Atasi Banjir dengan Polder SystemJakarta, Jia Xiang - Provinsi DKI Jak terjemahan - Atasi Banjir dengan Polder SystemJakarta, Jia Xiang - Provinsi DKI Jak Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Atasi Banjir dengan Polder SystemJa

Atasi Banjir dengan Polder System
Jakarta, Jia Xiang - Provinsi DKI Jakarta disarankan membangun dan mengembangkan "Polder System" dalam mengatasi banjir. Sekalipun cukup mahal namun manfaatnnya sangat besar dalam mengatasi banjir.

"Pada jangka panjang, upaya mengatasi banjir di DKI Jakarta harus dilakukan dengan membangun polder system, yaitu cara pengaturan air yang dilakukan sedemikian rupa sehingga lahan lahan budidaya akan dikelilingi oleh tanggul raksasa. Tanggul-tanggul itu dilengkapi dengan pintu-pintu air yang dikendalikan sesuai kebutuhan,” ujar Pengamat Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional, Syahrial Loetan, di Jakarta, Senin (17/2/14) seperti dikutip Antara.

Sungai, saluran air, waduk, situ, dan reservoir yang sudah ada perlu di rehabilitasi menjadi tempat mengalirkan serta menampung kelebihan air akibat banjir.

Polder wujudnya berupa sebidang tanah rendah yang dikelilingi oleh 'embankment' atau timbunan/ tanggul yang membentuk satu-kesatuan hidrologis buatan. Tidak ada ada kontak dengan air yang berasal dari luarnya, selain yang diatur sesuai kemauan kita.

Menurut Loetan, tanggul yang mengelilingi polder bisa berupa pemadatan tanah dengan lapisan kedap air atau dinding batu. Bisa juga berupa konstruksi beton dan perkerasan yang canggih.
Sistem polder juga banyak diterapkan pada reklamasi laut atau muara sungai, serta pada manajemen air buangan (air kotor dan drainase hujan) di daerah yang lebih rendah dari muka air laut dan sungai.

"Dua syarat jika menggunakan polder yaitu biaya investasi yang cukup mahal yang mencapai triliunan rupiah dan harus ada komitmen bersama untuk memelihara prasarana dengan baik, termasuk merubah perilaku masyarakat yang suka membuang sampah sembarangan," papar Loetan.

Lebih lanjut ujar Loetan, dengan sistem polder air tidak akan berkumpul di jalanan atau wilayah permukiman. Sebab, setiap kali ada air datang, maka secara otomatis akan dipompakan ke badan air (sungai dan lainnya) atau polder lain yang lebih tinggi, yang akhirnya didorong menuju ke laut. Metode seperti itu telah lama diterapkan di Belanda. [W1]

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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]

Cope with the flood polder system
jakarta, jia xiang - jakarta province suggested establishing and developing "the polder system" in dealing with flooding. manfaatnnya though quite expensive but very large in addressing the flood.

"in the long term, efforts to tackle flooding in jakarta have to do with building a polder system,ie how water management is done such that the cultivated land area will be surrounded by giant levees. embankments were fitted with doors controlled water as needed, "said observer of national development planning, Syahrial Loetan, in Jakarta, Monday (17.02.14) as quoted between.

rivers, waterways, reservoirs, there ,and the existing reservoir needs to be a drain on rehabilitation as well as receive excess water due to flooding.

polders of the form a low piece of land surrounded by 'embankment' or embankment / dike which forms the artificial hydrological entity. there is no contact with the water that comes from the outside, other than those set according to our will.

according Loetan,polder dykes surrounding soil compaction can be a water-resistant coating or stone walls. could also be of concrete construction and sophisticated pavement.
polder system is also widely applied to the reclamation of the sea or estuaries, as well as on the management of waste water (sewage and rain drainage) in the lower area of ​​sea and river water level.

"Two requirements when using the polder is a fairly expensive investment worth trillions of dollars, and there must be a shared commitment to properly maintain infrastructure, including changing public behavior like littering," said Loetan.

Loetan further said, with a systems polder water will not gather in the streets or residential areas. because,every time there is water coming, it will automatically pumped into water bodies (rivers, etc.) or other higher polder, which eventually driven into the sea. Such methods have long been applied in the Netherlands. [W1]

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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]

Coping with Flood Polder System
Jia Xiang-Jakarta, DKI Jakarta are advised to build and develop the "Polder System" in coping with flooding. Though quite expensive but very large manfaatnnya in coping with flooding.

"in the long term, efforts to tackle flooding in Jakarta has to do with building the polder system, that is how water management is done such that the land cultivated land will be surrounded by giant dikes. Dykes was fitted with doors controlled water as needed, "said the observer national development planning, Syahrial Loetan, Jakarta, Monday (17/2/14) was quoted as saying Between.

rivers, aqueducts, reservoirs, there, the existing reservoir and need rehabilitation in a drain as well as accommodate excess water caused by flooding the Polder

his form. a plot of land surrounded by low ' embankment ' or the heap/levee formed an artificial hydrological entity-. There is no contact with the water that comes from the outside, in addition to being set according to our whims, according to Loetan,

. the embankment surrounding the polder can be compacting the soil with a layer of impermeable or stone walls. It could also be a concrete construction and a sophisticated roughness.
polder System is also widely applied to reclamation of sea or River estuary, as well as on the management of wastewater (water dirty and rain drainage), in the lower area of the sea and the river

."Two terms if you use the investment cost of the polder was pretty expensive to reach the trillions of rupiah and there should be a joint commitment to maintain infrastructure properly, including changing the behavior of people who like litter," explained Loetan.

further said the Loetan polder system, with water will not gather in the streets or neighborhoods. Because, whenever there is water coming in, it will automatically dipompakan into a body of water (River, and others) or other higher polder, which was eventually driven to the sea. Such methods have been applied in the Netherlands. [W1]

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