The next day it happened. It makes the heart was beating so kencang.dia come to my house without sepengetahuanku.tiba arrived he called to see him getting closer diluar.dia walk over to me and he said his "mima will you be my girlfriend?"
Startled me speechless never thought this would happen .
"Previous maaafkan I ju. not her I do not like, but I can not have you as a courtship sekelas.aku friend, forgive me ju"
"Hemmm .. mima all right then. but we're still friends, right?"
"Of course they "
" I came home first, okay, see you tomorrow "
I went into the house was filled with a sense of fear bersalah.aku juju away from me because of this incident.
day by day we spent together also. Moreover, we were classmates. And I'm very aware that juju still has feelings for me.
"Hi mima" called her
"Hi julian. What is it?"
"No, I just wanted to call you just"
With this kind of course I feel he still has the feeling that
today I appointed as drigen school. And I carry out my duty is. Seen as I headed to the front there are juniors who looked at me sharply. Artimya not know what it was. And I immediately turned my attention. Once finished singing we immediately drove to our home, respectively.
Notif incoming fuel pins was radiated. When I open it and turns it from my younger classes. My name is al child Setau 11 ips 3.
"Hi kak" he said to me
"Hey, why did al"
"You are so drijen was not it? Sounds nice mu"
"Iyaa, hehhe. Thanks :)"
Introduction of our starts here , Now al-filled days of my spare day. I felt comfortable near her.
This morning we go to school lagi.melaksanakan our obligations as a student. Bell signaling break even berbunyi.saat I headed for the cafeteria, I saw al the sedang.berjalan front of me. Involuntarily her eyes turn round and we were united. I was very embarrassed. But al try to warm to me
"Mima !!"
"Hey .. want to cafeteria huh?"
"Yeah ni. You do not you? Then let go at the same"
"Okay, with pleasure"
When we arrived at the canteen, julian who was eating his meal, suddenly stopped and went straight when he saw me coming along al. I was still entered the cafeteria with al and assume nothing happens.
Once the class I was asked juju
"Juju why you went straight from the cafeteria when she saw me?
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