Since 1959 judge actions within the jurisdiction of Gowa district in the trial in the Makassar District Court. New in 1964 after exiting the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 1964 concerning Government Regulation in lieu of Law No. 2 Year 1964 on the Establishment of Provinces of Central Sulawesi and the First Level Region Southeast Sulawesi By Changing Act No. 47 PRP Year 1960 on the Establishment of Provinces Sulawesi North-Central and Local Level I Sulawesi Selatan - South East (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1964 No. 7) into law. On Article 1 Paragraph (4) says "The area of South Sulawesi - Southeast, referred to in Law No. 47 Prp. 1960 (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 1960 No. 151), was changed to the Regional of South Sulawesi after some of its territory separated as contemplated in paragraph (3), so that the region includes: 1. Regional Level II Mamudju, 2. Regional Level II Madjene, 3. Regional Level II-Polewali Mamasa, 4. Regional Level II Tana Toradja, 5. Regional Level II Pinrang, 6. Regional Level II Enrekang, 7. Regional Level II Sidenreng-Rappang, 8. Regional Level II Soppeng, 9. Regional Level II Barru, 10. Level II Pangkadjene areas and islands, 11. Regional Level II Maros, 12. Regional Level II Gowa, 13. Regional Level II Takalar, 14. Regional Level II Jeneponto, 15. Regional Level II Bantaeng, 16. Regional Level II Bulukumba, 17. Regional Level II Selayar, 18. Regional Level II Sinjai, 19. Regional Level II Bone, 20. Regional Level II Wajo, 21. Regional Level II Luwu, 22. Township Pare-Pare and, 23. Township Makassar. "And the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 Year 1965 on the Court of Justice in Environmental General and the Supreme Court. On Article 25 says "the District Court established by the Minister of Justice with the approval of the Supreme Court. Legal areas include the District Court on the principles on the Regional Level II "The court was formed in Gowa and a temporary office in the office area Gowa and named the Economic Court Sungguminasa. In Regional office of Gowa, the Economic Court Sungguminasa only occupy one room so that cases that exist in the District Court Sunguminasa still on trial in Makassar. A few months after officially established also in 1964 Sungguminasa Economic Court Office Building was completed. Sungguminasa Economic Court of the office building located at Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto Sungguminasa Village District of Somba Opu Gowa (now Office of the Bank Sulawesi branch of Gowa). But the status of the office is Usage of Gowa regency government. But the trial court case is still held in Makassar until the 1970s. In 1965 the Economic Court Sungguminasa turned into the District Court Sungguminasa Class II A. Because the office building is no longer representative then on May 25, 1977 New Building of the proposed request. In 1979 a new building was completed and inaugurated by the Director General of the General Courts Mr. H. Soeroto on February 2, 1980 on the road Usman Salengke No. 103 Village Sungguminasa District of Somba Opu Gowa. Court Sungguminasa into Class IB based on the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia dated 27 February 2004 No. M.01-AT.01.05 Class of 2004 on Improving Court and the Secretariat of the District Court In the District Court Limboto, Selong District Court, Tarakan District Court, District Court Makale, Indramayu District Court, District Court and Court of Pariaman Sungguminasa from Class II to Class. Inauguration Improvement District Court Sungguminasa classes from Class II to Class I conducted by Prof. Dr. H. Bagir Manan, SH, MCL on March 7, 2005 Chairman of the Court Sungguminasa from time to time:
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