nampa Subaya and Ratna Compassionate husband wife, Lestari feel envy, then Sustainable return to Bagelen come to where parents Abdul Muhyi and tells her parents that her son was not there looking for science but only seeking women and reported that Abdul Muhyi is married with children, his teacher and had also changed their name with the name Nampa Subaya. With the presence of the news, his father got angry and ordered her daughter named Labda the Curia to seek his brother (follows) to meet with instructions from a sustainable that Abdul Muhyi there in boarding school.In its quest, Labda Curia feel weariness and stop a break in the Woods penjalin, while istipahat he turns toward the West and see the people who are making the well and it turns out that person was her brother who was in the search. Then a once-in-a-lifetime encounter between brother and sister. Then her sister was brought to the place of his wife, while his brother break talking to him that he has been married to Ratna Compassionate and he also renamed Nampa Subaya. Then her sister (Labda Curia) said that he did not want to return to the same Bagelen and his brother want to come to the end of life. Hear the words of his sister, eventually Nampa Subaya had a mind to depart with his brother to the well of the base where the initial meeting penjalin brothers. Then there doing location/making/story of the jungle and there also a Nampa Subaya and Labda Curia divides land/results babadnya results. Because of her brother's sincere and her brother was willing to come to the place of his brother, then be name Sudimampir and became the name of a village.
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