MELEPAS INFUSPERSIAPAN ALATPerlak dan pengalasSarung tanganKapas alkoh terjemahan - MELEPAS INFUSPERSIAPAN ALATPerlak dan pengalasSarung tanganKapas alkoh Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan



Perlak dan pengalas
Sarung tangan
Kapas alkohol
Gunting plester
Memberitahu pasien tindakan yang akan dilakukan
Mendekatkan alat
Mencuci tangan
Memasang perlak dan pengalas
Memakai sarung tangan
Membasahi plester yang melekat pada kulit dengan kapas alkohol
Melepas plester dan kassa dari kulit
Menekan tempat tusukan dengan kapas alkohol dan mencabut infus pelan-pelan
Menekan kapas alkohol dengan plester
Membereskan alat dan merapikan pasien
Melepas sarung tangan
Mencuci tangan
Mendokumentasikan tindakan yang telah dilakukan

Pengertian : Pemberian darah produk dan monitor pasien
Tujuan : Peningkatan kadar darah atau produk darah dalam
Kebijakan : Ada asuransi tertulis dari dokter
Hasil laboratorium HB dibawah normal
Fase Prainteraksi
Mengecek program terapi
Mencuci tangan
Menyiapkan alat
1 sol tranfusi darah dengan blood filter
Ciran isotonik (Nacl 0,9%)
produk darah
Obat-obatan sesuai dengan program medic
Handscoen disposable
Tensimeter dan thermometer

Fase orientasi
Memberikan salam teraupelik
Menjelaskan tujuan dan prosedur tindakan ,tanda dan gejala reaksi tranfusi
Menayakan persetujuan / kesiapan pasien
Minta tanda tangan persetujuan / informan konsen
Fase kerja
Periksa produk darah yang di siapkan, golongan darah dan kesusaaian cross math, jumlah darah dan nomor kantong , masa berlaku.
Menggunakan hanskun
Pemasangan system infus set dengan filter yang tapat terhadap produk darah
Memasang cairan dengan cairan isotonic ( Nacl 0,9%)
Hindari tranfusi darah lebih dari satu unit darah atau produk darah pada satu waktu, kecuali diwajibkan oleh kondisi pasien.
Monitor temapat Iv terhadap tanda dan gejala dari infiltrasi, phlebritis dan infeksi local.
Monitor tanda-tanda vital (pada awal, sepanjang dan setelah tranfusi)
Berikan injeksi anti histamine bila perlu.
Ganti cairan Nacl 0,9 % dengan produk yang tersedia.
Monitor ada tidaknya reaksi alergi terhadap pemasangan infuse Monitor kecepatan aliran tranfusi
Jangan memberikan medikasi IV atau cairan lain kecuali isotonic dalam darah atau produk
Ganti larutan Nacl 0,9% ketika tranfusi telah lengakap/selesai
Fase Terminasi
Evaluasi respon klien terhadap tindakan yang dilakukan
Simpulkan hasil kegiatan
Kontrak waktu pertemuan selanjutnya.
Mengakhiri kegiatan dengan baik
Membersihkan peralatan
Buka sarung tangan dan cuci tangan
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
TAKE OFF THE DRIPPREPARATION TOOLSPerlak and pengalasGlovesCotton alcoholPlasterPlaster shearsCrookedPROCEDURETell the patient action to performHold the toolWash your handsInstalling perlak and pengalasWear glovesWetting the plaster are attached to the skin with cotton alcoholKassa plaster and took off from the skinPressing place piercing with cotton alcohol and drip slowlyPressed cotton alcohol with plasterTidy tools and smoothing the patientTake off the glovesWash your handsDocument the actions that have been carried outSTANDARD OPRASIONAL PROCEDURESUnderstanding: the giving of blood products and monitor patientsGoals: increased levels of blood or blood products inThere is a written insurance policy: from the doctorThe results of a laboratory under normal HBProcedurePhase PrainteraksiCheck out the therapy programsWash your handsSet up tools1 sol tranfusi blood with blood filterCiran isotonik (Nacl 0.9%)blood productsDrugs pursuant to medicHandscoen disposableTensimeter and thermometer Orientation phaseGives a teraupelikExplain the purpose and procedures of the Act, the signs and symptoms of reactions tranfusiMenayakan consent/patient readinessAsk for the signature of approval/informant concentratedPhases of workCheck the blood products that were on the set, blood type and cross kesusaaian math, the amount of blood and number of bags, validity period.Use hanskunMounting system for an infusion set with filter tapat against blood productsPut up the liquid with a liquid isotonic (Nacl 0.9%)Avoid tranfusi the blood of more than one unit of blood or blood products at a time, unless required by the condition of the patient.Monitor temapat Iv against the signs and symptoms of infiltration, phlebritis and local infection.Monitor vital signs (at the beginning, throughout and after tranfusi)Give anti histamine injection if necessary.Replace fluid Nacl 0.9% with products available.Monitor whether or not there is an allergic reaction to infuse installation Monitors the speed of the flow tranfusiDo not give fluids or other IV-medication except isotonic in blood or productsChange of solution Nacl 0.9% when tranfusi have been lengakap/finishTermination PhaseEvaluation of response actions taken against clientsDeduce the results of activitiesThe contract is the next meeting time.End the activity with a goodCleaning equipmentOpen the gloves and wash your hands
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

Perlak and pengalas
Cotton alcohol
Scissors plaster
Advise patient actions to be taken
closer together the appliance
Washing hands
Add perlak and pengalas
Wearing gloves
Wet plaster attached to the skin with an alcohol swab
Removing plaster and gauze on the skin
Hitting the spot prick with an alcohol swab and take the IV slowly
Pressing alcohol swab with plaster
Tidy tool and smoothed patients
Removing the gloves
Wash hands
Documenting actions taken

Definition: Delivery of blood products and patient monitoring
Objective: Increased levels of blood or blood products in
policies: There is a doctor for a written insurance
Results HB under normal laboratory
Phase Prainteraksi
Checking therapy program
Setting tool
1 sol blood transfusion with blood filter
ciran isotonic (NaCl 0.9%)
blood products
Medicines according to the medic program
Handscoen disposable
Tensimeter and thermometer

Phase orientation
Giving greetings teraupelik
Describe the purpose and action procedures, signs and symptoms of reactions transfusion
asks approval / the patient's readiness
Request signature approval / informant concentrated
phase of work
Check blood products at the ready, blood type and kesusaaian cross math, blood counts and numbers pouch, the period of validity.
Using hanskun
Installation of an infusion set with a filter system which tapat against blood products
Replacing fluids with isotonic fluid (0.9% NaCl)
Avoid blood transfusions more than one unit of blood or blood products at a time, unless required by the patient's condition.
Monitor temapat Iv for signs and symptoms of infiltration, phlebritis and local infections.
Monitor vital signs (at the beginning, during and after transfusion)
Give anti-histamine injection if necessary.
Replace fluids 0.9% NaCl with products available.
Monitor whether there is an allergic reaction to mounting infusion flow rate monitor transfusion
Do not give IV medications or fluids other than blood or isotonic products
Switch solution of NaCl 0.9% when transfusion was lengakap / completed
Phase Termination
Evaluation client's response to the actions taken
Conclude activity
contract time later meeting.
Ending the activities well
Cleaning equipment
Remove gloves and wash hands
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Bahasa lainnya
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