V. METODE PENELITIAN A. Populasi dan Sampel Sugiyono (1997, p. 57) men terjemahan - V. METODE PENELITIAN A. Populasi dan Sampel Sugiyono (1997, p. 57) men Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan



A. Populasi dan Sampel
Sugiyono (1997, p. 57) menyebutkan bahwa populasi adalah wilayah generalisasi yang terdiri dari obyek atau subyek yang menjadi kuantitas dan karakteristik tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti untuk di pelajari dan kemudian ditarik kesimpulan-nya. Penelitian ini menggunakan populasi yaitu orang yang pernah melihat iklan Telkomsel 4G-LTE, peng-guna Telkomsel, serta pemilik device yang men-dukung jaringan 4G

Menurut Sugiyono (1997, 57), sampel adalah sebagian dari karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh popu-lasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel yaitu orang yang pernah melihat iklan Telkomsel 4G-LTE, peng-guna Telkomsel, serta pemilik device yang men-dukung jaringan 4G di kota Surabaya Barat dan Surabaya Timur

B. Definisi Operasional Variabel
Untuk memberi batasan pengukuran agar tidak terjadi kesalahan dalam hal menafsirkan, variabel yang dianalisis perlu didefinisikan. Definisi operasio-nal yang akan dianalisis sebagai berikut:
• Variabel Eksogen

Corporate credibility (X1)
1. Expertise, mengukur sepak terjang pengalam-an Telkomsel sebagai perusahaan operator seluler.
2. Trustwhortiness, mengukur kesesuaian janji Telkomsel kepada konsumen.
• Variabel Intervening

Attitude toward the advertising (X2)
1. Credibility, mengukur kredibilitas pesan yang digunakan oleh Telkomsel dari segi pesan yang disampaikan.
2. Informative, mengukur kejelasan informasi produk yang diiklankan oleh Telkomsel.
3. Hedonic/pleasure, mengukur ketertarikan kon-sumen terhadap iklan yang digunakan oleh Telkomsel.
Attitude toward the brand (X3)
1. Kognitif (cognitive), mengukur wawasan/ pengetahuan konsumen terhadap reputasi yang dimiliki oleh
2. Afektif (affective), mengukur perasaan konsumen ketika akan menggunakan Telkomsel.
3. Konatif (conative), mengukur tingkat penggunaan konsumen terhadap produk Telkomsel.
• Variabel Endogen (Y1)
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
V. RESEARCH METHODS A. population and Sample Sugiyono (1997, p. 57) mentions that the population of the region is a generalization which consists of an object or subject which becomes the quantity and specific characteristics set by the researchers to learn and then pulled his conclusions. This research uses the population has seen ad Telkomsel 4 g-LTE, peng-to Telkomsel, as well as the owner of the men-dukung 4 g network device According to Sugiyono (1997, 57), samples are some of the characteristics possessed by displaying popu. This research using a sample IE people who ever saw the ad Telkomsel 4 g-LTE, peng-to Telkomsel, as well as the owner of the device men-dukung 4 g network in the city of Surabaya Surabaya of East and WestB. Operational Definitions Of Variables To give the limits of measurement error in order not to interpret, in terms of variables analysed needs to be defined. Definition of operasio-nal which will be analyzed as follows: • Exogenous Variables Corporate credibility (X 1) 1. Expertise, measure the football experince actions-an Telkomsel cellular operator company. 2. Trustwhortiness, measure the suitability of Telkomsel promises to consumers. • Intervening Variables Attitude toward the advertising (X 2) 1. Credibility, measure the credibility of a message used by Telkomsel in terms of the message conveyed. 2. Informative, measure the clarity of product information that is advertised by Telkomsel. 3. Hedonic/pleasure, measure interest in kon-sumen against advertising used by Telkomsel. Attitude toward the brand (X 3) 1. Cognitive (cognitive), measure consumer knowledge/insight towards the reputation of which was owned by Telkomsel. 2. Affective (affective), measuring consumers ' feelings when will use Telkomsel. 3. Konatif (conative), measure the level of product consumers use Telkomsel. • The Endogenous Variables (Y1)
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
V. METHODS A. Population and Sample Sugiyono (1997, p. 57) states that the population is a generalization region consisting of the objects or subjects that are of particular quantity and characteristics defined by the researchers to be learned and then drawn his conclusions. This study uses a population that is, those who have seen the ad Telkomsel 4G-LTE, the lawyer-to Telkomsel, as well as the owners of devices that support 4G network download According Sugiyono (1997, 57), the samples are some of the characteristics possessed by the popu-lasi. This study uses a sample of people who had seen the ad Telkomsel 4G-LTE, the lawyer-to Telkomsel, as well as the owner of the device that downloads the support 4G network in the city of Surabaya West and East Surabaya B. Operational Definition of Variables To constrain the measurement to avoid mistakes in interpreting, the analyzed variables need to be defined. Operations to-nal definition be analyzed as follows: • Variables Exogenous Corporate credibility (X1) 1. Expertise, measuring the experience of the late lunge as the mobile operator Telkomsel. 2. Trustwhortiness, measure the suitability of Telkomsel's promise to consumers. • Intervening Variable Attitude toward the advertising (X2) 1. Credibility, measure the credibility of the message used by Telkomsel in terms of the message. 2. Informative, measure the clarity of information products advertised by Telkomsel. 3. Hedonic / pleasure, gauge interest in con-sumen to the advertising used by Telkomsel. Attitude toward the brand (X3) 1. Cognitive (cognitive), measures the insight / knowledge of consumers to the reputation of which is owned by Telkomsel. 2. Affective (affective), measures how consumers feel when using Telkomsel. 3. Conative (conative), measures the level of consumer use of the product Telkomsel. • Variable Endogenous (Y1)

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