Malam ini anak aku tidur agak awal dan kebetulan pekerjaan saya sudah  terjemahan - Malam ini anak aku tidur agak awal dan kebetulan pekerjaan saya sudah  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Malam ini anak aku tidur agak awal

Malam ini anak aku tidur agak awal dan kebetulan pekerjaan saya sudah selesai. Tapi aku belum bisa tidur.....karena saya ingin mengungkapkan apa yang saya rasakan saat ini.
Saya terlalu banyak menerima kebohongan. Sehingga ketika bercerai saya jadi benci dengan semua laki-laki. Dan saya benci jika ada laki-laki yang mencoba mendekati saya. Lalu saya merubah penampilan saya dan rambut saya potong pendek.

Kemudian saya disibukan oleh pekerjaan saya dan menjaga anak saya hingga tidak ada waktu untuk memikirkan diri sendiri.
Tapi di sisi lain saya juga tidak senang jika melihat orang lain yang hidup perkawinannya tidak harmonis. Ya saya bisa tahu karena mereka bercerita pada saya. Biasanya saya berikan beberapa ide kepada mereka hingga keluarga mereka kembali harmonis. Saya sendiri tidak mengerti mengapa mereka mau bercerita pada saya yang orang tua tunggal. ..?. Mungkin ini kehendak Tuhan.

Ketika anak saya mulai sekolah, ada beberapa ibu dari teman-teman anak saya yang sering minta advis saya dalam menghadapi anak-anaknya. Dan mereka merasa bahagia ketika melihat anak-anaknya menjadi baik.
Mereka sering mengatakan bahwa saya wanita yang hebat karena saya bisa melakukan semuanya sendiri. Saya bisa merawat dan mendidik anak dengan baik sekaligus bisa mencari nafkah dengan halal.

Ha ha ha..... mereka tidak pernah tahu bahwa saya sering menangis karena setiap hari terlalu lelah. Apalagi ketika orderan sedang banyak, saya tidak tidur selama 24 jam bahkan lebih. Yeah.... tapi bukan itu yang membuat aku sedih.... Saya sedih jika pada saat saya sibuk, dan saya tidak bisa membantu anak saya yang memiliki tugas-tugas dari sekolah yang belum dia mengerti. Lalu anak saya menangis dan saya merasa bersalah. Dan ini seringkali terjadi.
Mungkin hal ini yang menyebabkan anak saya ingin saya menikah lagi....?. Atau mungkin anak saya bisa merasakan hati saya yang kosong....?. Karena perasaan anak aku masih jernih seperti air, sehingga dapat merasakan yang aku rasakan.

Sejujurnya saya bingung dengan perasaan saya...?. Kita baru satu minggu berhubungan, tapi mengapa saya begitu cepat jatuh cinta sama kamu...?. Kamu begitu cepat melekat di hati saya, di dalam pikiran saya. Padahal kita tinggal berjauhan.
Saya tidak tahu apa jawabannya, mungkin ini rahasia Tuhan.
Bagaimana menurut kamu.....? apakah saya salah jika aku terlalu cepat jatuh cinta sama kamu....?.

Saat ini saya sedang membayangkan....kita sudah menikah...lalu aku menjaga Rose, Jack dan Arizal, lalu mengantar mereka ke sekolah dan menjemput mereka...
Dan kami menunggu kamu pulang ke rumah...lalu kita makan malam bersama..
Hidupku terasa indah dan lengkap. Ada kamu dan anak-anak.
Saya juga membayangkan....ketika anak-anak sedang tidur...kita saling mengungkapkan cinta kita dengan penuh kehangatan. Kita bercumbu sambil mendengarkan musik yang romantis.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Tonight I sleep rather early and happened to be my work is done. But I haven't been able to sleep ... ... ... because I want to express what I was feeling at the moment.I receive too many lies. So when I got divorced so hated by all men. And I hate it if there is a man who tried to approach me. Then I change my appearance and my hair cut short.Then I Administration preoccupied by my job and keep my children until there is no time to think of yourself.But on the other hand I am also not happy if they see other people living together is not harmonious. Yes I can know because they tell me. I usually give some ideas to them until their families back in harmony. I myself do not understand why they want to tell me that single parents. ..?. Maybe this is God's will.When my son started school, there are some mother of my son's friends often ask my advice in dealing with his children. And they are happy when they see their children become good. They often say that I am a great woman because I can do everything myself. I can care for and educate children well and can make a living by lawful.Ha ha ha ... you ... they never knew that I often cry because every day is too tired. Moreover when lot orderan, I didn't sleep for 24 hours even more. Yeah .... but that's not making me sad .... I am sad if at the moment I am busy, and I couldn't help my son who has the duties of school yet he understood. Then my son was crying and I feel guilty. And this often happens.Maybe this is the cause of my children I want to get married again ... ..?. Or maybe I could feel my heart empty of ....?. As a child I was feeling clear as water, so that it can sense that I feel.To be honest I am confused with my feelings...?. We have a one-week deal, but why did I fall in love so fast as you ...?. You so quickly attached in my heart, in my mind. Even though we live far apart.I don't know what the answer is, maybe this is the secret of God.How did you ... ... ...? am I wrong if I was too quick to fall in love as you are ....?.Currently I'm imagine. .. we have been married ... then I keep Rose, Jack and Isaac Luria, and then drove them to school and pick them up. ...And we're waiting for you back home ... then we have dinner together..My life feels beautiful and complete. There's you and the kids.I also imagine. ... when the kids are asleep ... We express our love for each other with great warmth. We were making out while listening to romantic music.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Tonight I sleep a bit early child and incidentally my work is finished. But I could not sleep ..... because I want to express what I am feeling right now.
I'm too much accept lies. So when my divorce so hated by all men. And I hate it when there are men who tried to approach me. Then I change my appearance and my hair cut short. Then I was preoccupied with my work and care for my children until there is no time to think about yourself. But on the other hand I am also not happy if they see other people who are not harmonious marriage life. Yes I know because they told me. Usually I give some ideas to them to their families back in harmony. I myself do not understand why they want to tell me that a single parent. ..?. Maybe this is the will of God. When my son started school, there are some mother of my son's friends who often ask my advice in dealing with their children. And they feel happy when seeing his children to be good. They often say that I am a great woman because I could do it all yourself. I can care for and educate children with both at once can make a living with kosher. Ha ha ha ..... they never knew that I often cried because every day is too tired. Especially when orders are many, I did not sleep for 24 hours or more. Yeah .... but that's not what makes me sad .... I am sad when I'm busy at the moment, and I could not help my child who has the duties of the school he had not yet understood. Then my son was crying and I felt guilty. And this often happens. Maybe this is the cause of my son wanted me to get married again ....?. Or maybe my son can feel my heart is empty ....?. Because I was a child's feelings clear as water, so as to feel the way I feel. To be honest I am confused with my feelings ...?. We're just one week in touch, but why am I so quickly fell in love with you ...?. You so quickly attached in my heart, in my mind. Though we live far apart. I do not know what the answer is, this might be the secret of God. What do you think .....? am I wrong if I was too quick to fall in love with you ....?. Currently I'm imagining .... we're married ... and I keep Rose, Jack and the Arizal, then drive them to school and pick them up. .. And we wait you are home ... and then we had dinner together .. My life was beautiful and complete. There you and the children. I also imagine .... when children are sleeping ... we express our love for each other warmly. We're making out while listening to romantic music.

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