Remember when the baseball scene ngamuk-ngamuk Agnes Monica on Twitter because burglarized his luggage at the airport. He gave vent to Shannan's passing cuitan on the @agnesmo Twitter account. "At the airport, Indonesia, lock the suitcase is opened by force. This pertanggung-jawabannya gimana ya? There are 3 suitcase that undermined the key (not the TSA locks). Oh my gosh. Today, her mental if gini, how can move forward? " Maybe it is not new news rampant burglary suitcases of passengers at the airport. But because of its reasonable if celebrities ngamuk so hottest news materials in the media. Ranging from print, online, television until kompakkan declared cases of break-ins suitcase Agnes Monica. What experienced Agnes Monica can be experienced by anyone. Everyone had opportunities his luggage so victims of ignorant hands. The most fatal or even lost his luggage. Still mending if the case occurred at the airport in the country. LHA if abroad how? At best komplein to counter ' Lost and Fund ' airline. It was no guarantee of his luggage could be behind the ready time. Damage to suitcases indeed replaced it with the terms and conditions are tight. Most fixed carriers would love a few dozen dollars for capital to buy clothes as if the suitcase was missing. What can be learned from the story above? Yup, the risk of the journey. Loss or damage to baggage is part of the risk. Nobody is immune so target criminals for so travelersNobody is immune so target criminals for so travelers But that is just a small part of it. There is still a list of other travel risks which must be observed. For example, falling ill fitting travel, accident, until his death. Fortunately, that risk could be transferred to other parties when it completes the itinerary with travel insurance or travel insurance. If experiencing similar cases where Agnes Monica so victims of break-ins suitcase, then the loss can be claimed to insurance companies. It's replaceable losses, insurance companies cannot replace the missing items. But at least it can minimize the risk.
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