Full Name: Virgiawan Listanto
Popular Name: Iwan Fals
Date of Birth: 3 September 1961
Place of Birth: Jakarta, Indonesia
Occupation: Singer, Songwriter, Musician, Manufacturer
Genre: ballads and country
Instrument: Vocals, Guitar Virgiawan Listanto or better known by the name Iwan Fals was born on September 3, 1961 in the capital Jakarta. He is an homage to ballads and country musicians. Thanks to the songs that consistently raise social issues and observe the periphery close to him, significantly impacting criticism 'banned' him in the New Order Bung Iwan makes a living legend of this nation. Iwan Fals born to Lies (mother) and father Haryoso deceased (colonel posthumously). Iwan married Rosanna (Ms Jos) and have children Galang Rambu Anarchy (deceased), Annisa Cikal Basae signs, and signs Rayya Robbani. Bung Iwan spent his childhood in Bandung, then joined his brother in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for 8 months. Bung possessed musical talent Iwan increasingly honed when he was 13 years old, where Bung Iwan spent much time with singing in Bandung. Playing guitar since I was young did he even busking bergitar ability to train and create songs. The story of traveling musician Iwan Fals in Jakarta, stems from an invitation of a producer. He then sold the bike to the cost of making a master. Iwan recording the first album with his colleagues, joined in Ambush, but the album failed in the market and Iwan went back to the profession as a musician. Together with Musica music label, then the songs Bung Iwan worked more seriously, eventually the songs in the Album Bachelor success in the market.
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