C. Definition of Ethnography of Communication
Ethnography of communication is a method of discourse analysis in linguistics or it could also be said that the ethnography of communication is the application of ethnographic methods in meaningful communication patterns using either verbal utterances or gestures, body language or nonverbal signs in a group. Here, an interpreter tried to give a sense of the diverse forms of communication used by members of a group or culture.
Before the term ethnography of communication increasingly popular use, the term ethnography talk (ethnography of speaking) earlier referred to as pemerian use spoken language. Ethnography of communication becomes more widespread because it not only covers the mode of oral communication (speaking), but also involves communication writing (writing) as well as communication cues (gesture), body movements (kinesics), or signs (signing).
The term Etnography of speaking originally introduced by an anthropologist and linguist once America, Dell Hymes.
Hymes concerning the work of the anthropologist and linguistic forget broad area of human communication and important. Anthropologists have long been conducting ethnographic studies on cultural aspects such as the kinship system, the traditional view of medicine and the healing of disease; the language issue is treated under other aspects, namely as a means to acquire other topics of language. Many book examines comparative religion, comparative politics, and so on, but there is no book on the comparison of the various parts of speech. The linguist, he was also overly concerned with language as an abstract system. They are glued to describe and explain the grammatical structure of the sentence is considered by native speakers. However, how people use that phrase is different from other sentences, whether the sentence was to have someone else, or just show off speech, considered outside the concern of linguistic theory. According to Hymes' social science experts said separating itself from the contents, and the two experts were split off from the pattern of the use of speech "(1974: 126). Ethnography of communication will fill that gap by adding other things (substitutions or communication) of the topics plots for pemerian ethnographic anthropology, and develop the study of linguistics.
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