Kami menginap di homestay Kharisma, lokasinya sangat dekat dengan obje terjemahan - Kami menginap di homestay Kharisma, lokasinya sangat dekat dengan obje Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Kami menginap di homestay Kharisma,

Kami menginap di homestay Kharisma, lokasinya sangat dekat dengan objek wisata Tuk Bima LukarKami diberi waktu istirahat dan bersih-bersih sampai pukul 12 siang, karena sarapan sudah disediakan di homestay jadi buat saya yang mager tidak perlu cari makanan ke luar lagiLokasi wisata pertama yang kami kunjungi adalah Batu Ratapan Angin. Kita harus naik tangga yang lumayan melelahkan baru melalui beberapa anak tangga saja saya sudah terengah-engah. Akhirnya kami beristirahat sejenak di tengah perjalanan sambil melihat pemandangan telaga warna,setelah merasa cukup kami melanjutkan perjalanan.sesampainya diatas kami melihat dengan jelas telaga warna yang sangat indah,kami mulai berfoto foto untuk dijadikan kenangan Lokasi wisata yang selanjutnya kami kunjungi adalah Kawah SikidangBanyak sekali spot alam maupun buatan yang bisa digunakan untuk mengambil foto.kita harus membayar lagi (jika pakai kamera sendiri harus membayar 5 ribu,jika ingin foto yang bisa langsung di cetak tentu lebih mahalSetelah puas menikmati pemandangan sekitar, kami kembali berkumpul di bus pukul 15.45 karena kami harus menuju lokasi wisata selanjutnya, yaitu Telaga Warna.Pukul 17.15, kami  berkumpul di bus dan kembali ke homestay untuk beristirahat dan makan malam.saya memilih untuk tidur lebih cepat karena besok harus bangun pukul 02.00 untuk melakukan pendakian di Bukit Sikunir.Kami berangkat dari homestay pukul 03.00, lokasinya juga tidak jauh dari homestay tidak sampai lima menit kami sudah sampai.kami langsung melakukan pendakian untuk mengejar sunrise. perjalanan keatas sana lumayan melelahkan buat yang tidak pernah berolahraga.sesampai di pos satu kami istirahat senbentar. Lalau melanjutkan perjalanan ke atas puncak.akhirnya sampai juga di puncaknya. Saat sudah diatas angin semilir yanga amat sangat dingin menyentuh kulit sayamtapi tak apa pemandangan disini sudah sangat indah.sunrise pun muncul dengan indahnya. Setelah puas berfoto foto kami pun memutuskan untuk turun kebawah. Ternyata di pintu masuk sudah banyak ramai penjual makanan. Karena saya belum makan saya membeli pop mie untuk menghangatkan tubuh. Baru beberapa menit saya makan,pop mie sudah dingin yang di karenakan udaranya yang cukup dingin. Setelah itu kita kembali ke bus untuk kembali ke homestay untuk bersiap² pulang dan membeli oleh oleh.saya kembali ke jakarta pada pukul 01.00. Perjalan bersama orang yang tidak kita kenal sangat menyenangkan karena bisa berbagi pengalaman dengan mereka mereka yang sudah sering melakukan perjalanan
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
We stayed in a homestay Kharisma, located very close to the attractions Tuk Milky LukarKami given time off and clean up at 12 o'clock, because breakfast is provided at the homestay so for me that mager do not need to find food outside lagiLokasi first tours we visit is the Rock Wailing Wind. We had to climb the stairs fairly new exhausting through some stairs just my own breath. Finally we rested for a moment on the way, while looking color lake, after feeling pretty we continue perjalanan.sesampainya above we see clearly the color lake is very beautiful, we immediately made the climb to catch the sunrise. passable exhausting upward journey there for a never berolahraga.sesampai post senbentar one of our break. Lalau continue the journey to the top puncak.akhirnya arrived at its peak. When already on the breeze Yanga extremely cold touches the skin sayamtapi not what the scene here is very indah.sunrise emerged beautifully. Once satisfied to take pictures of photos we decided to go down. It appeared in the entrance of many crowded food vendors. Since I have not eaten I bought pop noodles to warm the body. Just a few minutes I eat, pop cold noodles already in because the air is cold enough. After that we go back to the bus to return to the homestay for bersiap² home and buy by. I returned to Jakarta at 01.00. Journey with people we do not know so much fun because they can share their experiences with those who have often traveled
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
We stayed in Kharisma homestay, the location is very close to the tourist attraction Tuk Bima Lukarwe were given a break and clean-clean until 12 noon, because breakfast was provided in homestay so for me that mager do not need to look for food outside The first tourist attraction we visited was the rock of Lamentation of Wind. We have to climb the stairs that are quite exhausting new through a few steps I've been breathless. Finally we took a break in the middle of the trip while looking at the view of the color lake, after feeling quite we continue the journey. Arriving above we saw clearly a very beautiful color lake, we started taking photographs for Memorialized the tourist site that we visited was Sikidangis a Lot of natural and artificial spots that can be used to take photos. We have to pay again (if using the camera itself must pay 5 thousand, if you want a photo that Can be directly in print certainly more Mahalafter enjoying the scenery around, we re-gathered on the bus at 15.45 because we have to go to the next tourist site, namely Telaga Warna. At 17.15, we gathered on the bus and returned to the homestay to Rest and dinner. I chose to sleep faster because tomorrow had to wake at 02.00 to make a hike in Bukit Sikunir. We departed from the homestay at 03.00, the location is also not far from the homestay not until five minutes we Already until. We went straight to climb to catch the sunrise. The trip up there is pretty tiring for that never exercising. Once at the post one we break the sen,. Lalau continued to the top of the summit. Finally until it was also at its peak. When it is above the breezy wind is very cool to touch the skin sayambut not what the scenery here is very beautiful. Sunrise also appeared beautifully. After being satisfied with photo we decided to go down. Apparently at the entrance there are many crowded food vendors. Since I haven't eaten I bought pop noodles to warm my body. Just a few minutes I ate, pop the noodles are cold which in because the air is quite cold. After that we return to the bus to return to the homestay to get ready to go home and buy by by. I returned to Jakarta at 01.00. The journey with people we do not know is very enjoyable because they can share their experiences with those who have traveled often
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Hasil (Inggris) 3:[Salinan]
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