Lemak dalam kacang koro pedang. Dalam tabel 1 kandungan lemak pada kacang koro pedang hasil perendaman 6 jam mengalami penurunan dibandingkan kacang koro pedang yang hanya disterilisasi yaitu dari 3,51% menjadi 2,18%. Pada kacang koro pedang yang digerminasi kandungan lemak juga mengalami penurunan yaitu menjadi 1,84%. Kacang koro pedang hasil germinasi-elisitasi dengan jamur tempe juga mengalami penurunan sebesar 2,59%. Namun jika dibandingkan dengan kacang koro pedang germinasi penurunan kacang koro pedang germinasi-elisitasi tidak lebih besar, melainkan kandungan lemaknya lebih besar dari kacang koro hasil germinasi. Pada penelitian kacang hijau yang digerminasi kadar lemaknya juga mengalami penurunan hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan. Penurunan kadar lemak kacang hijau setelah digerminasi disebabkan adanya peningkatan enizm lipase serta terjadinya kehilangan total padatan selama perendaman (Anggrahini, 2007). Penurunan kandungan lemak selama germinasi juga disebabkan banyaknya energi dari lemak yang digunakan selama kacang berkecambah (Aminah & Hersoelistyorini, 2012). Kadar lemak kacang koro hasil kombinasi germinasi-elisitasi dengan jamur tempe mengalami kenaikkan kembali menjadi 2,59% hal ini diduga banyaknya asam lemak yang terbentuk. Pada penelitian sebelumnya menyatakan bahwa penggunaan jamur rhizopus meningkatkan kandungan asam lemak berupa asam oksodekadinoik (Feng et al., 2007).
Fat in lentils sword. In Table 1 the fat content in lentils sword 6 hours of immersion result decreased compared to the lentils sword that only sterilized ie from 3.51% to 2.18%. At lentils sword digerminasi fat content also decreased, ie, to 1.84%. The germinated lentils sword-elicitation with tempeh fungus also decreased by 2.59%. However, when compared with a decrease germination lentils lentils sword sword-elicitation germination is not greater, but the fat content is greater than lentils germination.<br>In the study the green beans digerminasi fat content also decreased in line with the research undertaken. Decreased levels of fat green beans after digerminasi due to increased lipase enizm as well as the loss of solids during immersion (Anggrahini, 2007). A decrease in fat content during germination energy also caused many of the fat used for bean sprout (Aminah & Hersoelistyorini, 2012). Fat content lentils result of a combination of germination-elicitation with tempeh fungus had passed back to 2.59% it is suspected many fatty acids are formed. In previous studies suggest that the use mushrooms rhizopus increase the content of fatty acids in the form of acid oksodekadinoik (Feng et al., 2007).
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Fat in the Sword of velvet beans. In table 1 The fat content of the velvet bean beans results in soaking 6 hours decreased compared to the only sterilized velvet bean of the sword which is from 3.51% to 2.18%. In the bean velvet beans are germinated fat content also decreased to 1.84%. Sword Velvet Bean germination-elisitation with mushroom Tempe also decreased by 2.59%. However, compared with the germination of the velvet bean, the germination of the sword is not bigger, but the fat content is greater than the germination of velvet beans. <br>In green bean research that was germinated fat content also decreased this in line with the research done. Decrease in the fat content of green beans after germination due to the increase of enizm lipase and the occurrence of total loss of solids during immersion (Anggrahini, 2007). Decrease in fat content during germination is also caused by the amount of energy from the fat used during bean germinate (Aminah & Hersoelistyorini, 2012). The fat content of velvet beans results in the combination of germination-elisitation with the mushroom Tempe has increased back to 2.59% it is suspected that many fatty acids are formed. Earlier studies have stated that the use of Rhizopus fungus increases the content of fatty acids in the form of oksodekadinoic acid (Feng et al., 2007).
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