KONSENTRAT TROMBOSIT Didapat dari darah segar dgn metode pemutaran dgn waktu tertentu Volume 25-40 ml/unit 1 unit menaikkan jumlah platelet 9000-11.000/mm3 Trombositopenia berat butuh 8-10 unit
PLATELET CONCENTRATESObtained from fresh blood with the method of screening with a specific timeVolume 25-40 ml/unit1 unit increase platelet count 9000 – 11,000/mm3 severe Thrombocytopenia need 8-10 units
Platelet concentrates Obtained from fresh blood with screening method with a specific time volume of 25-40 ml / unit 1 unit to raise the platelet count 9000-11000 / mm3 severe thrombocytopenia takes 8-10 units