Hal yang harus dilakukan saat memantau di TPS dan PPS 1. Pastikan tela terjemahan - Hal yang harus dilakukan saat memantau di TPS dan PPS 1. Pastikan tela Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Hal yang harus dilakukan saat meman

Hal yang harus dilakukan saat memantau di TPS dan PPS

1. Pastikan telah mengenakan Kartu Identitas Pemantau Pemilu, membawa Surat Tugas Pemantau Pemilu dan Formulir Checklist Pemantau yang lengkap.
2. Datangi lokasi : Pemantau mendatangi langsung lokasi tempat berlangsungnya tahapan Pemilu dan atau atau tempat terjadinya dugaan pelanggaran Pemilu.
3. Sangat disarankan pemantau hadir lebih awal yakni paling lambat 30 menit sebelum tahapan pemilu untuk mengetahui situasi dan mendapatkan informasi lebih banyak seputar perkembangan di TPS dan PPS. Semakin cepat tiba di lokasi, kemungkinan mendapatkan informasi
4. Sampaikan keberadaan diri kepada KPPS dan PPS, sambil menunjukkan Surat Tugas sebagai pemantau pemilu. Penting juga untuk saling kenal dengan saksi parpol yang hadir.
5. Pantau langsung secara teliti : Pemantau melakukan pemantauan secara langsung yakni melihat dan mengamati sendiri proses berjalannya tahapan pemilu di lokasi tempat berlangsungnya tahapan yakni TPS dan PPS atau ketempat penyimpanan perlengkapan pemilu untuk pemantauan sebelum . Pemantauan harus dilakukan dengan teliti, pastikan kebenaran berdasarkan formulir pemantauan yang telah disiapkan
6. Mengisi Checklist Pemantauan dengan teliti: Pemantau mengisi checklist pemantauan berdasarkan hasil pemantauan. Pastikan data hasil pemantauan sudah benar sebelum mengisi checklist. Isilah kolom keterangan jika terdapat informasi tambahan untuk memperjelas melengkapai jawaban pada checklist atau apabila ada kejadian - kejadian khusus di TPS misalnya
7. Konfirmasi kepada KPPS dan PPS, untuk menjaga kebenaran data hasil pemantauan, pemantau dapat bertanya atau mengkonfirmasi informasi dan data yang dibutuhkan kepada KPPS dan PPS, sepanjang tidak mengganggu pelaksanaan tugas KPPS dan PPS atau tidak mengganggu tahapan yang berlangsung
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Things to do when the monitor in POLLING STATIONS and PPS 1. Be sure to wear identity cards Monitor elections, bring a letter Task Monitors elections and Form a complete Supervisory Checklist.2. Visit location: direct came to Monitor the location of the venue stages elections and or or the scene of an alleged violation of the election.3. Highly recommended monitor present early i.e. at the latest 30 minutes before the stage of elections to find out the situation and get more information about developments in the TPS and PPS. The more quickly arrived on the scene, the chances of getting information4. Tell them the whereabouts of themselves to the KPPS and PPS, while demonstrating the mail task as election monitors. It's also important to know with which political party witnesses present.5. direct Monitor carefully: Monitor monitoring directly i.e. seeing and observing the electoral process itself went on stage at the location where the stages namely TPS PPS and or place of storage equipment for monitoring elections before. Monitoring should be done carefully, make sure the truth based on the monitoring form has been prepared6. Fill out the Checklist carefully Monitoring: Monitor monitoring checklist fills based on the results of monitoring. Make sure that the monitoring results data is correct before you fill out the checklist. Fill the column description if there is additional information to clarify the answers on the melengkapai checklist or when there are special events in TPS for example7. confirmation to the KPPS and PPS, to keep the truth of data monitoring, monitoring results can ask or confirm the information and data required to KPPS and PPS, all do not interfere with the execution of tasks and KPPS PPS or not interfere with stages taking place
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
The thing to do when monitoring at polling stations and PPS 1. Be sure have put on Election Identity Card, bring the Letter of Assignment Form Checklist Election Observers and Monitors are complete. 2. Go up location: Monitoring go directly location and venue for the election stage or or where the alleged election violations. 3. Strongly recommended that early observers present at least 30 minutes prior to the election stage to know the situation and get more information about the developments at the polling station and PPS. The sooner arrived at the scene, the chances of getting the information 4. Convey existence to KPPS and PPS, while showing the Letter of Assignment as election observers. It is also important to know each other with political parties present witnesses. 5. Direct Monitor carefully: Monitoring the monitors directly see and observe yourself stages of the electoral process goes on the location of the venue stages of the SMT and the PPS or the place of storage equipment for monitoring elections before. Monitoring should be done carefully, make sure the truth based on monitoring form which has been prepared 6. Filling Checklist carefully monitoring: Monitoring filling monitoring checklist based on the results of monitoring. Make sure the data is correct monitoring results before completing the checklist. Fill in the details if there is additional information to clarify supplemented the answers on the checklist or when there are events - special events at the polling stations, for example 7. Confirmation to KPPS and PPS, to keep the truth of the data monitoring results, observers may ask or confirm the information and data required to KPPS and PPS, as far as not interfere with the implementation of tasks KPPS and PPS or does not interfere with the ongoing phase

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