Once upon a time, in the area of South Sulawesi, there is acountry nam terjemahan - Once upon a time, in the area of South Sulawesi, there is acountry nam Jerman Bagaimana mengatakan

Once upon a time, in the area of So

Once upon a time, in the area of South Sulawesi, there is a
country named Soppeng. Inhabitants of the land
It's always living the serene, peaceful, and
prosper. Their main livelihood
is farming. Every day they work in
rice with quiet and peaceful heart.
At one time, an atmosphere of calm and peace
is suddenly disturbed by the arrival of
Stealth figure named Granny Pakande. 
come to the country prey to
made santapannya. Stealth's grandmother
very fond of eating the flesh of children.
Therefore, the children have always been
incarannya. Typically, Granny Pakande begins
wandering around looking for prey when the day begins
On one afternoon, when it was getting dark, day
Granny Pakande saw a little boy
are engrossed playing in his yard.
The boy's errant son included. Already berkali-
times are advised by her parents in order to immediately
enter into, but it was still fun
playing alone. When the atmosphere in
beyond that, the opportunity is not being light-minded disia-
neglect by Granny Pakande. 
catch that kid and then take it away.
A few moments later, the mother of confusion
looking for his son. He's been looking around
the House but never found it.
"Tolooong [...] tolooong ... ... ... ... my son is gone!" cried
the mother was frantic.
Hear the sound of shouts, the neighbors
unison tumbled out of the House and
swarmed the mother.
"What happened to the child's mother?" asked
one of the residents.
"My son, my son......, my son is gone," replied
the mother sadly.
"Lost as to where the child's mother?" asked again the citizens of
"I dunno, Sir!" said the mother with the confused,
"He suddenly just disappear without leaving
the slightest trace. 
briefly into the House when she is engrossed
play alone in the yard of the House. 
back to invite him into the
the House, he's not there, "he explained.
After hearing the explanation, the
citizens flock looking for the boy. 
've been looking up everywhere, but
has not yet found it. Because the night
already late, finally to the residents
stop the search. 
day, as the sun began to appear on the horizon
East, they resume the search,
but the result remains nil.
The next night, similar events
back happens. This time, a baby who
become a victim. The baby was missing at the time of the second
her parents were asleep. Both
such events really make fret
the whole citizenry. Parents cannot be
to sleep at night because of the need to maintain
their children.
Look at the situation, the shamans in the country
Soppeng soon find out who the kidnappers
the mysterious thing. With the science that is owned,
they finally managed to figure it out. 
then they tell
all the citizens that the perpetrators of the abduction
is Granny Pakande. What a surprise
throughout the hearing as citizens
they are highly familiar character or behavior
Granny Pakande.
"Hi, Granny Pakande It wasnt a
Stealth sakti mandraguna? "asked
a citizen.
"Yeah, right. He is very milky and not a
any man who can afford
defeat him. He's just afraid of
a giant figure named King Bangkung bridge
Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale. However, the Giants were already
never again heard the news
its existence, "explained one of the shaman.
"Thus, what can we do?" asked
also an other with bewilderment.
None of the answer. 
the confusion of dealing with that issue. 
amid the confusion, a
the young man who sat the back suddenly
lift up the talk. The young man was named La Beddu.
He was a clever young man.
"Sorry, the attendees! Perkenankanlah I
to convey something. I have had a
a way to destroy Grandmother
Pakande, "said the young man.
For a moment, the atmosphere of the meeting was to be
silence. All views and his desire to
the young man. 
look at him with hopeful. 
not a few of them looked at him
with a look that is demeaning.
"Hi, La Beddu. 
beating Grandma Pakande? 
very Milky, while you yourself just
an ordinary young man who does not have magical power
altogether? "asked one of the residents.
La Beddu just smiled, then replied:
the question with ease.
"Not forever magical power that must be combated
with the divine power of all, "said La Beddu.
All residents were stunned. After that, La Beddu
explain that one – one way to
Granny Pakande's beat
"Put it this way, brothers and sisters," she continued, "we
all already know that Grandma Pakande only
afraid of the giant King Bangkung bridge Pitu
Reppa Rawo Ale. 
phishing websites impersonate-Pakande with Grandma
pretending to be a giant like that, "explained La
Hearing that, citizens are increasingly
confused. Moreover, when La Beddu request
to the citizens to prepare for each of the
one fruit of salaga (rake), one bucket
foam SOAP, one tail of the turtles and eels,
a single sheet of bamboo it is dry skin,
and a large stone.
"For what it's La salaga Beddu? 
Yet the planting season now? "asked a
citizens with confused.
"Never mind, Pak's father hadn't too.
Many ask. 
That is important now is to search for all
objects and animals that I mentioned earlier
then collect it in my house. 
I explained everything, "said La Beddu.
Without much tanya again, citizens soon
executing request La Beddu. 
went looking for eel in rice fields, and others
look for turtles in the river. A portion of the
the other is busy making salaga and prepare
foam SOAP one bucket, a large stone, as well as
skin of bamboo shoots. 
required, the residents immediately brought it to
Home La Beddu.
"Hi, La Beddu! Explain to us
regarding the intent and objectives of all
and this beast! "urges the leaders of the community.
La Beddu was then explained that
salaga which resemble the comb, foam
SOAP-like saliva, and turtle
a turtle that resembles a human head lice it would be
used to trick Granny Pakande.
By showing these objects,
Grandma Pakande would have thought of it all is
the King owned Bangkung bridge Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale.
In the meantime, the bamboo shoot skin
similar to the trumpet is to be used for
turn up the sound so that it resembles the
the giant's voice. As for eels and large stone
the individual will be placed on the
front door and in front of the stairs.
After that, together with the citizens of La Beddu
soon devised a stratagem. 
appointed who will each serve
put the eels in front of the door and a large stone
in front of the stairs.
When it was getting dark, La Beddu soon rise
up the attic Sao King [1] to hide
While carrying salaga, foam SOAP, turtle
Turtle skin, and bamboo shoots. In the meantime, both
residents who have been given the task of hiding in
down under Sao King. Once everything is ready,
the citizens began trapping Grandmother Pakande
with interlocking doors of their homes
meetings without the slightest explanation.
Unless the door is opened, the King of Sao width and in
It turned on a lamp. In addition,
a baby was also placed in the room
as bait to trap Granny Pakande
in order to enter into the King of the Sao.
Soon, then, Grandma Pakande else
the King came to Sao. Without paying
the slightest suspicion, she stepped
slowly climbed the stairs of Sao King
one by one. While in front of the door,
the senses of smell directly feel the smell
babies are very intense. Stealth's grandmother
any direct entry into the Sao of the King. 
that's when, the two citizens who hide in
down under King immediately implement Sao
their task then go back to where
persembunyianya unbeknownst to Grandma
When Pakande was about to approach the baby's grandmother
inside the room, suddenly
his pace stalled by loud noises that
rebuked him.
"Hi, Grandma Pakande! Do you want to come
Here, ha? "
That voice is not another voice La Beddu
using the skin of bamboo shoots above the attic.
However, Grandma Pakande did not know it
"Who is that Sound?" asked Grandma Pakande
with shock.
"I am the giant King Bangkung bridge Pitu Reppa
Rawo Ale. HA ... ha ... ha ...! "replied the voice
While laughing out loud.
Heard that answer, Grandma Pakande start
is the voice of the Giants.
"What the evidence if you are the King
Bangkung Bridge Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale? "
La Beddu is on top of the attic right away
SOAP foam shedding from the embernya right
in front Of Pakande. What a surprise
women's stealth because it thought the foam
the SOAP is the giant's saliva.
"How, Grandma Pakande? 
still doubting me? "asked the voice.
"Evidence of what more proof could you show me
to me? " Grandma Pakande asked back.
Hear that question, La Beddu soon
salaga and dropping a turtle are least
streak. See both of those things, Grandma
Direct Pakande fled riding langgang
because of fear. He thought that the second object
flea combs and is owned by the giant.
So he went through the door of the King, his legs Sao
step on the eel put in place it
until finally slipped and fell
rolling around on the steps. Upon arriving at
on the ground, his head banged on Boulder
already prepared in front of the stairs.
Although severely wounded, Grandma Pakande still
able to stand up and fled either to
where. However, before leaving the country,
He was given to all citizens
that someday he will return to prey on
their children. Because of that, until
now, people often use Soppeng
This story to scare kids
they are not hanging around outside the home
When the day is dark.

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Hasil (Jerman) 1: [Salinan]
Einmal, im Bereich von Süd-Sulawesi gibt es eineLand mit dem Namen Soppeng. Bewohner des LandesEs ist immer das ruhige Leben, friedliche undgedeihen. Ihre wichtigsten Existenzgrundlageist die Landwirtschaft. Jeden Tag arbeiten sie inReis mit ruhigen und friedlichen Herzen.Zu einer Zeit, eine Atmosphäre der Ruhe und des Friedenswird plötzlich durch die Ankunft von gestört.Getarnte Figur mit dem Namen Granny Pakande. die Land-Beute zu kommenSantapannya gemacht. Stealth's Großmuttersehr gern essen das Fleisch der Kinder.Daher sind die Kinder seit jeherIncarannya. Gewöhnlich beginnt Granny Pakandeumher auf der Suche nach Beute, wenn der Tag beginntdunkel.An einem Nachmittag, wenn es dunkel war, TagOma Pakande sah einen kleinen Jungenwerden vertieft in seinem Hof zu spielen.Der junge fahrenden Sohn inbegriffen. Bereits Berkali-Mal sind von ihren Eltern um sofort beraten.einzugehen, aber es war immer noch Spaßallein spielen. Wenn die Atmosphäre inDarüber hinaus wird die Möglichkeit Light-minded Disia - nichtOma Pakande zu vernachlässigen. das Kind zu fangen und dann mitnehmen.Wenige Augenblicke später, die Mutter von Verwirrungauf der Suche nach seinem Sohn. Er hat sucht rund umDas Haus fand aber nie es."Tolooong [...] Tolooong............ mein Sohn ist verschwunden! "riefdie Mutter war hektisch.Die Schreie, die Nachbarn hörenUnison fiel aus dem Haus unddie Mutter wimmelte."Was das Kind Mutter geworden?" fragteeiner der Bewohner."Mein Sohn, mein Sohn..., mein Sohn ist verschwunden," antwortete.die Mutter traurig."Verloren, wo das Kind Mutter?" fragte wieder die Bürgerinnen und Bürgeres."Ich weiß nicht, Sir!" sagte die Mutter mit der Verwirrung,"Er plötzlich einfach verschwinden, ohnedie geringste Spur. kurz ins Haus Wenn sie vertieft istSpielen Sie alleine auf dem Hof des Hauses. Zurück zu einladen, ihn in dieDas Haus, er nicht da ist, erklärte"er.Nach Anhörung der Erklärung, dieBürger in Scharen auf der Suche nach dem jungen. habe mir überall, aberhat nicht noch gefunden. Weil die Nachtschon spät, schließlich zu den Bewohnernhalten Sie die Suche. begann am Tag, als die Sonne am Horizont erscheinenOsten, fortsetzen sie die Suche,aber das Ergebnis bleibt gleich NULL.In der nächsten Nacht, ähnliche Veranstaltungenwieder passiert. Dieses Mal, ein Baby,geworden Sie ein Opfer. Das Baby war zum Zeitpunkt der zweiten fehltIhre Eltern schliefen. Beidesolche Veranstaltungen machen wirklich den Bundder gesamten Bürgerschaft. Eltern dürfen nichtwegen der Notwendigkeit, in der Nacht schlafenIhre Kinder.Blick auf die Situation, die Schamanen im LandSoppeng bald herausfinden, wer die Entführerdie mysteriöse Sache. Mit der Wissenschaft, die Besitzer ist,Es gelang ihnen schließlich, es herauszufinden. dann sagen Siealle Bürgerinnen und Bürger, die die Täter von der EntführungOma-Pakande ist. Was für eine Überraschungwährend der Anhörung der US-BürgerSie sind sehr familiäre Charakter oder VerhaltenOma Pakande."Hallo, Granny Pakande es war keinGetarnte Sakti Mandraguna? "gefragtein Bürger."Ja, richtig. Er ist sehr milchig und keinejeder Mann, der es sich leisten könnenihn zu besiegen. Er hat nur Angst voreine riesige Figur namens King Bangkung Brücke BrückePITU Reppa Rawo Ale. Allerdings waren die Giants bereitsnie wieder hörte die Nachrichtenseine Existenz, erklärte"einer der Schamanen."So können was wir tun?" fragteauch eine andere mit Ratlosigkeit.Keiner die Antwort. die Verwirrung der Umgang mit diesem Thema. inmitten der Verwirrung einder junge Mann plötzlich saß hintenHeben Sie die Rede. Der junge Mann hieß La Beddu.Er war ein kluger junger Mann."Sorry, die Teilnehmer! Perkenankanlah ichum etwas zu vermitteln. Ich habe eineeine Möglichkeit, die Großmutter zu zerstörenPakande, sagte"den jungen Mann.Für einen Moment war die Atmosphäre des Treffens seinStille. Alle Ansichten und seinen Wunschder junge Mann. Betrachten Sie ihn mit Hoffnung. nicht wenige von ihnen sah ihnmit einem Blick das ist erniedrigend."Hallo, La Beddu. schlagen Oma Pakande? sehr Milky, während Sie selbst nurein gewöhnlicher junger Mann, der keinen magischen Kraftinsgesamt? "einer der Bewohner gefragt.La Beddu gerade lächelte und antwortete:die Frage mit Leichtigkeit."Nicht für immer magische Kraft, die bekämpft werden müssenmit der göttlichen Kraft aller sagte"La Beddu.Alle Einwohner waren fassungslos. Nach diesem, La Beddueins – so zu erklärenOma Pakande's schlagenEinfallsreichtum."Hat es so formuliert, Brüder und Schwestern," fuhr sie fort, "wiralle schon wissen, dass Oma Pakande nurAngst vor dem Riesen König Bangkung Brücke PituReppa Rawo Ale. Phishing-Websites-Identität-Pakande mit Omapretending to be a giant like that, "explained LaBeddu.Hearing that, citizens are increasinglyconfused. Moreover, when La Beddu requestto the citizens to prepare for each of theone fruit of salaga (rake), one bucketfoam SOAP, one tail of the turtles and eels,a single sheet of bamboo it is dry skin,and a large stone."For what it's La salaga Beddu? Yet the planting season now? "asked acitizens with confused."Never mind, Pak's father hadn't too.Many ask. That is important now is to search for allobjects and animals that I mentioned earlierthen collect it in my house. I explained everything, "said La Beddu.Without much tanya again, citizens soonexecuting request La Beddu. went looking for eel in rice fields, and otherslook for turtles in the river. A portion of thethe other is busy making salaga and preparefoam SOAP one bucket, a large stone, as well asskin of bamboo shoots. required, the residents immediately brought it toHome La Beddu."Hi, La Beddu! Explain to usregarding the intent and objectives of alland this beast! "urges the leaders of the community.La Beddu was then explained thatsalaga which resemble the comb, foamSOAP-like saliva, and turtlea turtle that resembles a human head lice it would beused to trick Granny Pakande.By showing these objects,Grandma Pakande would have thought of it all isthe King owned Bangkung bridge Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale.In the meantime, the bamboo shoot skinsimilar to the trumpet is to be used forturn up the sound so that it resembles thethe giant's voice. As for eels and large stonethe individual will be placed on thefront door and in front of the stairs.After that, together with the citizens of La Beddusoon devised a stratagem. appointed who will each serveput the eels in front of the door and a large stonein front of the stairs.When it was getting dark, La Beddu soon riseup the attic Sao King [1] to hideWhile carrying salaga, foam SOAP, turtleTurtle skin, and bamboo shoots. In the meantime, bothresidents who have been given the task of hiding indown under Sao King. Once everything is ready,the citizens began trapping Grandmother Pakandewith interlocking doors of their homesmeetings without the slightest explanation.Unless the door is opened, the King of Sao width and inIt turned on a lamp. In addition,a baby was also placed in the roomas bait to trap Granny Pakandein order to enter into the King of the Sao.Soon, then, Grandma Pakande elsethe King came to Sao. Without payingthe slightest suspicion, she steppedslowly climbed the stairs of Sao Kingone by one. While in front of the door,the senses of smell directly feel the smellbabies are very intense. Stealth's grandmotherany direct entry into the Sao of the King. that's when, the two citizens who hide indown under King immediately implement Saotheir task then go back to wherepersembunyianya unbeknownst to GrandmaPakande.When Pakande was about to approach the baby's grandmotherinside the room, suddenlyhis pace stalled by loud noises thatrebuked him."Hi, Grandma Pakande! Do you want to comeHere, ha? "That voice is not another voice La Bedduusing the skin of bamboo shoots above the attic.However, Grandma Pakande did not know itit."Who is that Sound?" asked Grandma Pakandewith shock."I am the giant King Bangkung bridge Pitu ReppaRawo Ale. HA ... ha ... ha ...! "replied the voiceWhile laughing out loud.Heard that answer, Grandma Pakande startfear. is the voice of the Giants."What the evidence if you are the KingBangkung Bridge Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale? "La Beddu is on top of the attic right awaySOAP foam shedding from the embernya rightin front Of Pakande. What a surprisewomen's stealth because it thought the foamthe SOAP is the giant's saliva."How, Grandma Pakande? still doubting me? "asked the voice."Evidence of what more proof could you show meto me? " Grandma Pakande asked back.Hear that question, La Beddu soonsalaga and dropping a turtle are leaststreak. See both of those things, GrandmaDirect Pakande fled riding langgangbecause of fear. He thought that the second objectflea combs and is owned by the giant.So he went through the door of the King, his legs Saostep on the eel put in place ituntil finally slipped and fellrolling around on the steps. Upon arriving aton the ground, his head banged on Boulderbereits vorbereitet vor der Treppe.Obgleich schwer verwundet, noch Oma Pakandestandhalten und flüchteten entweder zuwo. Bevor Sie jedoch das Land verlassen,Er war für alle Bürger gegeben.dass eines Tages er zurückkehren wird, um die Beute aufIhre Kinder. Aus diesem Grund bisVerwenden Sie nun Menschen oft SoppengDiese Geschichte um Kinder zu erschrecken.Sie sind nicht außerhalb des Hauses HerumlungernWann ist der Tag dunkel.
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