Friends, health tips. Eating in the morning or breakfast is one of the most important things to launch a variety of activities as well as the daily routine of each person. This is because, the body needs energy supplies from a variety of nutrients and vitamins contained in your morning breakfast menu. Choosing the right types of food for the breakfast menu is an important thing. Here's 7 best foods for your morning breakfast menu: Banana Fruit. This fruit it is advisable to make your morning breakfast menu. In addition to the soft texture and sweet taste, bananas contain sufficient carbohydrates that make the stomach in a State of satiety. In addition, this fruit contains potassium which lower blood pressure naturally. Egg. This is also great food consumed at breakfast in the morning. In addition to the easy to oblige, the egg is one of the foods that are rich in proteins and contain vitamin d. Watermelon Fruit. This is the wrong fruit that contain enough water overflow. So it is very suitable consumed e.g. days can menckupi needs fluid needed by your body. In addition, watermelon fruit rich in deposits of likopen. Likopen is able to nourish the heart and eye organs as well as ward off cancer. Strawberry Fruit. They are also suitable for breakfast in the morning. This is because strawberry, mengaudung sources of antioxidants, vitamin C, folic acid, as well as a number of fibers. Strawberry also played an important role for improving the health of your heart. A cup of coffee without sugar. This is one of the drinks that are also appropriate for breakfast in the morning. Drinking coffee in a reasonable amount of turns can decrease the risk of diabetes as well as affected by prostate cancer. This is because, the coffee contain caffeine and antioxidants that are needed by the body to ward off the disease. A Cup Of Hot Tea. If you don't like to drink coffee, then tea can also be used as the best alternative to drink in the morning. This is because tea contains sources of antioxidants, which Act improves your immune system. Melon Fruit. The abundant moisture content in melon is capable of sufficient body fluids e.g., kebuutuhan day. In addition, the melon is also mengaudung of vitamins A and C to nourish your body. So it's not his fault restaurants serving fruit melon in your morning breakfast menu.
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