Installation engineering and release of InfusionMounting set InfusfusTools:Standard InfusionFluid Infusions As NeededInfusion SetsCottonAlcohol 70%BetadineKasaHandscoonScissorsPlaster (5 long 2 short)KOM smallCrookedTorniqetAboqetBak instrumentsPerlak/pedestalHow To Implement:1. Tell mom what to do for example: "good morning my midwife desi mother ema due to lack of maternal fluid then the mother must diinfus whether the mother is willing? If she please bantuanya ya bu..?2. Ask mom for meluruska hands3. Hand wash the 7 steps4. Talk to the mother's example of "mother we will pair the infusion if it hurt on hold ya bu. ..?"5. connect fluid infusion with infusion sets, infusion half booth content then don't let the hose filled with air by means of directing a hose to the crooked.6. After that, the key lay in a tub of infusion of instruments7. Attach perlak/pedestal8. install Handscoon9. install the Torniqet 10-12 cm above the place of incident10. Locate the area that will be on the skewer by using thumb and index finger after the meet, do densifeksi with cotton alcohol by way of circular or rotating11. after that, take a aboqet skewer with a slope of 10-15 drajat12. prick slowly then, open other end of infusion set and connect the aboqet with the aboqet with the press the tip of a skewer in the area13. raise your hand above the little patients, hold on areas that are impaled, remove the torniqet, and then set the speed of infusion.14. after that, do the fixation with the way gives the plus sign (+) and then paste it kasa then paste back with plaster3. wrap the hose onto the middle finger then, paste the plaster back so that the hose is not wrapped around the time of the move.16. When you're finished, tidy up tidy up patient tools17. remove the handscoon6. wash your hands19. do dokumentasian The Release Of Infusion1. explain to the patient what to do an example: my mother is a midwife ema due to fluid needs have been met so the infusion will be removed please bantuanya.2. hand wash the 7 steps3. take the cotton mixed al-kohol then apply at the place teplester4. after open hold on a region that is slowly pull impaled5. after that take the cotton that has been ditetesi betadine on the impaled6. do the fixation with plaster glued on the impaled7. deal with patients, deal with tools8. remove the handscoon9. wash your hands10. do pendokumnetasian
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