Pada tahun 1923 SI pecah secara ideolgi menjadi SI kiri atau SI merah  terjemahan - Pada tahun 1923 SI pecah secara ideolgi menjadi SI kiri atau SI merah  Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Pada tahun 1923 SI pecah secara ide

Pada tahun 1923 SI pecah secara ideolgi menjadi SI kiri atau SI merah yang berideologikan ke ``kiri`` yang dipimpin oleh Semaun dan Darsono yang menjadi cikal bakal PKI dengan SI kanan atau SI Putih yang berhaluan ideology kanan, dimana Agus Salim tergabung didalamnya dengan Tjokroaminoto. Agus Salim sering mendapat tuduhan sebagai mata-mata Belanda, namun ditepisnya dengan keberaniannya untuk mengkritik pemerintah Belanda melalui pidato-pidatonya. Agus Salim menjadi pimpinan puncak SI menggantikan HOS Tjokroaminoto yang wafat pada tahun 1934. Selain di SI, beliau mendirikan juga organisasi Jong Islamieten Bond dan melakukan perubahan pola pikir dari yang kaku ke Islam moderat dengan meniadakan hijab pemisah antara tempat duduk laki-laki dan perempuan pada kongres ke 2 Jong Islamieten Bond di Yogyakarta tahun 1927.

Sebagai anggota PPKI yang mempersiapkan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Setelah kemerdekaan Indonesia, beliau mendapat mandate sebagai anggota Dewan Pertimbangan Agung. Pada Kabinet Syahrir I dan II, beliau di tunjuk menjadi Menteri Muda Luar Negeri. Begitu pula pada cabinet Hatta. Berlanjut setelah kedaulatan Indonesia diakui oleh internasional, beliau ditunjuk menjadi penasihat Menteri Luar Negeri. ``The Grand Old Man`` adalah julukan terhadap Agus Salim, karena kepiawainnya dalam berdiplomasi yang tidak tertandingi pada jamannya. Salah satu contoh, beliau sangat cerdik untuk mendapatkan pengakuan atas kemerdekaan Indonesia dari Negara Jerman. Negara Jerman yang merasa keturunan bangsa Arya berlaku sombong dan menganggap rendah Negara atau orang yang tidak bisa berbahasa Jerman. Maka, saat kunjungannya sebagai Menteri Luar Negeri, dia menyusun naskah pidatonya dalam Bahasa Jerman yang sangat fasih dan memukau petinggi Jerman hingga akhirnya mengakui kemerdekaan Indonesia.

Sebagai sosok yang merdeka dalam berpikir dan bertindak. Beliau tidak mau terkungkung dalam batasan-batasan, termasuk mendobrak tradisi Minang yang menurutnya kolot. Walaupun seorang tokoh yang disegani dan sangat cerdas, penampilannya sangat sederhana,sering hanya menggunakan sarung dan peci. Beliau tidak tidak memiliki brumah tetap dan selalu berpindah-pindah dari satu kota ke kota lain. Di tiap kota, beliau hanya menyewa rumah yang kecil dan sederhana. Dalam hal pendidikan anak, beliau mengajarnya sendiri atau home schooling kalau dalam istilah sekarang. Hanya anaknya yang paling kecil yang disekolahkan secara formal. Beliau beranggapan, semua keahliannya tidak diperoleh disekolah formal, namun lebih karena belajar mandiri atau otodidak dengan ``learning by doing``. Beliau melakukan perlawanan terhadap kekuasaan Belanda dalam hal pendidikan dengan berujar`` saya telah melalui jalan berlumpur akibat pendidikan kolonial``. Haji Agus Salim begitu akrab panggilannya di lintasan sejarah, wafat dalam usia 70 tahun tepatnya pada 4 November 1954 dan dimakamkan di TMP Kalibata. Atas segala jasa dan perjuangannya, beliau mendapat anugerah sebagai salah satu Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia yang tertuang dalam Keppres nomor 657 tertanggal 27 Desember 1961.
Pendidikan Agus Salim

Europeesche Lagere School (ELS)
Hoogere Burgerschool (HBS)
Penghargaan Agus Salim

Pahlawan Nasional Indonesia SK Keppres nomor 657 tahun 1961
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
In 1923 the rupture in ideolgi be the left or the Red berideologikan to the '' left '' led by Semaun and Darsono which became the forerunner of PKI with the right or the White right-wing ideology, in which Agus Salim joined therein with Tjokroaminoto. Agus Salim often got the charges as a spy, but the Netherlands ditepisnya with the courage to criticize the Government of the Netherlands through his speeches. Agus Salim became the top SI replace HOS Tjokroaminoto who died in 1934. In addition to the SI, he established also the Organization of Jong Islamieten Bond and make a change in mindset from a rigid to moderate Islam with the negating effect of separation between the seating of men and women in Congress to 2 Jong Islamieten Bond in Yogyakarta in 1927.As a member of the PPKI to prepare Indonesia's independence. After the independence of Indonesia, he got a mandate as a member of the Supreme Advisory Council. On the Cabinet of the Queen I and II, he slighted Young became the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Similarly, on cabinet Hatta. Continued after Indonesia's sovereignty was recognized by the international, he was appointed Adviser to the Foreign Minister. '' The Grand Old Man '' is an epithet against Agus Salim, as kepiawainnya in the berdiplomasi unmatched in its time. One example, he very cleverly to get the recognition of the independence of Indonesia from the country of Germany. Country Germany who feel the descendants of Aryans applies low and considers arrogant country or people who can't speak Germany. Then, during his visit as Secretary of State, he compiled a manuscript of his speech in the language of Germany which is very eloquent and spellbinding Germany officials finally recognized the independence of Indonesia.As the figure of the independent in thinking and acting. He did not want the souls imprisoned in limitations, including breaking down traditions of Minang thinks old-fashioned. Although a respected and highly intelligent, very simple in appearance, often only use gloves and caps. He does not have a fixed brumah and always moving from one city to another. In each town, he was only renting a House is small and simple. In terms of education, he taught it myself or home schooling if in terms now. Only the most minor son was educated formally. He contended, all his expertise in all schools not obtained formal, but rather because the independent study or self-taught with a '' learning by doing ''. He did a resistance against the powers of the Netherlands in terms of education said '' I've been through the muddy due to the colonial education ''. Haji Agus Salim so familiar call on the track history, died at the age of 70 years to be exact on November 4, 1954 and was buried at Kalibata TMP. Over all the service and his struggle, he got the gift as one of the National Heroes of Indonesia are contained in Presidential Decree No. 657 number dated December 27, 1961. Education Agus Salim Europeesche Lagere School (ELS)Hoogere Burgerschool (HBS) Award Of Agus Salim National Heroes of Indonesia Issued DECREE number 657 1961
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
In 1923 SI disintegrate ideolgi be left or SI SI red berideologikan to `` kiri`` led by Semaun and Darsono which became the forerunner of PKI with White SI SI right or right-wing ideology, where Agus Salim joined in with Tjokroaminoto , Agus Salim frequent accusations of spying for the Netherlands, but brushed the courage to criticize the Dutch government through speeches. Agus Salim became the top leadership of SI replace HOS Tjokroaminoto who died in 1934. In addition to the SI, he founded the organization also Jong Islamieten Bond and change the mindset from rigid to moderate Islam by removing the veil of separation between the seating of men and women in congress to 2 Jong Islamieten Bond in Yogyakarta in 1927. As a member PPKI who prepared the independence of Indonesia. After the independence of Indonesia, he got the mandate as member of the Supreme Advisory Council. At the Cabinet Syahrir I and II, he was designated becomes Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. Similarly, in the Hatta cabinet. Continues after Indonesian sovereignty recognized internationally, she was appointed as adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. `` The Grand Old Man`` is the nickname of the Agus Salim, because kepiawainnya in diplomacy unrivaled in his time. One example, he very cleverly to get the recognition of the independence of Indonesia from the German state. Germany who feel descendants of Aryans arrogant and assume a low state or people who can not speak German. Then, during a visit as Foreign Minister, he drafted the manuscript of his speech in German is very eloquent and fascinating German official until finally recognized Indonesia's independence. As a figure independent in thought and action. He did not want to be held within limits, including Minang tradition which he broke stodgy. Although a figure respected and very intelligent, very simple appearance, often just using gloves and a cap. He did not have brumah fixed and always moving from one city to another. In each city, he just rented a small house and simple. In terms of children's education, she taught her own, or home schooling that in today's terms. Only the most a small child formally schooled. He thought, all his skill is not acquired formal school, but more by self-learning or self-taught with `` learning by doing``. He fought against the Dutch in terms of education with berujar`` I have been through a muddy road due kolonial`` education. Haji Agus Salim so familiar vocation in the sweep of history, died at the age of 70 years, exactly on 4 November 1954 and is buried in the TMP Kalibata. For all the services and struggle, he got a boon as one of the National Hero of Indonesia as stated in Presidential Decree number 657 dated 27 December 1961. Education Agus Salim Europeesche Lagere School (ELS) Hoogere burgerschool (HBS) Award Agus Salim National Hero of Indonesia SK Decree number 657 1961

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