Understanding agreements or contracts set forth in Article 1313 of the Civil Code. Article 1313 of the Civil Code reads: "The treaty is an act by which one or more parties bind themselves to one person or more."
According to the new theory proposed by Van Dunne, which is defined by the agreement, is "a legal relationship between two or more parties based on an agreement to give rise to legal consequences. "
According to Salim HS, SH, MS, agreement or contract is a legal relationship between the subjects of the law with other legal subjects in the field of wealth, where the subject of law that one is entitled to achievement and so is subject other legal obligation to carry out his achievements which have been agreed in accordance with. "
According Subekti, an agreement is an event where a promise to one another or where the two men promised each other to carry out one thing. From these events, there arises a relationship between two people is called engagement. In shape, the agreement in the form of a series of words that contain promises or ability that is spoken or written.
Thus, the relationship between the agreement with the engagement is that the agreement to publish the engagement. Agreement is a source of engagement, as well as other sources. Other sources include laws. So, there is an engagement that is born of the agreement and there is an engagement that is born of the legislation.
With so much sense that an agreement has been described above, there are three elements that can be deduced, namely:
1. There are those who claim, or in business terms commonly called creditors
2. There are people who are required, or which in business terms commonly called debtor
3. There is something that is required, namely achievement.
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