2. Utilization of LimbsTo bring students into math problems is not a difficult one. You can ask them to indicate how many feet, hands, etc. You can also invite students to display numbers with a finger, starting with pertanyaaan is simple, "how old are you?" Then students asked shows the requested number of teachers.3. The gameThis becomes an important key in teaching mathematics in elementary. why? Because according to the world of children who still love to play. Involve the kids play that allows them to do the math in a variety of ways, including sorting, creating a symmetric form and a building, make patterns, and so on. Then introduce the game of buy in the store, shows children the game of buying and selling toys or other small objects, learning to count, arithmetic, and the concept of money.4. The storyAs well as carrying students on a game, storytelling becomes the effective media for children that are still sitting on the bench elementary school. You can tell a story or a specific storytelling which contains tentag of mathematical concepts. If possible, you can also modify it with the help of some tools Viewer, such as the hand puppet for the media story. Or you can also use the media to clarify his mathematical concepts.5. Make the right-brain Ability of studentsRight brain hemispheres is related to emotional quotient (EQ). The ability to communicate with others, the ability of their imagination, the ability to feel or empathy and creativity. To that end, in the mathematical idea of a child digging, we can invite their discussion. For example a child aged 6 years asked put it this way: "think of the greatest numbers that you know, and then add that number to five. Imagine you have a number of chocolate that figure ". "Well, it's really fun isn't it? "6. Use the problem-solving ability Ask the children to explain how they discover problems like getting just enough to their scissor table or how much they need a snack if guests who joined the group. Encourage them to use their own fingers or anything that might be useful to to solve the problem.7. Use a variety of strategiesBring math everywhere in the classroom, from counting the number of children in the morning, counting table chairs, asked the children to clean up existing stuff a certain number, or clean a specific geometrical items etc.8. Use technologyTry to use a digital camera to photograph the work of children, games and activities that are carried out, and then use the photos for discussion with children, curriculum planning, and communication with parents. Use also other technologies, such as computer wisely.9. use the assessment to measure the valuation of children learn mathUsing observations, discussions with the children, and learning activities for small children about math and thinking to make decisions about what might each child can learn from the experience. Also try using a computer for assessment using the program automatically. SOURCE URhttp://www.ahmatnurdin.com/tips-cara-kreatif-dan-efektif-dalam-mengajar-matematika-di-sd.html
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