On this day, the Monday date eighteen months of May two thousand and Fifteen years (18-05-2015), each marked with a hand below:PT PANTILANG MUTIARA, as the provider of the material Concrete Ready Mix (SUPPLIER), located on JL. Soekarno-Hatta km. 07 No. 75, Sangatta, Kab. East Kutai, in this case represented by LEVELS, ST as the Director as such legitimate acts for and on behalf of the companies above, hereinafter referred to as the FIRST PARTY.PT INDONESIAN EPC as IOT job owner (OWNER), based in President Park, Tanjung Bara, Sangatta, Kab. East Kutai, East Kalimantan, in this case represented by GAUTAM MAHANTA as Project Manager is thereby authorized to act for and on behalf of the companies above, hereinafter referred to as the SECOND PARTY Background: Letter of offer price of Concrete Ready Mix, No: 044/MP/Dir/r. Mix/V/2015, dated May 15, 2015Negotiation and Clarification, dated May 18, 2015Then each Party agreed to tie yourself in a work agreement which contains clauses for the execution of the work: Procurement/delivery ready mixed concrete (Ready Mix) on site project 75000 DIESEL CBM STORAGE AND RELATED FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PROJECT, TANJUNG BARA SANGATTA, EAST KUTAI, East KALIMANTAN, according to the terms and conditions of this agreement, as follows:Article 1THE SCOPE OF THE WORKThe SECOND PARTY agrees to buy Concrete Ready Mix of material from the FIRST PARTY, and the FIRST PARTY agrees to sell and deliver the material Concrete Ready Mix to a SECOND PARTY or to the SUB. CONTRACTORS appointed by the SECOND PARTY. The SECOND PARTY will prepare work tools and labor to provide concrete work of basalt.Article 2SPECIFICATION OF CONCRETE QUALITYThe FIRST PARTY agrees that the specifications of ready mixed concrete that will be purchased by the SECOND PARTY is as follows:Ready Mix Quality fc ' 30 Mpa. (Slump 10 + 2 cm) Article 3PREPARATION PHASE OF THE WORKThe SECOND PARTY will support the entire requirement for Commissioning tool, Medical Check-Up of operational Field Crew the FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY be a burden. The FIRST PARTY is willing to supplement the lack of completeness of the K3 and as deemed necessary on FIRST-PARTY equipment.The FIRST PARTY is willing to follow the terms of the applicable operational rules/within the scope of the work areas of the KPC.Article 4TERMS OF EXECUTION OF THE WORKThe FIRST PARTY will be Ready Mix Concrete materials mensupply to SUB. CONTRACTORS appointed by the SECOND PARTYReady Mix material prepared by the FIRST PARTY is transported using truck mixer 5 or 7 cubic capacity, where on the ticket/doket delivery addressed to the SECOND PARTY.The SECOND PARTY will deliver the outline plan of casting at the latest 1 (one) day before the implementation of the foundry was implemented. Delivery schedules are delivered via email and addressed directly to the FIRST PARTY.The FIRST PARTY will deliver the readiness of the Ministry over orders (orders) the SECOND PARTY SECOND PARTY via email. Cancellations/delays can be submitted directly casting 2 (two) hours before loading begins.If in its implementation, the FIRST PARTY have sent the material to the location of the work and as a result of negligence the SECOND PARTY of the concrete is not used, then it is the responsibility of BOTH PARTIES.If there is a difference in the quantity/volume plan and realization of casting then each party will perform the measurements together and make approval of the volume of realization of marked with News Events Opname together.Acceptance of material at the site of the job based on proof of Delivery Notes.Article 5QUALITY CONTROL OF CONCRETEThe FIRST PARTY will prepare a lab technician to take the sample test objects (sample) of concrete.SECOND, the PARTIES agreed to carry out a test object with the method of testing powerful press (compressive strenght test) in the laboratory of the FIRST PARTY, the SECOND PARTY to determine if other places testing (Independent Laboratory) then the costs incurred will be borne by the latter. If the implementation of the concrete sample does not meet strong press plans then testing concrete samples that can be implemented are, among others: hammer tests and core drill.Article 6UNIT PRICE, VOLUME AND VALUE OF THE CONTRACTThe prices of materials according to specifications agreed upon by both parties is as follows:Mutu Beton Harga Satuan S l u m p Beton Ready Mix fc 30 MPa Rp. 1.900.000,-/m3 10 + 2 Harga satuan pada ayat 1 diatas belum termasuk PPN 10 % namun sudah termasuk PPh.PASAL 7SYARAT & SISTEM PEMBAYARANPIHAK PERTAMA akan mengajukan kwitansi tagihan pembayaran sesuai besarnya kuantitas yang dikirim / diterima PIHAK KEDUA di lokasi pekerjaan.PIHAK KEDUA akan melakukan pembayaran paling lambat 7 (tujuh) hari setelah kwitansi tagihan PIHAK PERTAMA diterima oleh PIHAK KEDUA.Kelengkapan yang harus dilampirkan oleh PIHAK PERTAMA untuk mengajukan tagihan adalah sebagai berikut :Kwitansi,Faktur Pajak Bukti Pengiriman Beton Siap Pakai (doket) yang telah diketahui oleh pengawas lapangan PIHAK KEDUA / PIHAK KETIGA atau yang mewakili.PASAL 8FORCE MAJUEREYang dimaksud dengan Force Majeure ialah kejadian-kejadian diluar kemampuan PIHAK PERTAMA atau PIHAK KEDUA untuk mengatasinya, termasuk didalamnya :Bencana Alam yang menyebabkan kerusakan, kehancuran pekerjaan yang telah dilaksanakan yaitu Gempa Bumi, Banjir, Tanah Longsor, Huru-hara dan Halilintar.Keadaan darurat perang dan Huru-hara yang mengganggu kelancaran pekerjaan.Kejadian-kejadian sebagai akibat dari Peraturan Pemerintah baik Pusat maupun Daerah, Departemen-Departemen, Instansi-Instansi Pemerintah maupun swasta dan kejadian-kejadian lain dalam bidang moneter / keuangan.Dalam hal terjadi Force Majeure, PIHAK PERTAMA wajib memberitahukan secara tertulis kepada PIHAK KEDUA paling lambat 3 (tiga) hari kalender terhitung sejak kejadian dimaksud disertai keterangan dari pihak berwenang mengenai kejadian tersebut.Hal-hal peristiawa lain yang tidak disebutkan diatas, tidak dapat dikategorikan sebagai Force Majeure.PASAL 9ESKALASI HARGA Apabila selama pelaksanaan perjanjian ini terdapat kebijakan dan Peraturan Pemerintah sebagaimana dimaksud pasal 8.(1).(c). maka kedua belah pihak secara bersama akan meninjau/perhitungan kembali terhadap harga satuan sebagaimana dimaksad pasal 6 (1).Hasil peninjauan/perhitungan kembali terhadap harga sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat diatas, dibuat Berita Acara perhitungan yang ditandatangani oleh kedua belah pihak untuk selanjutnya dipergunakan sebagai dasar atau pedoman dalam addendum Surat Perjanjian ini.PASAL 10PERSELISIHAN Perselisihan pendapat antara PIHAK PERTAMA dengan PIHAK KEDUA didalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 1 (satu) Surat Perjanjian ini, akan diselenggarakan secara musyawarah dan mufakat.Jika tidak terdapat penyelesaian yang layak dan memuaskan kedua belah pihak, maka atas kehendak kedua belah pihak pula, perselisihan akan diselesaikan oleh Pihak Ketiga (Pengadilan Negeri Kelas I A Cabang Kalimantan Timur)Keputusan yang diambil oleh badan hukum sebagaimana tersebut dalam ayat 2 (dua) pasal ini, akan menjadi keputusan yang mengikat untuk kedua belah pihak.PASAL 11P E N U T U PDemikian Surat Perjanjian Pelaksanaan Pekerjaan ini dibuat dan ditandatangani di Sangatta pada tanggal sesuai yang tercantum pada awal perjanjian ini, dibuat dalam rangkap 2 (dua) bermaterai Rp. 6.000,- (enam ribu rupiah) dan masing-masing rangkap mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang sama dan ditandatangani oleh kedua belah pihak.
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