PSHT (The Brotherhood Of Loyal Hearts Terate) The development of martial arts in indonesia in this day and age is of concern. This is caused because the influence of modernization. In addition, we tend to choose the youth learning a martial art originating from abroad. Whereas in Indonesian silat no less complex with martial arts that come from abroad. In addition to martial arts that we can from Indonesian silat is the value the inherent cultural values and also preserve the culture. One of silat in indonesia is PSHT. Historically this silat originally named SH (True Heart) founded by Ki Ageng Suro Diwiryo in 1902. Originally only taught silat among the nobility only. Among his pupils is then called Ki hajar hardjo utomo wished to teach martial arts to all societies and throughout indonesia. Ki ageng suro diwiryo pun merestuinya. Psht stand erected by ki hajar hardjo utomo in 1922. In silat psht divided 4 levels, namely: 1. Belt Black (plain) 2. Pink (jambon)3. Green (ijo) 4. White. and college system does not know the psht i.e. If a level 4 belt had been completed, it will be passed as citizens and be taught his younger brother. The development of silat is quite rapidly. Almost every region there. But now it has decreased the number of memberships.Seperti contoh PSHT di SMA N 1SLAWI . Dulunya mempunyai cukup banyak anggota tetapi sekarang mengalami penurunan. Dalam hal latihan psht di smansawi tidak begitu keras. Karna memang khususnya untuk sekolah yang difokuskan adalah latihan keatlitan untuk meraih prestasi. Demikian sekilas tentang PSHT semoga seni bela diri di indonesia terus berkembang.
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