Basically, a series of photosynthetic reactions can be divided into two main parts: the light reaction (because it requires light) and a dark reaction (do not require light but require carbon dioxide). Light reaction occurs in grana (singular: granum), while the dark reactions occur in the stroma. Given the reaction, the conversion of light energy into chemical energy and produce oxygen (O2).
The process of photosynthesis
process of photosynthesis
While dark reactions occur in a cyclic series of reactions that form the basic ingredients of the sugar from CO2 and energy (ATP and NADPH). Energy used in the dark reaction is derived from the light reaction. In the dark reaction process does not require sunlight. Aims to transform the dark reaction of compounds containing carbon atoms into molecules of sugar.
Autotrophs photosynthetic organisms, which means that they save energy, they are able to synthesize food directly ari carbon dioxide, water, and using energy from light. They grow them as part of their potential energy. However, not all organisms use light as an energy source for photosynthesis, because fotoheterotrof use organic compounds, instead of carbon dioxide, as a source of energy.
In plants, algae, and cyanobacteria, photosynthesis produces oxygen. This is called photosynthesis oxygen. Although there are some differences between the oxygen photosynthesis in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria, in general, the process is very similar in these organisms. However, there are several types of bacteria that perform photosynthesis anoksigen, which absorb carbon dioxide, but do not produce oxygen.
Carbon dioxide is converted into sugars in a process called carbon fixation. Carbon fixation is a redox reaction, so photosynthesis require a source of energy for this process, and the electrons needed to convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates, which merupaan reduction reaction. In general, photosynthesis is the opposite of cellular respiration, in which glucose and other compounds are oxidized to produce karbondioksia, water, and chemical energy. However, both processes take place through a series of different chemical reactions and in different cellular compartments.
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