Positive and negative impacts of early MarriagePositive impactEmotional support emotional support: by then can train the emotional and spiritual intelligence within each pair.Financial support: by marrying at an early age can alleviate the economic burden is becoming more saves.More: freedom With being away from home then make them free to do things according to his decision to live their lives financially and emotionally.Learn to assume responsibility at an early age: a period of time a lot of youth premarital responsibilities is still small because there are their parents, here they should be able to arrange their affairs without relying on parents.Free from immoral deeds such as adultery and others.The negative impactIn terms of education: as we know, that the person who did the wedding especially at such a young age, certainly will bring a variety of impacts, especially in the world of education. Can be taken as an example, if the wedding goes ahead when fresh out of JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL or high school, of course his desire to continue the school again or higher education will not be achieved. This can occur because the motivation of learning owned such a person will begin to slack off because of the many tasks they have to do after marriage. In other words, early marriage can inhibit the occurrence of the processes of education and learning.In addition it is yet again a problem ketenaga TODO, like the reality that exists in the community, someone who has a low education may only work as labourers, thus he could not free the ability he has.In terms of health: obstetrics and gynaecology specialist of the hospital Balikpapan Husada (RSBH) dr Ahmad Yasa, SPOG says, women married at an early age less than 15 years has a lot of risk, even if he is already experiencing menstruation or menstruation. There are two medical impacts posed by early marriage, namely the impact on content and kebidanannya. the content of many of the illnesses suffered by women who marry early, among others, infection of the womb and cervical cancer. This happens because the occurrence of cell transition period the children to the adult cells too quickly. Whereas, in general the growth of cells that grow on the new kids will end up at the age of 19 years.Berdasarkan beberapa penelitian yang pernah dilakukan, rata-rata penderita infeksi kandungan dan kanker mulut rahim adalah wanita yang menikah di usia dini atau dibawah usia 19 atau 16 tahun. Untuk risiko kebidanan, wanita yang hamil di bawah usia 19 tahun dapat berisiko pada kematian, selain kehamilan di usia 35 tahun ke atas. Risiko lain, lanjutnya, hamil di usia muda juga rentan terjadinya pendarahan, keguguran, hamil anggur dan hamil prematur di masa kehamilan. Selain itu, risiko meninggal dunia akibat keracunan kehamilan juga banyak terjadi pada wanita yang melahirkan di usia dini. Salah satunya penyebab keracunan kehamilan ini adalah tekanan darah tinggi atau hipertensi.Dengan demikian, dilihat dari segi medis, pernikahan dini akan membawa banyak kerugian. Maka itu, orangtua wajib berpikir masak-masak jika ingin menikahkan anaknya yang masih di bawah umur. Bahkan pernikahan dini bisa dikategorikan sebagai bentuk kekerasan psikis dan seks bagi anak, yang kemudian dapat mengalami trauma.Dari segi psikologi: Menurut para psosiolog, ditinjau dari sisi sosial, pernikahan dini dapat mengurangi harmonisasi keluarga. Hal ini disebabkan oleh emosi yang masih labil, gejolak darah muda dan cara pikir yang belum matang. Melihat pernikahan dini dari berbagai aspeknya memang mempunyai banyak dampak negatif. Oleh karenanya, pemerintah hanya mentolerir pernikahan diatas umur 19 tahun untuk pria dan 16 tahun untuk wanita.
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