UnfairChap.1...Diclamir :Kuroko no Basuke milik Fujimaki Tadatoshi-sen terjemahan - UnfairChap.1...Diclamir :Kuroko no Basuke milik Fujimaki Tadatoshi-sen Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

UnfairChap.1...Diclamir :Kuroko no






Diclamir :

Kuroko no Basuke milik Fujimaki Tadatoshi-sensei.

Warning :

Gaje, OOC(mungkin), Typo(masih eksis, sepertinya), BL, M-preg.

Pairing :






Kerajaan Teiko adalah kerajaan besar yang dipimpin oleh seorang raja yang terkenal tidak terkalahkan dan juga keabsolutannya serta kemampuan emperor eyes-nya yang bernama Akashi Seijuurou. Seperti raja-raja pada umumnya ia memiliki seorang ratu, bukan hanya sebagai seorang ratu tapi juga sebagai seseorang yang begitu dicintai oleh Seijuurou. Orang itu bernama Kuroko Tetsuya yang kini sudah menjadi Akashi Tetsuya. Tetsuya memang bukan seorang wanita, ia seorang pemuda yang terkenal karena minim ekspresi dan juga hawa keberadaannya yang tipis. Tapi semua itu terlihat indah dan sempurna dimata seorang Akashi Seijuurou. Walau Tetsuya adalah seorang pria namun sifatnya yang begitu lembut sama seperti seorang wanita pada umumnya. Dan itu pula yang memantapkan niat Seijuurou untuk menikahi Tetsuya dan menjadikannya ratu. Nyentrik memang, namun hal itu sudah biasa untuk beberapa kerajaan, terlebih siapa yang berani menantang keabsolutan seorang Akashi Seijuurou.

Saat ini Seijuurou tengah memimpin pasukannya untuk berperang memperluas wilayah kerajaannya. Tetsuya pun hanya bisa menunggu dengan sabar dan berdoa agar Seijuurou menang dan pulang dengan selamat, walau Seijuurou tidak terkalahkan tapi apa salahnya tetap mendoakan orang yang kita cintai.

Tetsuya senang ketika mendapat kabar bahwa Seijuurou memenangkan perang dan berhasil memperluas wilayah kerajaannya dan juga Seijuurou kini tengah dalam perjalanan pulang menuju kerajaan Teiko. Tetsuya pun menyiapkan acara penyambutan sang suami dan juga acara pesta ulang tahun Seijuurou yang memang bertepatan dengan hari kedatangan Seijuurou. Tetsuya bahkan turun tangan sendiri untuk menyiapkan pesta itu. Berbagai macam persiapan sudah mencapai delapan puluh persen, tentunya Tetsuya dibantu dengan setia oleh pengawal pribadinya yaitu Midorima Kazunari. Midorima Kazunari sendiri adalah pasangan dari Midorima Shintarou yang merupakan dokter khusus keluarga kerajaan di kerajaan Teiko. Tetsuya senang mendapat pengawal pribadi seperti Kazunari karena sifat ceria yang pengawal bahkan Tetsuya enggan menyebutnya pengawal karena Kazunari sudah seperti sahabatnya sendiri begitupun Midorima.

Kini Tetsuya tengah berada disebuah hall untuk mengawasi pendekoran ruangan, Seijuurou adalah orang yang menyukai kesempurnaan jadi wajarlah kalau ia mempersiapkannya sesempurna mungkin. Namun entah kenapa Tetsuya hari ini merasa ada yang aneh dengan kondisi tubuhnya. Seperti tadi pagi ia harus muntah-muntah dan sekarang kepalanya terasa sangan pening. Kazunari berkali-kali memintanya istirahat namun Tetsuya enggan mengikuti permintaan Kazunari karena ia masih harus mengawasi persiapan pesta untuk sang suami.


Tetsuya mendadak pingsan dan para pengawal istana langsung mendekati Tetsuya dan Kazunari menyuruh pengawal lain untuk membawa Tetsuya ke kamarnya dan ia akan memanggil Midorima untuk memeriksa keadaan Tetsuya.

Sudah tiga puluh menit Tetsuya pingsan dan kini Tetsuya sudah mulai sadar dan membuka matanya. Kazunari pun nampak tenang dan itu pun terjadi pada Midorima.


"Ha'I Tet-chan."

"Hem… aku kenapa dan kepala-ku masih terasa pening."

"Tetsu… kau tidak apa-apa, kepala-mu pusing karena kau mengurangi porsi sarapan-mu tadi pagi dan aku punya kabar baik untuk-mu." Jelas Midorima pada Tetsuya.

"Apa kabar baiknya, Midorima-kun ?"

"Selamat Tetsu…. Kau hamil."




Malamnya Tetsuya kesulitan untuk memejamkan matanya. Ia sungguh senang dengan apa yang Midorima sampaikan siang tadi kepadanya. Sungguh, ia ingin cepat hari esok dan memberitahukan semuanya pada Seijuurou. Saking senangnya, Tetsuya bahkan langsung mengabari sahabatnya Kagami Taiga, Aomine Daiki, Kise Ryouta, Murasakibara Atsushi, Himuro Tatsuya dan juga beberapa senpai dan teman yang dekat dengannya semasa ia menempuh pendidikan dulu. Dan semuanya mengucapkan selamat pada Tetsuya dan turut berbahagia bahkan Kise yang paling antusias menyelamatinya. Sungguh, kebahagiannya lengkap kalau Seijuurou sudah mengetahuinya.

"Kau harus tumbuh dengan sehat ya nak, Okaa-sama akan menjaga-mu sebaik mungkin. Okaa-sama janji." Ucap Tetsuya sembari mengelus perutnya yang masih rata.




Hari yang ditunggu oleh Tetsuya akhirnya tiba. Tetsuya mengenakan kimono terbaiknya untuk menyambut snag suami tecintanya. Walau pagi hari harus mengalami mual-mual tapi itu tidak mengahalangi semangat Tetsuya untuk menyambut sang suami sebaik mungkin. Tetsuya bahkan sudah meminta Kazunari untuk merapihkan kamarnya dan menaruh bunga mawar merah dan juga lilin beraroma terapi dikamarnya untuk malamnya ia akan melepas rindu dengan sang suami. Ah semua rencana-rencana sudah tersusun rapih dikepala Testuya dan sekarang saatnya pelaksanaan rencana-rencana itu.

Rombongan pasukan Seijuurou memasuki area istana dan Tetsuya berdiri menunggu sang suami untuk menghampirinya. Senyum tidak lepas dari wajah Tetsuya, dan membuat semua para penjaga, serta pelayan istana turut bahagia melihat sang ratu tengah berbahagia.

Sosok yang begitu dirindukan Tetsuya menampakan dirinya dan tersenyum lembut kearahnya dan Tetsuya pun membalas senyum lembut tersebut. Ya Seijuurou berjalan menghampiri sosok sang istri yang menantinya dan langsung memeluk tubuh sang istri dan aroma vanilla memenuhi indra penciumannya. Aroma yang selalu ia rindukan, dihari-harinya tanpa Tetsuya disampingnya.

"Tadaima, Tetsuya."

"Okaerinasai, Sei-kun."

Kecupan singkat dibibir Tetsuya diberikan oleh Seijuurou. Namun semua kebahagian Tetsuya berlalu seperti angina yang bertiup kencang, setelah Seijuurou mengatakan hal yang sangat amat menyakitkan untuknya.

"Tetsuya, kau juga harus menyambut Kouki. Ia selir-ku."

Kalimat pendek itu membuat Tetsuya merasa tersambar petir disiang hari. Apalagi setelah Seijuurou mengenalkan seorang pemdua bersurai coklat kepadanya yang ia katakana sebagai selirnya yang berarti istri Seijuurou yang lainnya.

"Perkenalkan nama saya Akashi Kouki." Ucap pemuda itu mengenalkan dirinya pada Tetsuya.

Tetsuya tidak lantas langsung menjawab. Dadanya masih terasa sesak dan pikirannya begitu amat sangat berantakan. Rasanya air matanya siap meluncur kapan saja, kalau ia tidak menahannya.

"Akashi Tetsuya, salam kenal juga Kouki-kun."

Dengan suara gemetar Tetsuya membalas perkenalan Kouki. Kazunari sebagai seorang yang dekat dengan Tetsuya tahu kalau sahabatnya itu tengah dalam masa-masa tersulitnya. Terlebih dihari yang sudah ditunggunya, sang suami yang begitu dicintainya membawa seseorang yang dikenalkan sebagai pasangan hidupnya juga. Tapi Tetsuya tidak menunjukan kegundahan hatinya dan tetap ramah tersenyum menyambut Kouki.

Rencana tetaplah rencana. Tetsuya selalu mengamini perkataan Midorima "Manusia berusaha dan Tuhan yang menentukan", semua rencana Tetsuya berjalan walau tidak semuanya. Malam hari yang ia rencanakan untuk melepas rasa rindu harus ditunda karena sang suami harus menjalani malam pertamanya dengan Kouki.

Tetsuya bahkan tidak menyangka kalau alasan Seijuurou menikahi Kouki karena kerajaan Kouki kalah dan mengajukan perdamaian dengan pernikahan Seijuurou dengan Kouki. Mengejutkannya, Seijuurou menyetujui hal tersebut dan menikahi Kouki.

Air mata Tetsuya mengalir membasahi pipinya, tangannya mengelus perutnya yang kini terisi benih Seijuurou. Tetsuya menyimpan begitu banyak kekecewaan terhadap Seijuurou terlebih Seijuurou sudah melanggar janjinya sebelum mereka menikah.


Tetsuya tengah asik membaca buku dibawah sebuah pohon yang cukup besar dihalaman istana. Pahanya dijadikan bantal oleh Seijuurou yang tengah menutup matanya yang seolah-olah tidur. Ya Tetsuya yakin kalau Seijuurou tidak benar-benar tidur melainkan tengah menikmati waktu bermanja-manja dengan dirinya.

Tetsuya mengelus sayang surai scarlet sang kekasih, Tetsuya bahkan melihat senyum menghiasi wajah tampan Seijuurou.

"Mau sampai kapan Sei-kun pura-pura tidur ?"

Kekehan terdengar dari Seijuurou. Perlahan Seijuurou menampakan iris heterechrome yang begitu menghipnotis Tetsuya. seijuurou pun bangun dan duduk didepan Tetsuya.

"Nah Tetsuya, mau kah kau menikah denganku ?"

Blush. Wajah Tetsuya memerah mendengar lamaran dari sang kekasih. Seijuurou merogoh kantong jasnya dan mengeluarkan kota kecil berwarna merah dan membuka kotak itu yang berisi sebuah cincin.

"Sei-kun, aku tidak mau menikah dengan seorang calon raja ka-"

"Karena seorang raja bisa memiliki pendamping hidup lebih dari satu ? oh ayolah Tetsuya ini bukan pertama kalinya aku melamarmu dan mengatakan kalau aku tidak akan menikah dengan siapapun lagi selain dirimu. Kau bisa memegang janjiku ini."

"Sei-kun, tidak sopan memotong pembicaraan orang."

"Jangan mengalihkan pembicaraan."

"Aku tidak mengalihkan pembicaraan."

"Kalau begitu jawab."

"Apa janji Sei-kun bisa ku pegang ?"


"Kalau begitu jawabanku kali ini, iya aku bersedia."

Seijuurou mengenakan cincin itu dijari manis Tetsuya dan kemuadian mengecup bibir merah Tetsuya.

"Aku mencintai Tetsuya, sangat."

End Flashback

Tetsuya semakin terisak setelah mengingat kenangan manisnya dulu bersama Seijuurou. Berbagai macam pertanyaan memenuhi kepalanya saat ini, apa Seijuurou sudah tidak mencintainya lagi, dan lainnya. Kazunari yang berada didepan pintu kamar Tetsuya yang awalnya ingin mengantarkan vitamin, mengurungkan niatannya setelah mendengar isakan Testuya.

"Kau harus sabar dan kaut ya, Tet-chan."




Pagi harinya Tetsuya sudah berpakaian rapi dan meminta beberapa pengawalnya untuk menyiapkan perbekalan untuknya karena ia berencana mengunjungi kerajaan Touo, tempat kedua sahabatnya yaitu Aomine Daiki dan Kise Ryouta. Kazunari yang mendengar Tetsuya pagi-pagi sudah besiap untuk pergi, langsung berlari menghampiri Tetsuya.


"Ohayou Kazu-chan."

"Ya ohayou, Tet-chan. Tet-chan benar kau akan pergi ke Touo ?"

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
UnfairChap. 1...Diclamir:Kuroko no Basuke belong Fujimaki Tadatoshi-sensei.Warning:Gaje, OOC (maybe), Typo (still exist, it seems), BL, M-preg.Pairing:AkaxKuro/AkaxFuri....The Kingdom was a Kingdom of the Teiko led by a famous King went undefeated and also keabsolutannya as well as the ability of his emperor eyes named Akashi Seijuurou. Like the Kings in General he had a Queen, not just as a Queen but also as someone who is so beloved by Seijuurou. The man named Kuroko Tetsuya which now has become the Akashi Tetsuya. Tetsuya is indeed not a woman, he is a young man who is famous for its minimal expression and also the eve of its existence are thin. But it all looks beautiful and perfect in the eyes of a Akashi Seijuurou. Though Tetsuya is a guy but its so soft just like a woman in General. And it also establishes an intention to marry Tetsuya Seijuurou and Queen. Nyentrik indeed, but it's been good for some of the Kingdom, especially anyone who dared to challenge the keabsolutan a Akashi Seijuurou.The current Central Seijuurou led his forces to the fight expanded his Kingdom. Tetsuya also can only wait patiently and pray that Seijuurou win and come home safely, although Seijuurou went undefeated but what harm still pray for those we love.Tetsuya is happy when it got word that Seijuurou won the war and managed to expand his territory and also the Middle now Seijuurou on the way back to the Kingdom of Teiko. Tetsuya was preparing a welcoming ceremony the husband and also a birthday party event that Seijuurou coincided with the day of arrival Seijuurou. Tetsuya even intervene himself to prepare the feast. A wide range of preparation had already reached eighty percent, no doubt helped by the faithful by Tetsuya bodyguard namely Midorima Hisashi. Midorima Hisashi was himself a pair of Midorima Shintarou special doctor who is the Royal family of the Kingdom of Teiko. Tetsuya happy Gets a bodyguard as a cheerful nature because Hisashi guards even as guards call it reluctant Tetsuya Hisashi was like his own as well as Midorima.Now located at central hall Tetsuya to oversee the pendekoran of the room, Seijuurou is people who like perfection so it was only natural that he prepare it as perfect as possible. Yet somehow Tetsuya today feel there is strange with the condition of her body. Like this morning he should be throwing up and now his head feels sangan reel. Hisashi repeatedly asked him to rest but Tetsuya reluctantly followed the request of Hisashi because he still had to keep an eye on party preparations for the husband.Voom.Tetsuya's sudden fainting and the Imperial Guard immediately approached Tetsuya and Hisashi told other guards to bring Tetsuya to his room and he will call Midorima to check the State of Tetsuya.Thirty minutes passed out and now Tetsuya Tetsuya had started to realize and opened his eyes. Hisashi also seemed calm and even happens on Midorima."Kazu-kun.""Ha'I Tet-chan.""Hem ... I why and my head still feels dizzy.""Tetsu ... you're not okay, thy head dizzy because you reduce the portion of your breakfast this morning and I've got good news for you." Clear Midorima on Tetsuya."What's the good news, Midorima-kun?""Congratulations Tetsu ... ... ... ... You're pregnant. "...Its difficulty to close my eyes Tetsuya. He was really happy with what Midorima gave him the last day. Really, he wants to rapid tomorrow and tell you everything on Seijuurou. I was so thrilled, even directly inform his friend Tetsuya Kagami Taiga, Daiki, Kise Aomine Ryouta, Murasakibara Atsushi, Himuro Tatsuya and also some senpai and friends close to it while she was studying first. And they all congratulated on Tetsuya and blessed even the most enthusiastic Kise menyelamatinya. Indeed, the complete kebahagiannya if Seijuurou already knew it."You have to grow up with the Hale yeah son, Okaa-sama will keep you as best as possible. Okaa-sama promise. " Stroking his stomach while Tetsuya said that is still flat....The day awaited by Tetsuya finally arrived. Tetsuya best kimono to welcome snag husband tecintanya. Although the morning must be experiencing nausea but it does not mengahalangi the spirit of Tetsuya to greet her husband as soon as possible. Tetsuya even been asked Hisashi to merapihkan room and put the roses red and also scented candle dikamarnya therapy for that night, he will take off with the husband longs. Ah all plans have been arranged to mess on its implementation and it is time Testuya plans it.Groups of troops entering the area of the Palace and Seijuurou Tetsuya stood waiting for her husband to him. Smile face of Tetsuya, and make all the guards, and the waitress was happy to see the Palace of the Queen of middle of the blessed.Figure that so sorely missed Tetsuya, show him and smiled gently kearahnya and any reply to a soft smile Tetsuya's. Yes Seijuurou running his wife's figure approached her and immediately hugged his wife's body and aroma of vanilla smell senses meet. He's always long for scents, dihari-harinya without Tetsuya looked to."Tadaima, Tetsuya"."Okaerinasai, Sei-kun."A brief Peck dibibir Tetsuya given by Seijuurou. However all the happiness Tetsuya passed as angina that blows gusts, after saying things very Seijuurou is very painful for her."Tetsuya, you should also welcome the Kouki. He was my concubine. "Short sentences it makes lightning struck disiang Tetsuya feel today. Moreover, after a pemdua to introduce bersurai Seijuurou Brown told him that he said as his wife Seijuurou which means more."Introduce my name Akashi Kouki." Said the young man introduces himself on Tetsuya.Tetsuya did not immediately answer immediately. Chest tightness and still feels his mind is so very, very messy. It feels her tears ready to slide at any time, if he does not hold it."Akashi Tetsuya, salam kenal also Kouki-kun."With voice shaking Tetsuya reply Kouki introductions. Hisashi as one who is close to that of his friend knew that Tetsuya middle in times tersulitnya. What a day already ditunggunya, the husband who so loved bringing someone who introduced her as a couple as well. But nervousness about his heart showed no Tetsuya and keep friendly smile welcome Kouki.The plan remains the plan. Tetsuya Midorima mengamini always the word "humanity and God that determines", all plans Tetsuya walked though not all of it. The night that he planned to remove the nostalgia delayed because the husband had to undergo his first night with Kouki.Tetsuya did not even think that the reason is because the Kingdom Seijuurou married Kouki Kouki defeated and peace with marriage Seijuurou and Kouki. Shocked him, Seijuurou agreed and married Kouki.Tears wetting his cheeks oozing, Tetsuya her hands stroking his stomach now filled-seed Seijuurou. Tetsuya saves so much disappointment against prior Seijuurou Seijuurou already breaking his promise before they married.FlashbackTetsuya Middle cool read a book under a tree big enough page of the Palace. His thigh was made by the Central Seijuurou pillow shut her eyes seeming to sleep. Yes sure if Tetsuya Seijuurou not really sleeping but instead enjoy Middle indulge with him.Tetsuya petted affection the beloved scarlet mane, Tetsuya even see a smile graced the face of handsome Seijuurou."Until when Will Sei-kun pretended to sleep?"Kekehan sounds of Seijuurou. Iris heterechrome body art Seijuurou slowly so hypnotizing Tetsuya. seijuurou arose and sat in front of Tetsuya."Well, want Tetsuya kah you marry me?"Blush. Face flushed a cover of heard Tetsuya, her lover. Jasnya bag and fished Seijuurou issued a small town that is red and opens the box containing a ring."Sei-kun, I don't want to marry a future King ka-""Because a King could have more than one life companion? Oh come on Tetsuya this is not the first time I melamarmu and said that I would not be married to anyone else other than you. Can you hold my promise this. ""Sei-kun, immodest cut talks people.""Don't distract the talks.""I'm not redirecting the talk.""Then answered.""What the promise of Sei-kun could hold me?""Sure.""Then if this time, yeah I'm willing."Wearing the ring Seijuurou dijari sweet Tetsuya and kemuadian Kiss red lips Tetsuya."I love Tetsuya, extremely."End FlashbackTetsuya increasingly sobbed after recalling memories of the sweetness of the first joint Seijuurou. Assorted questions meet the current head, what does not love him anymore Seijuurou and more. Hisashi who was in front of the door of the room that originally wanted to accompany Tetsuya vitamins, undo Testuya isakan after hearing niatannya."You have to be patient and kaut Yes, Tet-chan."...The morning had dressed neatly and Tetsuya asks some of his bodyguards to prepare supplies for her because she plans to visit the Kingdom in second place, his best friend Touo i.e. Aomine Daiki and Kise Ryouta. Hisashi who heard early in the morning already Tetsuya besiap to go, ran directly approached Tetsuya."Tet-chan.""Ohayou Kazu-chan.""Yes ohayou, Tet-chan. Tet-chan is right you will go to Touo?""Iy
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Unfair Chap.1 . . . Diclamir: Kuroko no Basuke owned Tadatoshi Fujimaki-sensei. Warning: Gaje, OOC (maybe), Typo (still exist, it seems), BL, M-preg. Pairings: AkaxKuro / AkaxFuri . . . . Teiko kingdom is a great empire led by a famous king unbeaten and also keabsolutannya and the ability of his eyes emperor named Akashi Seijuurou. Like kings in general he has a queen, not only as a queen but also as someone who was so loved by Seijuurou. The man was named Kuroko Tetsuya which has now become Akashi Tetsuya. Tetsuya is not a woman, he is a young man who is famous for its lack of expression and also desires existence thin. But it all looks beautiful and perfect in the eyes of a Akashi Seijuurou. Although Tetsuya is a man, but it is so soft as a woman in general. And it is also the intention solidify Tetsuya Seijuurou to marry and make the queen. Eccentric indeed, but it is unusual for several kingdoms, especially anyone who dared to challenge the absoluteness of a Akashi Seijuurou. Currently Seijuurou was leading his troops to fight expand his kingdom. Tetsuya could only wait patiently and pray that Seijuurou win and come home safely, although Seijuurou unbeaten but what hurts still pray for our loved ones. Tetsuya happy when he received the news that Seijuurou won the war and managed to expand his kingdom and also Seijuurou now the way back to the kingdom Teiko. Tetsuya also prepared a welcoming ceremony husband and also a birthday party Seijuurou which is to coincide with the arrival Seijuurou. Tetsuya even into their own hands to prepare the feast. Various kinds of preparations have reached eighty per cent, of course Tetsuya faithfully assisted by his personal bodyguard is Midorima Kazunari. Midorima Kazunari itself is a couple of Midorima Shintarou which is a specialized doctor in the royal family royal Teiko. Tetsuya pleased to have a personal bodyguard as Kazunari because of the nature of the escort cheerful Tetsuya even reluctant to call a bodyguard because Kazunari already like his best friend as well as Midorima. Now Tetsuya midst of the hall to oversee pendekoran disebuah room, Seijuurou is a person who likes perfection so natural that he prepared it as perfect as possible . Yet somehow Tetsuya today feel there is something odd about her condition. As morning he had vomited and now his head was unbelievably dizzy. Kazunari repeatedly asked her break but Tetsuya reluctant to follow Kazunari request because he still had to supervise the preparation of the party for her husband. Bruk. Tetsuya suddenly fainted and the palace guards immediately approached Tetsuya and Kazunari ordered another guard to bring Tetsuya into his room and he would call Midorima to examine the state of Tetsuya. It is thirty minutes Tetsuya Tetsuya fainted and now have started to realize and opened his eyes. Kazunari also appear calm and it also happened in Midorima. "Kazu-kun." "Ha'I Tet-chan." "Um ... I why and my head still feels dizzy." "Tetsu ... you're not okay, head thy dizzy because you reduce the share-your breakfast this morning and I have good news for-you. " Obviously Midorima at Tetsuya. "What's the good news, Midorima-kun?" "Congratulations Tetsu .... You're pregnant." . . . That night Tetsuya difficult to close his eyes. He was really happy with what Midorima convey to him this afternoon. Indeed, he wants to fast tomorrow and tell them all at Seijuurou. I was so happy, even immediately notify his friend Tetsuya Kagami Taiga, Aomine Daiki, Kise Ryouta, Murasakibara Atsushi, Tatsuya Himuro and also some senpai and friends close to him during his education he had. And all congratulate and sympathetic joy Tetsuya Kise even the most enthusiastic congratulated him. Indeed, the complete happiness if Seijuurou already know. "You have to grow up with healthy yes, son, Okaa together will keep-you as possible. Okaa both promise." Tetsuya said while stroking his stomach is still flat. . . . The day that awaited by Tetsuya finally arrived. Tetsuya kimono wearing his best to welcome snag tecintanya husband. Although the morning must have nausea but it was not halted Tetsuya spirit to greet her husband as possible. Tetsuya even been asked Kazunari to tidy up his room and put red roses and scented candles are also therapeutic in his room for the night he will be missed by her husband's release. Ah all the plans have been arranged neatly on the head Testuya and it is time implementation of these plans. The group Seijuurou troops entered the palace area and Tetsuya stood waiting for her husband to her. A smile can not be separated from Tetsuya's face, and make all the guards, and palace servants also happy to see the queen happy middle. The figure is so missed Tetsuya reveals himself and smiled softly at him and smiled softly Tetsuya was it. Yes Seijuurou walked up to the figure of his wife, who awaits him and hugged his wife's body and aroma of vanilla meet the sense of smell. The aroma is always he missed, on the day-to-day without Tetsuya side. "Tadaima, Tetsuya." "Okaerinasai, Sei-kun." brief kiss lip service given by Seijuurou Tetsuya. But all the happiness Tetsuya passed as angina blowing, after Seijuurou saying something very painful for him. "Tetsuya, you also have to welcome Kouki. He is my mistress." The short sentence makes Tetsuya was struck by lightning during the day. Especially after Seijuurou introduce a brown youths were maned him he had said as his concubine meaning Seijuurou another wife. "My name Akashi Kouki." Said the young man introduced himself to Tetsuya. Tetsuya is not necessarily a direct answer. His chest was heaving and his mind is so very, very messy. It felt tears ready to go at any time, if he does not hold it. "Akashi Tetsuya, nice to meet you too Kouki-kun." With a trembling voice introductions Kouki Tetsuya reply. Kazunari as a close with Tetsuya knew that his friend was in the middle of the hardest times. Moreover, on the day that has been waiting for, the husband who so loved to bring someone who is introduced as a life partner as well. But Tetsuya did not show her anxiety and remain friendly smiling welcome Kouki. The plan is still the plan. Tetsuya always agrees Midorima words "Man seeks and God disposes", all plans Tetsuya walk though not all. Night that he planned to release a sense of longing to be postponed because the husband had to undergo his first night with Kouki. Tetsuya even did not think that the reason for the kingdom Seijuurou married Kouki Kouki lost and propose peace with marriage Seijuurou with Kouki. Surprisingly, Seijuurou approve it and marry Kouki. Tetsuya Tears rolled down his cheeks, his hand stroked her belly which is now filled Seijuurou seed. Tetsuya save so much disillusionment with the first Seijuurou Seijuurou already broken his promise before they were married. Flashback middle Tetsuya cool to read a book under a tree big enough yard of the palace. Used as a pillow by her thighs Seijuurou being closed her eyes as if to sleep. Yes Tetsuya sure if Seijuurou not really sleep but is enjoying a cuddle with her. Tetsuya scarlet mane affectionately stroking her lover, Tetsuya even see the smile on his handsome face Seijuurou. "Want to Sei-kun when pretending to sleep?" chuckle sounded from Seijuurou. Slowly Seijuurou heterechrome iris reveals that so hypnotic Tetsuya. seijuurou got up and sat down in front of Tetsuya. "Well Tetsuya, would you marry me?" Blush. Tetsuya's face flushed hear a cover of the lover. Seijuurou reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small town red and opened the box containing a ring. "Sei-kun, I do not want to marry a future king Ka" "Because a king could have more than one partner for life? oh come on Tetsuya This is not the first time I proposed to you and say that I will not marry anyone else but yourself. You can hold this promise. " "Sei-kun, impolite interrupting." "Do not change the subject." "I do not change the subject. " "Then answer." "What promise Sei-kun can hold me?" "Sure." "Then answer this time, yes, I am willing." Seijuurou wearing the ring finger and the sweet Tetsuya Tetsuya kemuadian red lips. "I love Tetsuya, very. " End Flashback Tetsuya increasingly sobbing after considering first the sweet memories together Seijuurou. Various kinds of questions filled his head this time, what has Seijuurou not love him anymore, and others. Kazunari who was in front of the bedroom door Tetsuya who originally wanted to deliver vitamins, aborted after hearing the sobs Testuya intention. "You have to be patient and kaut yes, Tet-chan." . . . The next morning Tetsuya already dressed and asked some guards to prepare supplies for her because he plans to visit the royal Touo, where two friends are Aomine Daiki and Kise Ryouta. Kazunari who heard Tetsuya already besiap morning to go, instantly ran to Tetsuya. "Tet-chan." "Ohayou Kazu-chan." "Yes Ohayou, Tet-chan. Tet-chan really are you going to Touo?" " iy

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