Corby Bebas, Ulah Australia?Oleh Edwin KMenteri Hukum dan Hak Azasi Ma terjemahan - Corby Bebas, Ulah Australia?Oleh Edwin KMenteri Hukum dan Hak Azasi Ma Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Corby Bebas, Ulah Australia?Oleh Ed

Corby Bebas, Ulah Australia?
Oleh Edwin K

Menteri Hukum dan Hak Azasi Manusia (HAM) Amir Syamsudin beberapa waktu lalu, ketika rapat kerja dengan Komisi III DPR menegaskan bahwa keputusan bebas bersyarat Schapelle Leigh Corby, terpidana kasus narkotika, hari Senin (10/2/14) bukan sebuah keistimewaan. Kebijakan itu juga berlaku bagi para narapidana lain.
Bahkan, menurut Amir, seluruh warga binaan sesuai undang-undang yang berlaku, dijamin negara untuk memperoleh remisi maupun pembebasan bersyarat selama warga itu memenuhi persyaratan.
Amir pun di depan anggota DPR Komisi III membandingkan hak Corby sebagai terpindana dengan upaya pemerintah Indonesia menyelamatkan ratusan warga negara Indonesia yang terancam hukuman mati. Ada 168 WNI dibebaskan, sebagian besar antara lain di Saudi Arabia dan Malaysia.
Sementara itu, kuasa hukum Ratu Mariyuwana asal Australia itu, menegaskan pembebasan bersyarat itu adalah murni persoalan hukum, tidak terkait politik Indonesia dengan negeri kanguru.

Corby yang kini berusia 36 tahun itu ditangkap petugas Bandara Ngurah Rai tahun2004. Saat ityu, dia membawa empat kilogram mariyuana. Tahun 2005 dia pun divonis 20 tahun penjara, namun tahun 2012 mendapat grasi dari Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono yaitu pengurangan masa tahanan selama lima tahun. Bahkan selama menjalani masa tahanan dia pernah mendapat remisi selama tiga tahun.

Bahkan di bagian lain, Menteri Luar Negeri Marty Natalegawa juga pernah meminta masyarakat untuk tidak mempolitisasi pembebasan bersyarat Corby.
Yang pasti dengan dibebaskannya Corby, maka ini menjadi peringatan bagi upaya negeri ini memerangi narkoba. Tetapi apa mau dikata nasi sudah menjadi bubur, Corby yang sudah ketangkap tangan membawa mariyuana saja, bisa bebas. Siapa sih Corby itu? Tentu bukan siapa-siapa, tetapi kasus ini rupanya dimanfaatkan oleh pemerintah Australia untuk membuktikan pengaruhnya dalam hubungannya dengan Indonesia.

Karena itu, kalau dikatakan tidak ada intervensi atau apa pun dari pemerintah Australia, rasanya tidak mungkin. Tahun lalu berita yang diturunkan oleh BBC, Inggris, pernah menyebutkan bahwa pemerintah Australia akan menjamin secara resmi bahwa Schapelle Corby akan mematuhi hukum jika mendapat bebas bersyarat. Bahkan surat itu menurut pihak Lapas Kerobokan adalah bentuk intervensi pemerintah Australia untuk mempercepat proses pembebasan bersyarat, walaupun secara resmi upaya itu diajukan oleh pengacara Corby.
Namun Australia membantahnya, terutama soal janji atau hitung-hitungan dengan Indonesia terutama terkait kasus penyelundupan manusia di penjara Australia, sebagai imbalan atas remisi terhadap Corby.

Anehnya, Menteri Luar Negeri Australia, waktu itu, Bob Carr , kepada kantor berita asing mengakui kalau pemerintah Indonesia memandang adanya kaitan antara kedua hal itu, remisi Corby dengan penyelundupan manusia di penjara Australia. Setelah pernyataan itu, tak lama kemudian Australia membebaskan tiga remaja warga Indonesia yang ditahan karena tuduhan penyelundupan manusia. Sebanyak 22 kasus serupa lainnya juga sedang ditinjau ulang.
Yang pasti, beberapa pernyataan petinggi Australia itu, jelas memperlihatkan bahwa ada sesuatu dibalik pembebasan tersebut. Artinya, begitu mudah pemerintah kita didikte oleh Australia yang belakangan ini bermasalah besar dengan negeri kita, terutama terkait kasus penyadapan telepon presiden kita dan ibu negara.

Sepatutnya Indonesia bersikap tegas dan tanpa pandang bulu. Yang namanya kasus narkoba maupun korupsi, adalah kasus-kasus yang tidak perlu mendapat toleransi. Kejahatan yang kategiori ekstraordinasi itu, harus dilihat tanpa intervensi politik, dari siapa pun termasuk negara luar. Dimana idependensi dan harga diri kita sebagai negara hukum, bila kita sendiri tidak berupaya menegakkan dan mempertahankannya.

Kalau memang mau memberantas kejahatan itu, ya..dilakukan sampai tuntas, jangan setengah-setengah. Sebab apa pun alasanya, masyarakat sudah menilai bahwa kasus Corby ini sarat unsur politik, dan satu lagi, lemahnya penegakkan hukum di negeri ini. Pastas saja narkoba sulit diberantas.

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
corby free, act australia?
by edwin k

minister of law and human rights (ham) Amir Syamsudin some time ago, when meeting with House Commission III asserts that the parole decision leigh Schapelle Corby, convicted narcotics, Monday ( 02/10/14) is not a privilege. The policy also applies to the other inmates.
even, according to the amir,whole of inmates in accordance applicable law, the state is guaranteed to obtain remission or parole for the residents meet the requirements.
amir was in front of members of House of Representatives Commission III compares corby rights as terpindana the Indonesian government's efforts to save hundreds of Indonesian citizens who threatened punishment dead. there are 168 wni released,most of the others in saudi arabia and malaysia.
Meanwhile, the queen's attorney australia mariyuwana the origin, affirms that parole is a pure question of law, not related to the domestic Indonesian politics kangaroo.

Corby 36-year-old was arrested tahun2004 Ngurah Rai airport officials. ityu when he brought four kilograms of marijuana.In 2005 he was sentenced to 20 years in prison, but in 2012 received a pardon from President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is the reduction of jail term for five years. even during a period of detention he had received a remission for three years.

even in another part, Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa also been asking people not to politicize corby parole.
certainly with the release of Corby, then this be a warning to the country fight drug efforts. but what can I say rice has become porridge, Corby who has been caught carrying marijuana alone hand, can be free. who the hell corby it? certainly not a nobody,but this case seems to be used by the Australian government to prove its influence in relation to Indonesia.

therefore, to say there is no intervention or anything of the Australian government, it is unlikely. last year derived by bbc news, british,never mentions that the Australian government will ensure that Schapelle Corby officially will obey the law if it gets parole. even the letter according to the Kerobokan prison is a form of government intervention australia to speed up the process of parole, although the effort was formally filed by attorney corby.
but denied australia,primarily a matter of promise or calculations related with Indonesia, especially in prison smuggling case australia, in return for remission to Corby.

strange, foreign minister of Australia, at that time, Bob Carr, told a foreign news agency admitted that the Indonesian government looked at the presence of link between the two,corby remission with human smuggling in prisons australia. after that statement, shortly after freeing the three australia teenage Indonesian citizen who was arrested on charges of human smuggling. as many as 22 other similar cases are also being reviewed.
certainly, some of the statements that Australian officials, clearly shows that there is something behind the release.that is, our government is so easily dictated by the latter australia a big problem with our country, especially related to phone tapping case our president and first lady.

duly Indonesia to be assertive and indiscriminately. whose name drug cases and corruption, are the cases that do not need to be tolerated. kategiori crime ekstraordinasi it,be seen without political intervention, from anyone, including outside the country. where idependensi and our pride as a nation of law, if we do not seek to uphold and defend it.

if it wanted to eradicate evil, yes .. carried to completion, do not half-half. For whatever the reason, people have considered that the Corby case laden political elements,and another, weak law enforcement in this country. Just pastas difficult to eradicate drugs.

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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
Free Corby, Rampant Australia?
by Edwin K

Minister of Law and human rights (human rights) of Amir Syamsuddin some time ago, when a work meeting with HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Commission III affirmed that decision conditional free Schapelle Leigh Corby, narcotics cases, the convicted person Monday (10/2/14) is not a privilege. The policy also applies to the other inmates.
Even, according to Amir, the entire building residents according to the applicable legislation, the State guaranteed to earn remission or parole as long as it meets the requirements of citizens.
Amir was in front of members of the House Commission III compares the rights of Corby as terpindana with the Government's efforts to save hundreds of citizens of Indonesia Indonesia threatened the death penalty. There are 168 WNI freed, in large part, among others, in Saudi Arabia and Malaysia.
In the meantime, the power law of Queen Mariyuwana the origin of Australia, reiterated that parole is a pure question of law, not associated with Indonesia's political affairs kangaroos.

Corby is now 36-year-old was arrested officers Ngurah Rai tahun2004. As ityu, he took four kilograms of marijuana. In 2005 he was sentenced to 20 years in prison, but in 2012 get pardons from President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono that the reduction of the prisoner for five years. Even during her period of detention he got remission for three years.

even in the other part, Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa has also asked the public to not politicized parole Corby.
Certainly with the deliverance of Corby, then this becomes a warning to the country's efforts to combat drugs. But what can the rice porridge, Corby has been already hack the hands carry marijuana only, could be free. Who the hell is Corby? Certainly not anyone, but this case was apparently utilized by the Government of Australia to prove his influence in relation to Indonesia.

therefore, if it says no intervention or anything from the Government of Australia, it didn't seem possible. Last year the news was revealed by the BBC, the United Kingdom, never mention that the Government of Australia will guarantee formally that Schapelle Corby will comply with the law if it gets free conditional. Even the letters according to the Lapas Kerobokan is a form of government intervention Australia to speed up the process of parole, though the effort was officially filed by lawyer Corby.
However the rumours, Australia especially the matter of appointments or hitung-hitungan with Indonesia mainly related to human smuggling case in Australia, jail in return for remission against Corby.

Oddly, the Foreign Minister of Australia, at that time, Bob Carr, told a foreign news agency acknowledged that Indonesia's Government looked at the link between those two things, human smuggling with Corby remission in prison Australia. After that statement, soon afterwards Australia frees three teenagers who were detained for Indonesia citizens on charges of smuggling humans. As many as 10 other similar cases are also being reviewed.
to be sure, some of Australia's top brass, the statement clearly shows that there is something behind the liberation. That is, it's so easy our Government dictated by this latter troubled Australia with our country, mainly related to a case tapping the phone of our President and first lady Duly

Indonesia. be assertive and indiscriminately. The name of the drug and corruption cases, are the cases that do not need to have tolerance. Kategiori ekstraordinasi crimes, to be seen without political intervention, from anyone including outside the country. Where idependensi and our self-esteem as a State law, if we do not strive to uphold and defend it ...

If it wants to eradicate crime, Yes.done until midday, don't half-measures. Whatever the reason, the society already assess alasanya that Corby's case is full of political elements, and another one, weak enforcement of the law in this country. Pastas just hard drugs eradicated.

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