Rapoport (1990) menekankan bahwa budaya merupakan faktor utama dalam p terjemahan - Rapoport (1990) menekankan bahwa budaya merupakan faktor utama dalam p Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Rapoport (1990) menekankan bahwa bu

Rapoport (1990) menekankan bahwa budaya merupakan faktor utama dalam proses terjadinya bentuk, sedangkan faktor lainnya seperti iklim, letak dan kondisi geografi, politik, ekonomi merupakan faktor kedua. Hal di atas ditegaskan oleh Habraken (1978) bahwa aspek yang menjadi tolak ukur perubahan lingkungan fisik yaitu sistem spasial (spatial system), sistem fisik (physical system) dan sistem model (stylistic model). Menurut D.K. Ching (2000) ciri-ciri visual dari sebuah bentuk berdasar pada : wujud, dimensi, warna, tekstur, posisi, orientasi, inersia visual, dan berkaitan erat dengan syarat pertimbangan seperti fungsi, teknologi, dan struktur.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
Rapoport (1990) emphasized that culture is a major factor in process of occurrence of forms, while other factors such as climate, location and condition of the geography, politics, economics is the second factor. The above is confirmed by Habraken (1978) that the aspects that became a benchmark of physical environmental changes i.e. spatial systems (spatial system), a system of physical (physical system) and the system model (stylistic models). According to D.K. Ching (2000) the visual characteristics of a form based on the form:, dimensions, color, texture, position, orientation, visual inertia, and closely related to the terms of such considerations, technology, function and structure.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Rapoport (1990) emphasizes that culture is a major factor in the process of form, while other factors such as climate, location and geography, politics, economics is a second factor. The above is confirmed by Habraken (1978) that became a benchmark aspects of the physical environment changes the system of spatial (spatial system), system (physical system) and system models (stylistic models). According to DK Ching (2000) visual characteristics of a shape based on: the form, dimension, color, texture, position, orientation, visual inertia, and is closely related to conditions such as the consideration of function, technology, and structure.
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