Saat itu kami masih kecil, saya berumur 11 tahun, kakak saya berumur 1 terjemahan - Saat itu kami masih kecil, saya berumur 11 tahun, kakak saya berumur 1 Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Saat itu kami masih kecil, saya ber

Saat itu kami masih kecil, saya berumur 11 tahun, kakak saya berumur 14 tahun, dan adik saya berumur 3 tahun. tepat pagi itu jam 08.00 wib, gempa yang berskala besar mengguncang banda aceh dan sekitarnya. rumah kami tepat di krung raya Juga merasakan betapa dahsyatnya gempa tersebut. Kami saat itu langsung keluar dari rumah dan duduk menjauhi rumah. Pada hari itu tepat seminggu setelah keberangkatan orang tua kami ke tanah suci mekkah, untuk melakukan ibadah haji. Dan kami tinggal bersama sanak saudara dan nenek kami. Setelah kurang lebih 6 menit gempa, kami pun masuk kedalam rumah membenahi barang-barang yang jatuh. Tetapi abang saya pergi untuk melihat mesjid yang saat itu mengalami rusak parah. Sekitar satu menit setengah abang saya pun kembali dan melihat dari arah syiah kuala ada gulungan besar seperti debu yang berjalan cepat berwarna hitam kecoklatan. Dan abang saya bertanya kepada nenek saya apa itu, nenek saya pun terkejut dan mengucap " astagfirullah" dan nenek saya bilang bahwa itu air laut yang meluap, dengan cepat abang saya menyuruh kami masuk ke dalam mobil dan membawa barang seperlunya saja. Tanpa berfikir panjang abang saya langsung mengeluarkan mobil dan tapi bingung untuk kemana. Saat itu abang saya langsung tahu untuk ketempat yang lebih tinggi, yaitu blangbintang. saat kami keluar dari arah kruengraya ke blangbintang tumpahan air laut sudah sekitar 1 meter dibelakang mobil kami. Kami semua pun menangis dan mengucap. Abang saya pun terus membawa mobil dengan sangat kencang agar sampai ke blangbintang dengan selamat. Di perjalan ke blangbintang, bibi saya dengan spontan membuka kaca jendela dan berteriak Seperti "lari, lari... air laut naik" kepada masyarakat yang masih tidak tahu apa-apa. tapi masyarakat hanya mengira bibi saya orang gila. Dan akhirnya sampailah di blangbintang. Karena keadaan masih pagi, jadi tidak ada satu orang pun di daerah blangbintang, hanya ada satu kedai kecil yang terbuka, kami pun singgah disitu. Saat duduk dikedai tersebut seorang bapak terkejut melihat keadaan kami yang berantakan dan menangis, dan langsung bertanya kepada abang saya "kenapa mereka? Apa yang kamu lakukan?" Abang saya pun menjelaskan apa yang terjadi, dan bapak tersebut pun langsung terkejut dan mengucap ya Allah sungguh besar kehebatan mu telah menyelamatkan mereka disaat orang tua mereka sedang menunaikan ibadahmu, bapak itu pun menangis, dan langsung menyuguhkan minuman teh hangat dan beberapa cemilan untuk kami. Hari pun beranjak siang, keadaan blangbintang pun sudah ramai dengan pengungsi yang menyelamatkan diri, gempa susulan pun terus ada dan ada Tanpa henti. Kami pun permisi pamit pergi dari kedai bapak tersebut,dan pergi ke masjid di blangbintang, disana kami beristirahat. Saat beristirahat kami pun berencana untuk balik ke kota, dan melihat keadaan dan untuk mencari saudara kami yang hilang. Dan akhirnya kami pun memutuskan pergi kekota. Sampai dikota, kami pun terkejut, semua keadaan dikota berandakan dan banyak mayat dimana-mana. sampai akhirnya kami tiba di simpang 5, kami memarkirkan mobil tepat di depan KFC, dan saya bersama abang saya turun untuk mencari saudara saya yang pada hari itu tinggal di toko didaerah panglimapolem. Banda aceh saat itu sangat hancur seperti kota mati. Semuanya berantakan, mayat dimana-mana, dan semua orang menangis saat itu karena kehilangan saudara mereka. Karena kami tidak menemukan saudara kami, kami memutuskan untuk kembali lagi ke blangbintang. Hari pun mulai malam, kami bingung apa yang harus kami makan malam itu, semua rumah didaerah blangbintang saat itu tidak ada yang terbuka yang mau memberikan kami pertolongan makanan. Dan kami pun singgaj di masjid blangbintang, dan alhamdulillah disana abang saya bertemu dengan temannya, dan sudi memberikan kami makanan dan minuman. tepat sudah 2 hari kami tidak menemukan saudara kami, dan akhirnya pada hari rabu kami pun betniat pergi kerumah saudara kami yang ada di lhongraya, dan alhamdulillah, rupanya saudara saya pun sudah berkumpul semua disana, dan mereka bersyukur bahwa kami selamat, karena selama ini mereka juga berusaha mencari kami.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
At that time we were still small, I was 11 years old, my older brother was 14 years old, and my sister was 3 years old. just that morning at 08.00 am and large-scale earthquake shook banda aceh and surrounding areas. our House is right in the krung Kingdom Also feel how powerful the earthquake. We then jump out of the House and sat down away from home. On that day exactly a week after our parents ' departure to the Holy Land of Mecca, to perform the Hajj. And we live with our grandmother and relatives. After approximately 6 minutes of the earthquake, we enter into the House to fix the stuff that fell. But my brother went to see the mosque as it had badly damaged. About a minute and a half brother, I went back and viewed from the direction of syiah kuala's large rolls like the dust that flies a brownish black color. And brother, I asked my grandmother what is it, my grandmother was shocked and exclaimed "astagfirullah" and my grandmother told me that it was sea water overflowed, my brother quickly had us get into the car and brought the goods as needed only. Without thinking my brother long car and issued a direct but confused as to where to go. At that time my brother knew immediately to a higher place, namely blangbintang. When we came out from the direction of kruengraya to the blangbintang sea water spill already about 1 meter behind our car. We all wept and exclaimed. My brother keeps bring cars with very tight to get to blangbintang safely. On a journey to blangbintang, my aunt spontaneously opened the window glass and shout something like "run, run ... the sea water rising" to the people who still don't know anything. but my aunt thinks the only people crazy. And finally came in blangbintang. Because the State was early, so no one person was in the area of blangbintang, there was only one small stalls are open, we stopped there. When the dikedai sits a father was surprised to see the State of our mess and crying, and asked my brother, "why are they? What are you doing? " My brother was explaining what happened, and the father was surprised and immediately exclaimed, o God of thy greatness truly has saved them while their parents are currently fulfils the reasonable service, the father's cries, and directly serves the drink hot tea and some snacks for us. Today was moving day, the State of blangbintang was already crowded with refugees who escape, aftershocks were continuing to exist and there is non-stop. We also asked permission from stalls go excuse me Mr., and go to the mosque at blangbintang, where we rested. When resting, we also plan to return to the city, and look at the circumstances and to find our missing brothers. And finally we decided to go kekota. To town, we were surprised, all the circumstances in berandakan and many dead bodies everywhere. until we finally arrived at the junction 5, we parked the car right in front of KFC, and I shared my brother came down to look for my brother who lives on that day in the store panglimapolem. Banda aceh when it was crushed like a dead city. Everything is falling apart, corpses everywhere, and everybody cried at that time due to the loss of their brother. Because we did not find our brothers, we decided to return to blangbintang. Yesterday evening, we began to confuse what shall we eat that night, all houses in the blangbintang at that time no one was open to giving us food aid. And we singgaj in blangbintang mosque, and thank God my brother met there with her friend, and was willing to provide us with food and drinks. just had the 2 days we did not find our brother, and finally on Wednesday we go home our brothers betniat in lhongraya, and thank God, my brother had apparently gathered all there, and they were grateful that we survived, because so far they are also trying to find us.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
At that time we were little, I was 11 years old, my brother was 14 years old, and my sister was 3 years old. right that morning at 08.00 pm, a large-scale earthquake that shook Banda Aceh and its surroundings. Our house right on the highway krung Also feel how powerful earthquake. We then directly out of the house and sat away from home. On that day exactly a week after the departure of our parents to the holy land of Mecca, to perform the Hajj. And we stayed with relatives and our grandmother. After approximately 6 minutes of the earthquake, we were inside the house to fix the items that fall. But my brother went to see the mosque when it was severely damaged. About a minute and a half of my brother went back and look from the estuary Shiite no big rolls as fast walking dust brownish-black. And my brother asked me what the grandmother, my grandmother was surprised and say "astagfirullah" and my grandmother told me that the sea water overflowing, with fast my brother told us to get in the car and bring the goods as needed. Without thinking long my brother immediately pull out the car and but confused as to where. At that time my brother straight out to the place that is higher, ie blangbintang. when we get out of the way kruengraya blangbintang to sea water spill has approximately 1 meter behind our car. We all wept and give. My brother continues to bring the car very fast in order to blangbintang safely. On the journey to blangbintang, my aunt spontaneously open the window and shout like "run, run ... sea water rise" to the people who still do not know anything. but the people just think I'm a crazy aunt. And finally arrived in blangbintang. Because the state is still early, so no one else in the area blangbintang, there is only one small shop that is open, we were stopped there. When the dikedai sat a father was shocked to see the state of our messy and crying, and immediately asked my brother "why them? What are you doing?" My brother explained what happened, and the father was immediately shocked and really big thank God yes greatness you have saved them when their parents were performing the worship, the father was crying, and directly serve drinks hot tea and some snacks for us. Any day wore on, the situation was already crowded blangbintang with refugees who fled, aftershocks continued to exist and there is relentless. We also excuse me leave to go from shop the father, and went to the mosque in blangbintang, where we rested. When resting we were planning to return to the city, and see the situation and to find our lost brothers. And we finally decided to go kekota. Until the city, we were surprised, all the city state berandakan and many dead bodies everywhere. until we finally arrived at the intersection of 5, we parked the car right in front of KFC, and I along with my brother down to look for my brother on that day stay in the shop area panglimapolem. Banda Aceh when it was crushed like a ghost town. Everything is falling apart, corpses everywhere, and everybody cries when it is due to loss of their brother. Because we did not find our brother, we decided to go back again to blangbintang. Today began the night, we were wondering what we should eat that night, all home area blangbintang then nothing was open that would give us food aid. And we were in the mosque singgaj blangbintang, and thank God there I met with her brother, and willing to give us food and drinks. right already 2 days we did not find our brother, and finally on Wednesday we were betniat went home our brothers in lhongraya, and thank God, apparently my brother had already gathered all there, and they were thankful that we survived, as long as they also trying to find us.
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