The performance of teachers is a crucial factor in learning that will have implications on the quality of educational output. Factors headmaster leadership also contributed to the creation of teacher performance are maximized. Leadership is a process of influencing others to take the steps or action toward a common goal. Because the leadership is affecting the activities of other people to want to work to achieve a predetermined goal. Managerial capacity headmaster who qualified to participate in the building of teacher performance as steps an organization madrasas controlled by a school principal.
The formulation of the subject matter of this research are: 1) Is Principals leadership can improve the performance of teachers? 2) Is the managerial ability Principals can improve the performance of teachers? 3) How does the discipline of teachers working on improving teacher performance? 4) How is the performance of teachers Islamic Junior high school South Lampung Regency? This is a qualitative study with a descriptive approach. Data collected through in-depth interviews, non-participatory observation, and review of documents. The collected data were analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques.
The results showed; 1) leadership Principals run with its role as a leader, motivator, supervisors, educators and administrators can improve the performance of teachers in Islamic Junior high school throughout South Lampung. 2) Process management is performed by the headmaster Islamic Junior high school throughout South Lampung regency in improving the performance of the teacher will not run properly without qualified managerial competence which is owned by the headmaster as manager at the school, as well as the support and solid cooperation between the head madrasah, teachers and other academic community. 3) aspects of teachers' work discipline is known that there are many teachers who do not work well menerpakan discipline. Where, there are teachers who are often not present, there are teachers who are lazy to complement the learning device. 4) the performance of teachers in junior secondary madrasah throughout South Lampung regency in general teachers already have a pretty good performance. Although still need a lot of coaching in the future. Headmaster has been functioning with maximum leadership through the implementation of strict work discipline teachers and supported by good managerial ability so as to improve the performance of teachers in Islamic Junior high school throughout South Lampung.
خلاصةأداء المدرسين هو عامل حاسم في التعلم التي سيكون لها آثار على نوعية المخرجات التعليمية. يتم تكبير ناظر القيادة عوامل ساهمت أيضا في خلق أداء المعلم. القيادة عملية التأثير على الآخرين اتخاذ خطوات أو إجراءات نحو هدف مشترك. لأن القيادة هي التي تؤثر على أنشطة الآخرين ترغب في العمل لتحقيق هدف محدد سلفا. ناظر قدرة المعالج المؤهلين المشاركة في بناء أداء المعلم كخطوات المدارس الدينية منظمة التي تسيطر عليها مدير مدرسة.صياغة موضوع هذا البحث: 1) "أساسيات" القيادة يمكن تحسين أداء المدرسين؟ 2) هو إدارة الإنتاج مديري المدارس يمكن تحسين قدرة الأداء للمعلمين؟ 3) كيف لا انضباط المعلمين وتعمل على تحسين أداء المعلم؟ 4) كيف هو أداء مدرسي المدارس "الإعدادية الإسلامية" ريجنسي لامبونغ جنوب؟ هذا دراسة وصفية مع نهج نوعي. تم جمع البيانات عن طريق المقابلات المتعمقة، والمراقبة غير القائمة على المشاركة، واستعراض الوثائق. تم تحليل البيانات التي تم جمعها باستخدام تقنيات تحليل البيانات النوعية.The results showed; 1) leadership Principals run with its role as a leader, motivator, supervisors, educators and administrators can improve the performance of teachers in Islamic Junior high school throughout South Lampung. 2) Process management is performed by the headmaster Islamic Junior high school throughout South Lampung regency in improving the performance of the teacher will not run properly without qualified managerial competence which is owned by the headmaster as manager at the school, as well as the support and solid cooperation between the head madrasah, teachers and other academic community. 3) aspects of teachers' work discipline is known that there are many teachers who do not work well menerpakan discipline. Where, there are teachers who are often not present, there are teachers who are lazy to complement the learning device. 4) the performance of teachers in junior secondary madrasah throughout South Lampung regency in general teachers already have a pretty good performance. Although still need a lot of coaching in the future. Headmaster has been functioning with maximum leadership through the implementation of strict work discipline teachers and supported by good managerial ability so as to improve the performance of teachers in Islamic Junior high school throughout South Lampung.
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