2.2TUGAS SECRETARY 1. Based on the scope of the secretarial duties are grouped into 8 (eight) as follows: a. Routine tasks Namely tasks done every day without orders. These tasks include: Membuka letter. Menerima dictation. Menerima guests. 7
8. Menerima phone. Menyimpan archives / letter. Menyusun and schedule-led activities. b. Special tasks That task was ordered directly by the leadership of the secretary to the settlement specifically. This task was given because of the element of trust that the task of the secretary is able to keep corporate secrets. These tasks include: Mengonsep letter of agreement with a relation or outside agencies. Menyusun confidential letter (confidential). Menyusun events business meetings. Pembelian gifts or souvenirs. Dan others. c. That special tasks tasks concerning leadership purposes, among others: Membetulkan location or position stationery and supplies the necessary leadership. Bertindak as a liaison to forward information to the relationship. Mewakili someone receive funds or donations for purposes other activities. Mengingatkan leaders to pay dues or insurance from an agency or institution. Memeriksa collecting funds or advances from the agency given as welfare funds. Menghadiri official meetings, as co-chairman during a business meeting. 8
9. Mengadakan inspection office equipment, which needs to be repaired and which do not need to be repaired or additional tools and office equipment. d. Social duty social tasks, including: Mengurusi Households office. Mengatur organizing receptions for office leaders and the maintenance of the invitation. e. Financial tasks usually take care of the financial secretary, called petty cash (cash reserve / petty cash). The financial tasks include: Menangani financial affairs leadership in the Bank, ie the delivery of money in bank deposit, withdrawal checks, withdrawing money from the bank. Membayar accounts, taxes, donations in the name of leadership. Menyimpan record daily expenses for management and provision of funds for daily needs. f. Task receptionist secretary receptionist tasks, namely: 1. To receive and answer calls and record messages by phone. 2. Receiving guests will meet with the leadership. 3. Take note of promises to leaders. 4. Prepare the proceedings of everyday leadership. g. Incidental task This task is a job that is not routinely done by the secretary include: 9
10. Menyiapkan agenda of the meeting, to prepare a report, preparing a speech or statement of leadership. Membuat overview of news and articles contained in newspapers, magazines, brochures, and media- other media in connection with the company's interests. Mengoreksi printed materials, eg brochures, invitations, forms, and a list drafted by the company. Mewakili leadership in a variety of receptions or meetings. h. Task secretary in the Business Meeting (business meeting) Business meeting (Business Meeting) occurs when two or more mutually receiving and giving something in the form of information, listen back progress, solve problems and create new ones. This task is quite heavy and tiring for the secretary to organize these meetings. 2.3KUALIFIKASI SECRETARY 1. Knowledge a. Having a broad knowledge. b. Understanding the ins and outs of the organization, missions, functions and main tasks of the organization. c. Have knowledge relevant to their respective sectors. d. Pengatahuan have about grammar manuscript, archives and office equipment. e. Having a good knowledge of Indonesian and foreign language skills 2. a. Ability to prepare reports b. Capable corresponded c. Being able to use Indonesian and foreign language 10
11. d. Being able to use a technology offices 3. Personality. Has an engaging personality and good b. Loyalty and dedication c. Perseverance, accuracy, neatness, carefulness, honesty, openness, patience, hospitality and responsibility 2.4MASALAH FACED BY THE SECRETARY. A lack of skill in communicating effectively secretary A secretary every day to communicate with his guests with a variety of levels or classes. For that a secretary must be able to communicate well and master the Indonesian language and some foreign languages well. He also demanded to select words and phrases menyususn well and clearly, delight all those who communicate with it. To improve the quality of a leader must improve kuaitas communicate with improving language that owned such as English or other foreign languages in order to communicate with his guests executive level, so that a secretary is able to assist the leadership in negotiating. The criteria for effective communication is as follows: • Receiver understand or comprehend the contents of the message • The recipient can accept or approve the content of the message • Recipients hold an action (action), in accordance with the desired by the sender. 2. Lack of ability of a secretary in finding, interpreting and using information 11
12. Secretary in charge of finding and presenting information to the leadership. For that he must be good at digging up information from various sources, and interpret that can make your choice in the value of information useful to be presented to the leader 3. The level of thinking is lacking in identifying problems and finding solutions that work in plenary Secretary must be able to think for identifying cause and effect every time we face a problem and find a solution to the right. So the leaders do not need to be constantly guided and guided secretary, but enough to delegate tasks to the secretary and secretaries concerned is able to solve it in plenary. Leaders enough to give instructions to the secretary outlined and gave delegates to taste, then became the responsibility of the secretary to follow up, including solving problems faced in every complete the task. 4. The lack of ability to handle the task of the Secretary should be able to handle the tasks assigned by the leadership well as the eight tasks described above. 5. Ability to develop skills Human Relations abilities to be possessed by a secretary is as follows: a. Ability and technical skills must and absolutely controlled by a secretary like computers, English, shorthand and filling b. Ability to communicate and interact with c. Skills use office machine (PABX, printers, copiers, scanners, fax machines, etc.). Therefore, the task of the secretary is in touch with various individuals who each different backgrounds, different social status, different interests, different positions, then secretary demanded to understand parties- 12
13. The parties related thereto. Things to consider in human relations is team work, positive thinking, good remainder, Discrete, and Tacful. Its descriptions are as follows: a. Team Work: able to work together as a team should not consider itself superior, belittle others, a close eye on the success and strengths of others. b. Positive Thinking positive component to the first impression: • Say the name of the other person • Greet guests at the door • Smile when you meet with guests • Greetings and reached out • Do not talk too messaging / hard • Show hospitality to everyone c. Good reminder: In this more drawn to Schedule leadership, the anniversary of its officers, employees, and business associates. d. Discrete: ◊ It is not easy to talk about a person / subject known to others who are not interested e. Tactful: ◊ Wise and careful in choosing a word or comment when dealing with the leaders or others. 6. Responsibility for work A secretary must have the commitment and attitude which is based on a strong sense of duty jawabpada then they would complete a task or job because it was tied to the completion of the task, instead of being tied to the formal norms, so that if it does not complete the task with the best -baiknya, they will feel guilty and not afraid of sanctions. 13
14. However, if a person secretary too often shy away from its responsibility, this attitude reflects a personality that is immature, unstable, can not be held. For the secretary must train themselves to be the full responsibility of the secretary, who is able to work independently, to work without supervision, even demanded to supervise themselves. 7. Lack of insight or knowledge of a secretary At the time of globalization, the secretary must develop self follow the development of science and technology. To be a professional secretary should be able to keep up with the times so as to be able to cope with change and able to work as closely as possible to face the work of a secretary to the competitiveness of more advanced. The knowledge and insights that should be known by a secretary is as follows: • Knowledge of business areas in which we work • Knowledge of products from the company • Knowledge Partner business leaders • Knowledge of the competitors of the company There are many ways that can be provided to add insight and knowledge of which are: • Many read and keep abreast of the news letter k
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