. Mendukung ide-ide baruKetika seorang karyawan datang kepada Anda den terjemahan - . Mendukung ide-ide baruKetika seorang karyawan datang kepada Anda den Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

. Mendukung ide-ide baruKetika seor

. Mendukung ide-ide baru
Ketika seorang karyawan datang kepada Anda dengan sebuah ide atau solusi untuk suatu masalah yang mereka percaya baik bagi perusahaan, itu tandanya mereka peduli. Mendukung ide-ide baru dan memberikan masing-masing individu kesempatan untuk menjalankannya adalah sebuah motivasi, meskipun pada akhirnya ide tersebut tidak berhasil

2. Berikan wewenang pada setiap individu
Setiap individu berkontribusi pada bottom line perusahaan. Membuat mereka mempunyai peran dalam pekerjaan mereka, besar atau kecil, akan membuat mereka mempunyai ‘sense of ownership’ yang akan membuat mereka mempunyai performa yang melebihi ekspektasi.

3. Jangan biarkan mereka bosan
Saya mudah merasa bosan, jadi saya berasumsi bahwa karyawan saya juga mempunyai short attention span. Seperti kontes membuat cupcake, merencanakan happy hour, membuat kontes push-up di tengah-tengah kantor pada hari rabu, atau membiarkan orang yang berbeda untuk menjalankan meeting mingguan supaya tidak monoton.

4. Rayakan setiap momen penting
Sekitar 7 tahun lalu, ketika perusahaan hanya mempunyai kurang dari 10 karyawan, kami merayakan ulang tahun setiap karyawan, work anniversary, pertunangan, dan juga kejadian-kejadian penting pribadi mereka. Sekarang, sebagai perusahaan yang mempunyai lebih dari 100 karyawan, kami masih merayakan kejadian-kejadian penting tersebut.

5. Mengenali setiap pencapaian professional mereka
Setiap orang ingin diakui kehebatannya. Pengakuan dan pujian dari para manajer tingkat atas atau owner dari perusahaan akan sangat berarti bagi seorang karyawan, lebih dari yang Anda bayangkan.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
. Supports new ideasWhen an employee comes to you with an idea or solution to a problem that they believe is good for the company, it's a sign they care. Supporting new ideas and give each individual an opportunity to run it is a motivation, although the idea was not successful2. give the authority in any individualEach individual contributes to the bottom line of the company. Make them have a role in their job, large or small, will make them have a sense of ' ownership ' which will make them have a performance that exceeds expectations.3. Don't let them get boredI'm easily bored, so I assume that my employees also have a short attention span. As the contest making cupcake happy hour, plan, make the contest push-ups in the middle of the Office on Wednesday, or allow different people to run the weekly meeting so as not monotonous.4. Celebrate every pivotal momentAbout 7 years ago, when the company only had less than 10 employees, we celebrate the birthday of every employee, work anniversary, engagement, and also the important events of their personal. Now, as the company has more than 100 employees, we still celebrate such important events.5. Recognize every achievement of their professionalEveryone wants to recognized his prowess. Recognition and praise from the top level manager or owner of the company will be very meaningful for an employee, more than you can imagine.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
, Supports new ideas
When an employee comes to you with an idea or solution to a problem they believe is good for the company, it was a sign they care. Supporting new ideas and give each individual the opportunity to run it is a motivation, though in the end the idea was not successful

2. Give authority on every individual
in each individual contributes to the company's bottom line. Make them have a role in their job, large or small, will make them have a 'sense of ownership' that will make them have a performance that exceeded expectations.

3. Do not let them get bored
I am easily bored, so I assume that my employees also have a short attention span. As the contest made ​​cupcake, plan a happy hour, making push-up contest in the middle of the office on Wednesday, or allow different people to run weekly meetings that are not monotonous.

4. Celebrate every important moment
About 7 years ago, when the company only has less than 10 employees, we celebrate the birthday of each employee, work anniversary, engagement, and also the important events of their personal. Now, as the company has more than 100 employees, we still celebrate these important events.

5. Recognize any of their professional achievement
Everyone wants to be recognized prowess. Recognition and praise from the top level manager or owner of the company will be very meaningful to an employee, more than you can imagine.
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