LEGENDA ASAL MULA DESA SUMURADEMAlkisah di sebuah perkampungan pesisir terjemahan - LEGENDA ASAL MULA DESA SUMURADEMAlkisah di sebuah perkampungan pesisir Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan



Alkisah di sebuah perkampungan pesisir utara laut Jawa yang sebagian masyarakatnya memiliki mata pencaharian sebagai nelayan. Salah satu kebiasaan para nelayan adalah menyadarkan perahu di sebuah sungai yang terkenal dengan sebutan sungai saluran pembuangan air kotor. Di sungai saluran pembuangan air kotor tersebut para nelayan tidak hanya melepas lelah setelah seharian berlayar, tetapi tempat itu juga dijadikan tempat sandaran perahu-perahu mereka untuk digunakan kembali, esok hari.
Suatu hari ada seorang nelayan yang sengaja bermalam dan membuat tempat tinggal di sungai saluran pembuangan air kotor . Seiring berjalannya waktu, nelayan lain mengikuti inisiatif seorang nelayan yang bermalam dan membuat tempat tinggal di sekitar sungai saluran pembuangan air kotor tersebut. Hingga pada akhirnya semakin banyak nelayan yang membuat tempat tinggal di sekitar saluran pembuangan air kotor dan tercipatnya perkampungan di daerah tersebut.
Layaknya masyarakat pada umumnya, masyarakat pesisir (nelayan) pun membutuhkan hiburan sebagai sarana pelepas lelah. Bentuk hiburan yang muncul pada saat itu ialah “Dongbret” sejenis tarian yang dipentaskan oleh seorang wanita untuk menggaet para lelaki yang ikut menari bersamanya, atau dalam kebudayaan nasional disebut ronggeng. Kecintaan masyarakat pesisir terhadap salah satu kesenian Jawa Barat ini, seketika dirusak oleh para setan penunggu sungai pembuangan air tersebut.
Setan yang diyakini sebagai penunggu sungai saluran pembuangan air kotor tersebut, agaknya menyukai hiburan dongbret yang sewaktu-waktu dipentaskan oleh masyarakat sekitar. Kecintaan setan terhadap pertunjukan seni tersebut tidak serta merta terhenti dengan menyaksikan pertunjukan itu saja, melainkan dengan mengganggu pula masyarakat yang tengah asik mengikuti pertunjukan tersebut. Para lelaki yang ikut serta menari dengan para dongbret (penari perempuan), tiba-tiba pada keesokan harinya sudah tergulai tak berdaya di sekitar sungai saluran pembuangan air kotor bercampur dengan setan yang tinggal di sungai tersebut. Selain itu, ada beberapa pemuda lain yang dibawa ke pinggiran laut, atau tempat – tempat yang jauh dari arena pertunjukan pada malam harinya. Ulah tersebut dilakukan oleh para setan dengan merubah wujud sebagai penari dongbret agar bisa menggaet para lelaki yang akan dijaili. Hinga pada akhirnya para pemuda menjadi takut akibat ulah para setan itu.
Ulah para setan, akhirnya diketahui masyarakat sekitar dengan melihat tanda aneh yang sering terjadi setiap kali pertunjuan dongbret digelar. Tanda – tanda tersebut berupa bertambahnya jumlah personil yang mengisi pertunjukan tersebut, yang pada awalnya hanya puluhan bertambah hingga menjadi ratusan orang. Serta tanda lain berupa tergeletaknya para pemuda yang selalu mengikuti pertunjukan dongbret di tempat – tempat yang jauh darri acara pementasan.
Akhirnya, berdasarkan hasil kesepakatan bersama dongbret dibubarkan dengan tujuan, tak akan ada lagi setan yang mengganggu masyarakat melalui hiburan tersebut. Kesepakatan masyarakat untuk membubarkan dongbret agar tidak lagi diganggu oleh ulah setan, agaknya membuahkan hasil yang berbeda. Setan justru marah karena hiburan yang mereka sukai justru dibubarkan. Setiap malam jumat atau malam terang bulan setan dengan sengaja menirukan pertunjukan dongbret dengan personil dan alat – alat yang lengkap layaknya pertunjukan dongbret. Bahkan dari jarak jauh tampak oleh penduduk sekitar bahwa memang ada pertunjukan dongbret di sekitar sungai saluran pembuangan air kotor, tapi jika didekati oleh penduduk tersebut, pertunjukan dongbret yang tampak itu tidak terlihat sama sekali seolah – olah tidak ada pertunjukan apapun. Ulah para setan tersebut akhirnya membuat para penduduk merasa terganggu. Namun, walaupun begitu setan masih saja memendam amarah pada para penduduk. Setan sengaja menjahili penduduk dengan menampakan diri di depan para penduduk yang sedang asik berbincang menikmati malam terang bulan.
Suatu malam saat terang bulan, sekumpulan penduduk sedang asik berbincang dipinggiran sungai saluran pembuangan air kotor. Saat itulah setan memanfaatkan keadaan untuk membalas dendam dengan menampakkan diri dihadapan penduduk, yakni dengan cara berdiri tegap di belakang salah satu penduduk yang sedang asik berbincang. Kemudian penduduk lain yang berada di hadapan penduduk tersebut melihat wujud setan dan seketika berteriak “Pak, setan! … pak, setan!” (“Mang, setan! … mang, setan!”)
Dari kejadian tersebut, penduduk sekitar menyebut sungai saluran pembuangan air kotor tersebut dengan sebutan “Kali Mangsetan”. Nama tersebut berasal dari filosofi kata ‘kali’ yang berarti sungai, dan ‘mangsetan’ dari teriakan penduduk ketika melihat wujud setan.
Penduduk Kali Mangsetan akhirnya semakin resah karena ulah jahil para setan, namun mereka tak punya pilihan lain kecuali tetap bertahan di perkampungan kecil tersebut. Kegelisahan warga semakin menjadi, ketika sumber air yang digunakan di daerah terseb
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
THE LEGEND OF THE ORIGIN OF THE VILLAGE SUMURADEMOnce in a village of the North coast of Java Sea most poeple have livelihoods as fishermen. One of the habits of the fishermen are aware of the boat in a river that is famous as the rivers drain dirty water. In rivers drain the dirty water of the fishermen is not just unwind after a long day of sailing, but a place that also served as a place of rest for their boats to be used again, the next day.One day there was a fisherman who deliberately stay and make a living place in rivers drain dirty water. Over time, other fishermen follow the initiative of a fisherman who stay and make a living quarters around the rivers drain the dirty water. Until at last the more fishermen who make a living quarters around the drain dirty water and tercipatnya villages in the area.Like society in General, coastal community (fishermen) in need of entertainment as a reliever. Form of entertainment that appeared at that time was "Dongbret" a type of dance that is performed by a woman to hook the man who danced with him, or in the national culture called ronggeng. Passion for coastal communities against one of West Javanese art, immediately undermined by the demons of the sanctified water disposal streams.The Devils are believed to be the caretaker of the rivers drain the dirty water, presumably like the dongbret entertainment that intermittently staged by a local community. The love of Satan against the performing arts did not immediately cease with blockbuster that alone, but by the middle of the community also disrupts the list follow the show. The men, who participated with the dongbret dance (dancers female), all of a sudden the next day already tergulai helpless around the drain dirty water mixed with the devil who lives in the river. In addition, there are several other youths were taken to the outskirts of the sea, or places – places that are far from the arena gig in the evening. The behavior is performed by the Devil with change existed as dancer dongbret to hook the man who'll dijaili. Until at last the boys become afraid due to the manner of the devil was.The manner of the devil, eventually known to surrounding communities by looking at the sign of the strange often happens every time pertunjuan dongbret. Sign the sign in the form of increased – the number of personnel who fill out the show, which initially only dozens of growing up to be hundreds of people. As well as another sign the form tergeletaknya the youth who always follow the show dongbret in places – places far souvenirs of the event staging.Finally, based on the mutual agreement dongbret dissolved with a purpose, there would be no more demons that plague society through entertainment. The community's agreement to dissolve the dongbret in order to no longer be bothered by the manner of the devil, presumably led to different results. Satan thus upset because their preferred entertainment thus dissolved. Every Friday night or moonlit night Devil deliberately mimicked the show dongbret with personnel and tools – tools that complete like the show dongbret. Even from a distance it looks by a population that there is indeed a show dongbret around the drain dirty water, but if approached by the inhabitants of dongbret, shows that look it doesn't look at all like – though there is no any performances. The manner of the demons that eventually made the residents feel disturbed. However, although the devil is still angry at the villagers. The devil is deliberately mean to the population with, show themselves in front of the inhabitants who were cool chat enjoy moonlit nights.One night when the light of the Moon, a group of residents is being dealt with in list of rivers drain dirty water. That's when the demons utilizing the circumstances to take revenge with appeared before the population, i.e. by way of standing upright on the back of one of the residents who were cool talk. Then another resident who was in the presence of the population see a manifestation of Satan and immediately shouted "Pak, Satan! ... Sir, Satan! " ("Mang, Satan! ... Indeed, Satan! ")From these events, residents call the river drain the dirty water as "Time Mangsetan". The name is derived from the philosophy of the word ' times ' meaning River, and ' mangsetan ' of the population cries upon seeing the existence of Satan.Residents of Times Mangsetan finally getting restless because of the manner of ignorant of the devil, but they had no other choice but to remain in the small ghetto. Angst is increasingly becoming citizens, when the source of water used in the area of terseb
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
LEGEND Origins VILLAGE SUMURADEM Once upon a time in a village north coast of Java Sea, most people have a livelihood as a fisherman. One of the habits of the fishermen are aware of a boat in a river known as river sewer. On the river sewer that the fishermen not only unwind after a day of sailing, but the place was also used as a backrest their boats to be reused, the next day. One day there was a fisherman who accidentally overnight and make a living in the river channel sewerage. Over time, other fishermen to follow the initiative of the fishermen who spend the night and make a living around the river drains the dirty water. And eventually more and more fishermen who make a living around sewer and tercipatnya villages in the area. Like the community in general, coastal communities (fishermen) was in need of entertainment as a means of relieving tired. Form of entertainment that appears at the time is "Dongbret" a kind of dance performed by a woman to be with the man who danced with him, or in the national culture called ronggeng. Love coastal communities against one of West Java's art, once destroyed by the demons that guard the river drainage. Satan is believed to be a watchman river sewer is, it seems like the entertainment dongbret which at times staged by the surrounding community. Love of the performing arts devil is not necessarily stopped by watching the show, but rather to interfere with a society that is too cool to follow the show. The men who participated dance with the dongbret (female dancers), suddenly the next day already tergulai helpless around the river sewer mixed with demons living in the river. In addition, there are several other young men who were brought to the edge of the sea, or a place - a place far from the arena show in the evening. The act was committed by the devil to change form as a dancer dongbret in order to be with the man who would dijaili. Till finally the youth become scared due to act of the demons. Ulah demons, eventually known to the local community by seeing strange markings that often occur whenever a show dongbret held. Sign - a sign in the form of increasing the number of personnel to fill the show, initially just tens grow to be hundreds of people. As well as other signs such as tergeletaknya youths who followed the show dongbret in place - a place far away Darri staging events. Finally, based on mutual agreement with the aim dongbret dissolved, there will be no demons who disrupt the community through entertainment. Dongbret people to dissolve the agreement to no longer be disturbed by the act of the devil, seems to produce a different result. Satan actually angry because the entertainment they like it disbanded. Every Friday evening or moonlit night demons deliberately imitating the show dongbret with personnel and equipment - like a complete tool dongbret performances. Even remotely looked after by people around that do exist show dongbret around river sewer, but if approached by the population, show dongbret looks it does not look at all as if - if there is no show of any kind. The act of the devil finally make the population feel disturbed. However, even so vicious still harbored anger in the population. Satan deliberately menjahili population by exposing herself in front of the people who are cool talking enjoying a moonlit night. One night as the bright moon, a bunch of people are cool talking dipinggiran river sewer. That's when the devil take advantage of the circumstances to take revenge by appearing before the population, ie, by standing upright behind a resident who is cool to talk. Then other people who are in front of the residents see the manifestation of demons and immediately shouted "Sir, devil! ... Pack, devil! "(" Mang, devil! ... Indeed, the devil! ") Of the incident, local people called the river sewer such as" Kali Mangsetan ". The name is derived from the philosophy of the word 'time' which means river, and 'mangsetan' from the cries of people when seeing a form of devil. Residents time Mangsetan finally getting restless caused ignorant of the devil, but they had no choice but to remain in the small village of the , Anxiety is increasingly becoming, as a source of water used in the area terseb

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