ABSTRACTThesis entitled "utilization of an electronic-based Media in improving the quality of student learning in Islamic Learning (study of multikasus in Gondang and 1 SMP Tulungagung MTsN)" was written by Alex Joan Husna with mentored by Dr. Chusnul Chotimah, M.Ag and Dr. H. Nurkholis, S.Ag., M. Pd.Keywords: computer and Internet-based Media, the quality of learning, the learning of the religion of Islam The research in this thesis is effected by a phenomenon of Islamic learning that use only the classic media only within the process analytical study. The development of information technology has given the impact on the world of education, particularly in the learning process. Information and communication technologies are almost never escape from the everyday life of people in various parts of the world is of course also very potential as a medium of information sharing, or otherwise that is used as the media get the right information.Formulation of the problem in the writing of this thesis are: (1) how the utilization of computers and the internet by teachers in MTsN Gondang, Tulungagung and SMP 1, in an effort to improve the process of learning Islam religion?; (2) How the utilization of computers and the internet by students and 1 SMP Tulungagung MTsN Gondang in an attempt to improve the process of learning Islam?;( 3) How the implications of the use of computers and the internet to improve the quality of learning in Islam and 1 SMP Tulungagung MTsN Gondang? This thesis is beneficial for authors to add insight, mindset, attitudes and experiences in an effort to improve quality in learning, i.e. by understanding the utilization of computer-based and internet media in Islamic learning. The utilization of computer-based and internet media are applied by the teacher or the students themselves to improve the success of learning. The utilization of computer-based media and the internet implicates to increased motivation, creativity and a learning interaction in the Islamic religion. From the results of this research, the authors concluded that: (1) Learning by using computer-based and internet media are applied in Gondang and 1 SMP Tulungagung MTsN is an integrated learning. Teachers in Islamic learning combines the delivery of material by using computer-based and internet media to create a quality learning. (2) computer and internet-based Media exploited students in Gondang and 1 SMP Tulungagung MTsN as a supplement and complement to improve as well as an understanding of the learning material. (3) Islamic Learning requires motivation, creativity, as well as the interactions that can be done by using computer-based and internet media to run effectively and efficiently.
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