 Pro dan Kontra Konsep Full Day School di IndonesiaMuhadjir Effendy s terjemahan -  Pro dan Kontra Konsep Full Day School di IndonesiaMuhadjir Effendy s Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

 Pro dan Kontra Konsep Full Day Sc

 Pro dan Kontra Konsep Full Day School di Indonesia
Muhadjir Effendy selaku Mendikbud baru menggagas sistem belajar full day school untuk tingkat SD dan SMP. Ide ini diterapkan dengan tujuan agar siswa mendapat pendidikan karakter dan pengetahuan umum di sekolah. Sesuai dengan pesan dari Presiden Jokowi bahwa kondisi ideal pendidikan di Indonesia adalah ketika dua aspek pendidikan bagi siswa terpenuhi. Untuk jenjang SD, 80 persen pendidikan karakter dan 20 persen untuk pengetahuan umum. Sedangkan SMP, bobot pendidikan karakter adalah 60 persen dan 40 persen untuk pengetahuan umum. So far, gagasan ini direspon baik oleh Jokowi maupun Jusuf Kalla.

Semakin berkembangnya dunia, pendidikan saat ini mulai beramai-ramai meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya siswa dengan berbagai cara. Hal ini berangkat dari banyaknya “tuntutan” untuk menjadi manusia yang kaya ilmu serta diseimbangkan dengan skill yang mumpuni. Salah satu strateginya adalah full day school.
Namun, konsep full day school ini juga mengundang pro dan kontra dari berbagai pihak. Kalau menurutmu sendiri bagaimana, smart buddies? Eits, sebelum bereaksi apa-apa, baca dulu yuk seluk-beluk ide ini muncul.

 Tujuan Dari Konsep Full Day School
#1. Menurut mantan rektor Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) ini, maksud dari full day school adalah pemberian jam tambahan. Namun, pada jam tambahan ini siswa tidak akan dihadapkan dengan mata pelajaran yang membosankan. Kegiatan yang dilakukan seusai jam belajar-mengajar di kelas selesai adalah ekstrakurikuler (ekskul). Dari kegiatan ekskul ini, diharapkan dapat melatih 18 karakter, beberapa di antaranya jujur, toleransi, displin, hingga cinta tanah air.

“Usai belajar setengah hari, hendaknya para peserta didik (siswa) tidak langsung pulang ke rumah, tetapi dapat mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler yang menyenangkan dan membentuk karakter, kepribadian, serta mengembangkan potensi mereka,” kata Muhadjir. Dengan demikian, kemungkinan siswa ikut arus pergaulan negatif akan sangat kecil karena berada di bawah pengawasan sekolah. Misalnya, penyalahgunaan narkoba, tawuran, pergaulan bebas, dan sebagainya.
#2. Pertimbangan lainnya adalah faktor hubungan antara orangtua dan anak. Biasanya siswa sudah bisa pulang pukul 1. Tidak dipungkiri, di daerah perkotaan, umumnya para orangtua bekerja hingga pukul 5 sore. “Antara jam 1 sampai jam 5 kita nggak tahu siapa yang bertanggung jawab pada anak, karena sekolah juga sudah melepas, sementara keluarga belum ada,” pungkas beliau menambahkan.

Kalau siswa tetap berada di sekolah, mereka bisa sambil menyelesaikan tugas sekolah sampai orangtuanya menjemput sepulang kerja. Setelahnya, siswa bisa pulang bersama orangtua, dan selanjutnya aman di bawah pengawasan orangtua.
#3. Program ini dianggap dapat membantu guru untuk mendapatkan durasi jam mengajar sebanyak 24 jam/minggu. Ini merupakan salah satu syarat untuk lolos proses sertifikasi guru. “Guru yang mencari tambahan jam belajar di sekolah nanti akan mendapatkan tambahan jam itu dari program ini,” tambahnya.
Kalau pada akhirnya diterapkan, dalam sepekan sekolah akan libur dua hari, yakni Sabtu dan Minggu. Sehingga, ini akan memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa bisa berkumpul lebih lama dengan keluarga. “Peran orangtua juga tetap penting. Di hari Sabtu dapat menjadi waktu keluarga. Dengan begitu, komunikasi antara orangtua dan anak tetap terjaga dan ikatan emosional juga tetap terjaga,” ujar Muhadjir.
Agar program ini dapat berjalan lancar harus didukung dengan suasa lingkungan sekolah yang menyenangkan. Jadi, penerapannya adalah belajar formal sampai setengah hari, selebihnya diisi kegiatan ekstrakurikuler.
Namun, rencana ini juga menuai berbagai respon, baik pro maupun kontra. Sebagian pihak yang kurang setuju berargumen bahwa tingkat konsentrasi setiap anak berbeda-beda. Bisa dikatakan, jenjang SD masih tergolong anak-anak yang mudah bosan. Selain itu, jika dilihat dari segi fisik juga kurang baik untuk kesehatan. Siswa masih butuh istirahat yang cukup di rumah agar konsentrasi juga lebih maksimal.

Lalu, dari segi sosial dan geografis, daerah pelosok nampaknya belum cocok menjalankan full day school.Kebanyakan orangtua siswa bermata pencaharian sebagai petani, nelayan, buruh, dan sebagainya. Nah, orangtua pun membutuhkan anaknya untuk membantu mereka menyelesaikan pekerjaan sepulang sekolah. Misalnya bercocok tanam, menjahit, dan sebagainya. Membantu ini juga merupakan bagian dari pembentukan karakter dan meningkatkan kemampuan anak di rumah. Berbeda dengan orangtua di perkotaan yang sebagian besar adalah pekerja kantoran. Kemungkinan jarang bertemu dan berinteraksi dengan anak secara langsung akibat kesibukan sangat besar.
Salah satu contohnya adalah Purwakarta. Bupati setempat memiliki peraturan pendidikan berkarakter yang telah diintegrasikan dengan peraturan Desa Berbudaya. Oleh karena itu, pelajaran siswa di sekolah harus diaplikasikan oleh siswa di lingkungan tempat tinggal masing-masing. Jika ada orangtua yang tidak
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
 the pros and cons of the concept of Full Day School in IndonesiaThe new Minister as Effendy Muhadjir initiated learning system full day school for ELEMENTARY and junior high school levels. This idea is applied with the goal of keeping the students got the character education and general knowledge in school. In accordance with the message from the President Jokowi that the ideal conditions of education in Indonesia is when two aspects of education for students are met. To rank elementary, 80 percent of character education and 20 percent for general knowledge. While the JUNIOR HIGH, weighs character education is 60 percent and 40 percent for general knowledge. So far, this idea is responded by either Jokowi or Jusuf Kalla.Growing world, education is currently a rollicking start improving the quality of student resources in various ways. It departed from the large number of "demands" to be a rich man of science as well as balanced with qualified skills. One of his strategy is a full day school.However, the concept of full day school is also inviting the pros and cons of the various parties. If you think for yourself how smart, buddies? EITs, before reacting to nothing, read first this idea the intricacies of yuk appears. the purpose of the concept of Full Day School# 1. According to the former Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Malang (UMM), the intent of this full day school was awarding additional hours. However, these additional hours, students will not be faced with a boring subjects. Activities performed after hours of teaching-learning in the classroom is finished playing (ekskul). From this, it is hoped ekskul can train 18 characters, some of whom are honest, disciplined, to tolerance, love of the fatherland. "After the half-day learning, should learners (students) do not directly return home, but can follow the extracurricular activities that are fun and shape the character, personality, as well as develop their potential," said Muhadjir. Thus, the possibility of students join the current negative relationship will be very small because it was under the supervision of the school. For example, drug abuse, Brawl, free association, and so on.# 2. Another consideration is the relationship between parent and child. Usually students can get home at 1. Not denying, in urban areas, generally the parents work until 5 pm. "Between the hours of 1 to 5 we dont know who is responsible for the children, because school has pulled off, while the family is not there yet," he added pungkas. If the student remains in school, they could be while completing the tasks of the school until her parents pick up after work. Afterwards, students can go home together with parents, and further secured under parental supervision.# 3. This program is considered can help teachers to get the duration of hours teaching as much as 24 hours/week. This is one of the conditions to qualify for teacher certification process. "Teachers who are looking for extra hours of learning at the school later will get an extra hour of this program," he added.If ultimately applied, in the week-long school holiday will be two days, i.e. Saturday and Sunday. So, this would provide the opportunity for students could gather more time with the family. "The role of parents also remain important. On Saturday can be a family time. So, communication between parents and children are still awake and emotional ties also stay awake, "said Muhadjir.So that the program can run smoothly should be supported with quite a pleasant school environment. So, its application is the formal learning until the rest of the day, half filled extracurricular activities.However, this plan has also reaps a wide response, either pro or con. Some of the less agree argue that concentration level every child is different. It could be said, still belongs to the ELEMENTARY SCHOOL level, children who are easily bored. In addition, if seen from the physical standpoint are also less good for health. Students still need enough rest at home so that the concentration is also more maximum.Then, in terms of geographic and social areas, corners appears to not yet fit running full day school. Most parents make ends meet-eyed students as farmers, fishermen, laborers, etc. Well, any parent takes his children to help them complete the job after school. For example farming, sewing, and so on. Help is also part of the formation of character and enhance the ability of the children in the home. In contrast to parents in urban areas most of which are Office workers. The possibility of a rare meet and interact with the child directly due to busyness.One example is the Purwakarta. The local Regent has a characteristic education regulations has been integrated with the regulations of the village. Therefore, students at the school have to be applied by the students in the environment of the place of residence of each. If there are parents who are not
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
 Pros and Cons Concept Full Day School in Indonesia
Muhadjir Effendy as the new Minister of Education initiated a full day school learning system for elementary and junior high levels. This idea was implemented with the aim that students receive character education and general knowledge in school. In accordance with the message of the President Jokowi that the ideal condition of education in Indonesia is when two aspects of education for students are met. For elementary schools, 80 percent and 20 percent character education for general knowledge. While the SMP, the weight of character education is 60 per cent and 40 per cent for general knowledge. So far, this idea was responded well by Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla.

The growing world, education has started abuzz improving resource quality students with a variety of ways. It departed from the many "demands" to be rich human knowledge and balanced with qualified skills. One strategy is the full day school.
However, the concept of full day school is also inviting the pros and cons of the various parties. If you think for yourself how, smart buddies? Eits, prior to react to anything, read yuk intricacies of this idea came.

 Interest From Concept Full Day School
# 1. According to the former rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), the purpose of full day school is granting an additional hour. However, extra hours these students will not be faced with a boring subject. Activities performed after hours of teaching and learning in the classroom is completed is extracurricular (extracurricular). From extracurricular activities, is expected to train 18 characters, some of which to be honest, tolerance, discipline, to love the homeland.

"After learning a half-day, should the learners (students) did not go straight home, but can follow extracurricular activities fun and shape the character, personality, and to develop their potential, "said Muhadjir. Thus, the possibility of a negative association with the tide of students will be very small because it is under the supervision of the school. For example, drug abuse, brawls, promiscuity, and so on.
# 2. Another consideration is a factor of the relationship between parents and children. Usually students can go home at 1. No doubt, in urban areas, generally the parents work until 5 pm. "Between 1 am and 5 we do not know who is responsible for the child, because the school was also taken off, while the family is not there," said he added.

If the student remains in school, they could while completing school assignments until parents pick up after work. Afterwards, the students can go home with my parents, and then secure under parental supervision.
# 3. This program would be helpful for teachers to obtain teaching hours total duration of 24 hours / week. This is one of the requirements to qualify for teacher certification process. "Teachers who are looking for extra hours of learning in school later will get an extra hour of this program," he added.
If ultimately adopted, within a week the school will be closed two days, ie Saturday and Sunday. So, this will provide an opportunity for students to gather longer with the family. "The role of parents also remain important. Saturday can be a family time. By doing so, communication between parents and children is maintained and an emotional bond is also maintained, "said Muhadjir.
In order for this program to run smoothly should be supported by suasa pleasant school environment. Thus, the application is a formal learning until half a day, the rest is filled extracurricular activities.
However, the plan also received various responses, either pro or con. Most of those who disagree argue that the concentration levels of each child is different. That said, the SD is still classified as children who are easily bored. In addition, when viewed from the physical aspect is also not good for health. Students still need sufficient rest at the house so that the concentration of too much leverage.

Then, socially and geographically remote areas seems not fit to run a full day school.Kebanyakan parents are farmers, fishermen, workers, and so on. Well, parents also need their children to help them complete the work after school. Eg farming, sewing, and so forth. This help is also part of the formation of character and enhance the ability of children at home. Unlike the parents in urban areas, mostly office workers. Possible rarely meet and interact with the children directly as a result of a very large bustle.
One example is Purwakarta. The local district head has a character education legislation that has been integrated with Cultured Village regulations. Therefore, students in the school lessons should be applied by the students in the neighborhood of each. If there are parents who do not
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