Pada suatu hari, tinggallah seorang gadis. Lilly Namanya. Ia adalah an terjemahan - Pada suatu hari, tinggallah seorang gadis. Lilly Namanya. Ia adalah an Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Pada suatu hari, tinggallah seorang

Pada suatu hari, tinggallah seorang gadis. Lilly Namanya. Ia adalah anak yang baik hati, penolong, rajin dan pintar. Pada suatu hari, Ibu Lilly sakit parah, Lilly merasa sangat cemas dan panik, tiba tiba datanglah seekor kucing yang muncul di hadapannya.

“Hai, perkenalkan namaku Pussy” ucap Pussy si kucing. Lilly pun terkejut dengan ragu-ragu ia menjawab.
“Hai Juga Pussy.” kata Lilly ragu.
“Tak Perlu ragu-ragu lly! aku adalah kucing yang sangat baik hati, aku tak bermaksud menakutimu. Apakah Ibumu sakit?” jawab Pussy Tersenyum.
“Ya, Ibuku sakit parah..” ucap Lilly.
“Aku bisa membantumu lly!” jawab Pussy tersenyum.
“Benar? kau bisa?” tanya Lilly.
“Ya! Tentu aku bisa ” jawab Pussy tersenyum.
“Terima kasih Pussy” ucap Lilly bahagia.

Tak lama kemudian Ibunya Lilly pun sembuh dari sakitnya.
“Sekarang, Ibumu sudah sembuh” kata Pussy.
“Terima Kasih Pussy” ucap Lilly dan Ibu serempak.

Keesokan harinya, Lilly pergi ke hutan untuk mencari kayu untuk bahan bakar memasak. Lilly hidup di rumah yang sederhana. Saat Lilly tiba di hutan, Lilly melihat seekor harimau yang ingin memakan Lilly, Lilly pun berteriak.

“Tolong! Tolong!” teriak Lilly.
“Ada apa lly? Haaa! ada seekor Harimau! aku bisa membantumu!” ucap Pussy.
“Hyaaaat! Buuuk!”
“Harimaunya sudah ku usir lly!” ucap Pussy.
“Terima kasih! kau adalah kucing yang sangat pemberani!” Kata Lilly berterima kasih kepada Pussy.
“Sama-sama Lilly, senang bisa membantumu! ” kata Pussy.

Lalu, mereka pulang dan mereka makan bersama di rumah.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
One day, stay with a girl. Her Name Is Lilly. He was the son of a good heart, helper, diligent and clever. One day, Lilly's mother is seriously ill, Lilly felt very anxious and panicked, suddenly there came a cat who appears before him."Hi, my name is Pussy introduces" said Pussy the cat. Lilly ever surprised by the hesitation he answered."Hi Also Pussy." said Lilly."No need to hesitate lly! I was the cat who is very kind, I don't mean to menakutimu. If your mother is sick? "answered a smiling Pussy."Yes, my mother is terminally ill." said Lilly."I can get lly!" answered a smiling Pussy."True? did you get? "asked Lilly."Yes! Of course I can "replied smiling Pussy."Thank you Pussy" said Lilly happy.Shortly thereafter his mother Lilly ever recover from the illness."Now, your mother had healed" said Pussy."Thank you Pussy" said Lilly and Mrs. synchronously.The next day, Lilly went into the forest to look for wood for cooking fuel. Lilly lived in a modest house. When Lilly arrived in the forest, Lilly saw a tiger wanting to eat the Lilly, Lilly ever yelled."Please help! Please! "cried the Lilly."What is lly? Haaa! There is a tiger! I can help you! "said Pussy."Hyaaaat! Buuuk! ""Harimaunya lly banish me already!" said Pussy."Thank you! you are a very brave cat! " Lilly said thanking the Pussy."Equally Lilly, glad I could help you!" said Pussy.Then, they go home and they eat together at home.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
One day, lived a girl. Her name is Lilly. He is a good-natured child, helper, diligent and smart. One day, Mrs. Lilly severe pain, Lilly felt very anxious and panicked, suddenly there came a cat that appeared in front of her. "Hi, my name is Pussy introduce" said Pussy cat. Lilly was surprised by hesitation he replied, "O Also Pussy." Lilly said doubtfully. "No need to hesitate lly! I was very good-natured cat, I do not mean to scare you. Is your mother sick? "Replied Pussy smile." Yes, my mother was very sick .. "Lilly said." I can help lly! "Pussy replied smiling." Really? can you? "Lilly asked." Yes! Of course I can "answered Pussy smiled." Thanks Pussy "said Lilly happy. Soon mother Lilly was recovered from an illness." Now, your mother was cured "said Pussy." Thanks Pussy "said Lilly and mother simultaneously. The next day , Lilly went into the forest to find wood for cooking fuel. Lilly lives in a modest house. Currently, Lilly arrived in the forest, Lilly saw a tiger that wants to eat Lilly, Lilly was shouting, "Help! Help! "Cried Lilly." What lly? Haaa! there was a tiger! I can help! "said Pussy." Hyaaaat! BuUuk! "" Tiger had me expelled lly! "Said Pussy." Thanks! You are a very brave cat! "said Lilly thank Pussy." Equally Lilly, happy to help you! "Said Pussy. Then they go home and they eat together at home.

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