Expresing a planA plan after graduating from SMAN 1 PlumbonSelamat pag terjemahan - Expresing a planA plan after graduating from SMAN 1 PlumbonSelamat pag Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Expresing a planA plan after gradua

Expresing a plan
A plan after graduating from SMAN 1 Plumbon

Selamat pagi semua, bagaimana kabarmu? Aku harap baik-baik saja.
Pertama-tama saya ingin mengucapkan salam terlebih dahulu.
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah swt yang telah memberikan karunia dan hidayahnya sehingga kita bisa berkumpul dengan keadaan sehat. Yang pertama saya bersyukur dan terima kasih kepada orang tua saya yang telah membesarkan, merawat, menjaga, melindungi dan mendidik anaknya sampai dewasa ini. Terimakasih juga kepada ibu dan babak guru yang telah bembimbing dan mendidik dengan baik dan sabar. Serta teman-teman ku yang saya cintai. Yang terhormat kepada ibu Suharni S.Pd. selaku guru pembimbing bahasa inggris. Terimakasih atas bimbingan anda kepada kami sebagai guru bahasa inggris yang baik.
Sebelumnya saya ingin memperkenalkan diri nama saya noni, nama panggilan saya nonon atau noni, sekolah saya di SMA negeri 1 Plumbon, kelas XII IPA 3, alamat saya jalan simangu no 11 desa kasugengan lor kabupaten cirebon. Tempat tanggal lahir Cirebon 03 November 1996, hobby saya menyanyi, cita-cita saya ingin menjadi management perusahaan dan saya juga ingin menjadi pengusaha besar atau wanita karir. Itulah sekilas perkenalan saya. Saya anak ke tiga dari tiga bersaudara, saya memiliki dua kakak laki-laki dan mereka sangat tampan.
Saya berdiri disini ingin menceritakan rencana setelah lulus dari SMA Negeri 1 Plumbon dan target yang akan dituju kedepan. Setelah saya lulus dari SMA nanti saya berencana untuk meneruskan sekolah saya kejenjang yang lebih tinggi yaitu masuk di PTN favorit. Berhubung cita-cita saya ingin menjadi Managent dan wanita karir, maka rencana jurusan yang saya ambil adalah kemanagemenan dan agribisnis. Banyak PTN yang menyediakan fakultas yang saya harapkan. Rencana saya kedepan saya ingin berkulias di UNPAD atau UNSOED dengan jurusan managemen dan agribisnis.
Orang tua saya bukanlah orang mampu melainkan keluarga sederhana. Ayah sangat mendukung apabila saya meneruskan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi. Tetapi di sisi lain ibu saya kurang sependapat dengan apa yang saya rencanakan. Ibu mengharapkan saya untuk bekerja terlebih dahulu, atau bila mampu bekerja bersama dengan kuliah. Namun itu sangat berat resikonya apabila bekerja bersama dengan kuliah. Mungkin saya akan mengikuti kata-kata ibu, saya akan bekerja terlebih dahulu dan apabila cukup uang saya akan berkuliah.
Semua orang pasti memiliki target untuk kedepan, semua orang pun memiliki tujuan hidup masing-masing. Mungkin setelah lulus SMA nanti ada yang ingin bekerja, melanjutkan sekolah ataupun ada juga yang memilih untuk menikah. Kita tidak tau kedepan kita akan seperti apa dan menjadi apa. Tetapi saya pribadi memiliki tujuan dan rencana untuk kedepan yaitu melanjutkan sekolah stelah lulus dari SMA. Terwujud atau tidaknya itu masalah terakhir, tetapi saya sudah berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk cita-cita saya kedepan. Dan tujuan utama saya yaitu harus membahagiakan kedua orang tua saya. Saya adalah anak ke tiga dari tiga bersaudara dan saya anak perempuan satu-satunya. Maka saya harus berusaha untuk jadi yang terbaik dan bisa membahagiakan orang tua saya.
Itulah rencana saya setelah lulus dari SMA.
Terimakasih atas perhatiannya. Mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan kata. Sampai jumpa...
Wassalamu’alaikum wr. Wb.


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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Expresing a planA plan after graduating from SMAN 1 PlumbonGood morning all, how are you? I hope fine.First of all I would like to say greetings in advance.Assalamu'alaikum wr. wbPraise and gratitude is the presence of the Almighty God who has given the gift and hidayahnya so that we can get together with a healthy state. The first one I am grateful and thanks to my parents who have been raising, caring for, maintain, protect and educate her child to adulthood. Thanks also to the mothers and teachers who have been round bembimbing and educate well and wait. My friends and I love. Dear mother Suharni s. Pd. English teacher as supervisor. Thank you for your guidance to us as a good English teacher.I would like to introduce myself my name is noni, a nickname I nonon or noni, my school in SMA negeri 1 Plumbon, class XII PHYSICS 3, my address simangu Street no. 11 village kasugengan lor cirebon district. Place of birth date of Cirebon 03 November 1996, a hobby I sing, the goals I would like to be a management company and I also want to be a great entrepreneur or woman's career. That's my introduction at a glance. The third child of my three brothers, I have two older brothers and they were very good looking.I stand here like to recount plans after graduating from SMA Negeri 1 Plumbon and target that will jump to the fore. After I graduated from high school later I plan to continue my school kejenjang legitimate higher that is entered in the PTN favorites. In relation to the goals I want to be a career woman and Managent, then plan the course that I took was kemanagemenan and agribusiness. Many STATE that provides faculty I expected. My plan in the future I would like to berkulias in UNPAD or the UNSOED management and agribusiness.My parents are not capable but simple family. The father is very supportive when I pass on higher education. But on the other hand my mother less agreed with what I have planned. The mother expects me to work in advance, or when able to work along with the College. But it's very heavy risks when working in conjunction with the lecture. Maybe I will follow your mother's words, I will work first and if enough money I will be enrolled.Everyone certainly has a target to the fore, everyone else has a purpose in life. Maybe after graduating high school later anyone wants to work, school or some are choosing to get married. We do not know what kind of future we will and become what. But I personally have a purpose and plan for the future that is resumed after graduating from high school. Materialize or whether it's a problem, but I've been trying everything possible for my goals ahead. And my main goal i.e. should appease both my parents. I was the third child of three brothers and my only daughter. Then I have to strive to be the best and be happy my parents.That's my plan after graduating from high school.Thank you for your attention. We are sorry if there are mistakes. See you ...Wassalamu'alaikum wr. WB... Succes ...
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Expresing a plan
A plan after graduating from SMAN 1 Plumbon Good morning all, how are you? I hope fine. First of all I would like to say hello first. Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb Praise and thanks to the presence of Allah who has given the gift and hidayahnya so that we can come together with good health. The first one I am grateful and thank my parents who had raised, cared for, maintain, protect, and educate their children until today. Thanks also to the mother and half the teachers who have bembimbing and educate well and patiently. As well as my friends who I love. Dear mother Suharni S.Pd. English as a guidance counselor. Thank you for your guidance to us as an English teacher is good. Before that, I would like to introduce myself my name noni, my nickname Nonon or noni, my school in SMA country 1 Plumbon, class XII IPA 3, my address street simangu No. 11 villages kasugengan lor cirebon district. Cirebon place of birth date of November 3, 1996, my hobby is singing, the ideals I want to be management companies and I also want to be a big businessman or woman's career. That glimpse of my introduction. My third child of three children, I have two older brothers and they are very handsome. I stand here wants to tell the plan after graduating from SMA Negeri 1 Plumbon and targets will be addressed in the future. After I graduated from high school later I plan to continue my school kejenjang higher is entered in the PTN favorites. Since the ideals I want to be Managent and career woman, the department plans that I take is kemanagemenan and agribusiness. Many state universities that provide faculty I expected. I plan in the future I want berkulias UNPAD or UNSOED majoring in management and agribusiness. My parents are not capable but modest family. My father was very supportive when I pass on to higher education. But on the other hand my mother less agree with what I had planned. Mother expects me to work beforehand, or if it is able to work together with the college. However it was very severe risk when working together with the college. Maybe I will follow the mother's words, I will work in advance and if enough money I would be studying. Everyone must have a target for the future, everyone else has their own life goals. Maybe after graduating from high school there will be who want to work, attend school, or some are choosing to get married. We do not know the future we would like anything and be anything. But I personally have a purpose and plan for the future is to continue school account after graduating from high school. Materialized or not the last problem, but I've tried as much as possible for my ideals forward. And my main goal is to be happy my parents. I was the third child of three brothers and my daughters only. So I have to strive to be the best and be happy of my parents. That's my plan after graduating from high school. Thank you for your attention. We are sorry if there are mistakes the word. Bye ... Wassalamu'alaikum wr. Wb. ..Succes ..

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