Cinta Pertama dan Terakhir  Angan ku terbang di atas awan. Melayang-la terjemahan - Cinta Pertama dan Terakhir  Angan ku terbang di atas awan. Melayang-la Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

Cinta Pertama dan Terakhir Angan k

Cinta Pertama dan Terakhir

Angan ku terbang di atas awan. Melayang-layang tak tentu entah arah mana yang akan dituju. Seketika itu juga fikiranku terdiam pada satu titik kefanaan yang tak berwarna namun ada sedikit corak yang bisa terbayang, bak hanya bagai bayangan semu belaka, ku coba terka apa itu yang ada, kucoba rasa juga ku raba. Namun masih sulit juga tuk terjawab. kebanyakan orang mengatakannya ini cinta. Tapi ah entah, entah perasaan ku yang sedikit kurang peka atau memang aku yang belum mengerti arti sebuah dari cinta. Mungkin ini menjadi kali pertama aku merasakannya. Dan mungkin benar, ini yang dinamakan cinta. Cinta pertama.

Sore itu, aku Faisal bersama dua sahabat karib ku Fahri dan Galih sedang asyik menikmati segelas capuccino cincau di sebuah kafe. Tiba-tiba obrolan kami terhenti seketika datang sosok seorang wanita dengan tinggi semampainya duduk tepat berbalikan dengan bangku yang Galih tongkrongi. Entah apa yang kurasakan saat ini. Tiba-tiba saja dentuman jantungku berdegup lebih kencang dari biasanya, darahku pun terasa jelas mengalir deras membasahi semua cela-cela sempit yang kasat mata. Wanita berkerudung itu, telah membuat hati ku luluh lantah tanpa arah. Oh ini kah yang dinamakan cinta pada pandangan pertama?

Sejak sore itu, setiap waktu entah kenapa selalu saja aku mulai memikirkanya. Berandai-andai Tuhan memberikan anugerah untuk bisa bertatap muka dengannya. Bertegur sapa, dan tahu dimana rumahnya. “dor dor dor! Isal, tolong ke minimarket bentar dong. Belikan mama saus tomat sama keju.” Lamunan ku pun buyar saat terdengar gedoran pintu. “iya ma tunggu sebentar ya”. Masih sempat-sempatnya, dalam perjalanan menuju minimarket pun aku masih membayangkan wajahnya. Entah memang aku yang terlalu lebay atau memang dirinya yang tak pernah mau pergi dari bayangan ilusi ku.

Seperti biasanya, hal yang membencikan pergi ke minimarket di pagi hari ialah harus bertemu dengan beberapa gerombol ibu-ibu yang sama sibuk dengan pencarian mereka masing-masing. Apalagi ini awal bulan. “apa gak ada ya pagi-pagi gini cewek cantik yang belanja, masa’ emak-emak semua sih isinya, eh eh (gubraaakkk)”. Dalam gumaman ku kali ini, tanpa disengaja tanganku mendorong kuat sebuah rak makanan ringan yang akhirnya jatuh dan berserakanlah semua penghuni dari rak itu. kutegakkan kemabli rak tersebut namun sedikit merasa kesulitan. Tiba-tiba datang seorang wanita berkerudung menghampiri ku dan membantu mengangkat sisi kiri dari rak yang sedang ku perjuangkan untuk berdiri tegak kembali “maaf mas, sini biar saya bantu.” Ucap wanita yang langsung mengangkat rak tersebut sambil tetap merundukkan kepalanya. Kali ini Tuhan benar-benar mendengar do’a ku, dan ketika wanita itu mendangakkan kepalanya, tak ku sangka dia lah wanita yang waktu itu aku jumpai di kafe. “eh ternyata mbak”. Kata ku dengan nada sedikit malu. “emang kita pernah ketemu?”. Timpal wanita tersebut saat mendengar ucapan ku yang seolah-olah sudah mengenali dirinya. “pernah sekali mbak, kemaren waktu di kafe saya liat mbak” sambil sedikit tersenyum kujawab pertanyaan herannya. Sarah, ternyata wanita itu bernama Sarah. Tak hanya tahu namanya, dari pertemuan tak terduga itu aku bisa tahu dimana rumahnya dan dimana ia kuliah. Memang sebagai rasa terimakasih ku, ku ajak dirinya makan bakso bersama di depan minimarket tersebut. Awalnya dia menolak. Namun ketika ada seseorang yang ia kenal memanggil-manggilnya dari warung bakso tersebut, akhirnya ia putuskan menerima tawaran ku. Diana nama orang yang memanggilnya. Dia teman satu kampus Sarah. Disitu lah kami banyak berbincang-bincang dan kami tahu satu sama lain.

Sejak pertemuan itu, kami sering sekali bertemu. Entah itu hanya kebetulan ataupun aku yang mencari-cari kesempatan untuk bisa bertemu dengannya. Benih-benih cinta pun mulai merambah dalam sanubari ku. Dan taukah kalian, ini adalah cinta pertama ku, seumur-umur baru kali ini aku merasakan cinta dan memberanikan diri untuk mendekati wanita. Kami pun semakin dekat. Satu hal yang membuat aku berdecak kagum dengan kepribadiannya. Seorang muslimah yang patuh dan benar-benar menjaga diri. Setiap aku ajak pergi jalan, selalu saja dia membawa dua temannya Diana dan Lisa. Selalu dia menolak jika ku ajak hanya berdua. Dia tak ingin mengundang fitnah dari pandangan khalayak ramai.

Kurasa ini waktu yang tepat, setengah tahun kami sudah saling mengenal. Dari kebersamaan yang sudah terjalin selama ini, nampak jelas Sarah pun memiliki perasaan yang sama terhadap diriku. Hari ini kuputuskan untuk menembaknya. Kuminta bantuan Fahri dan Galih untuk mengatur semua rencana yang ada. Kan ku jadikan momen penting ini sebagai momen terpenting dan bersejarah dalam hidup ku. Ini kali pertamanya aku ingin menyatakan cinta kepada seseorang. Dan ku harap semua berakhir dengan bahagia.

“Bunga udah, makanan udah, hiasan yang lain udah. Oke ri, semua siap”. Ucap Galih di balik telpon yang sedang aku hubungi. “Sip lah kalo gitu, thanks guys” timpalku dengan nada bersemangat. “assalamualaikum sarah, bisa temenin aku sebentar gak ke kafe di seberang rumah Diana, Diana sama Lisa disana juga kok, mereka udah nunggu”. Ucapku melalui telpon genggam. Dan akhirnya Sarah pun mau menemui ku. Tepat Pukul 15:00 WIB Sarah tiba di kafe tersebut. Betapa terkejutnya dia melihat keadaan kafe yang berbeda tidak seperti biasanya. Tiba-tiba terdengar sayup-sayup lagu cinta yang mulai diputar di salah satu meja yang penuh dengan kata-kata “Sarah, maukah kau jadi pacarku?” yang bergelantungan. Melihat keadaan seperti itu bukan raut wajah gembira yang terpancar dari wajah Sarah, tapi malah tampak air mata menetes di pipinya. Sambil menangis Sarah berlari menghampiri sepeda motornya. Dan akhirnya, Sarah pun malah pergi. “Sarah!” teriak ku dengan tatapan heran dengan sikap Sarah yang aneh. Aku bingung dengan keadaan ini, kenapa Sarah malah pergi begitu saja tanpa meninggalkan sepenggal kata pun. “Apa yang salah dengan ini semua?” tanyaku di dalam hati.

Malam ini kuputuskan untuk menelpon Sarah, menanyakan apa gerangan ia pergi begitu saja tanpa ada alasan yang jelas sore tadi. Tak diangkat, berkali-kali ku telpon tak satu pun yang diangkat. Semakin bingung aku dibuatnya. Beberapa menit kemudian terdengar suara nada sms dari hape ku. Ku lihat yang tertera ialah nama Sarah. Aku pun dengan tergesa-gesa segera membuka sms itu. Ku baca benar-benar isi sms dari Sarah. Sekarang aku baru mengerti, mengapa Sarah pergi begitu saja tadi sore.

Tak terasa 4 tahun sudah aku duduk di bangku kuliah. S1 sudah di tangan, bekal sebagai lulusan Ekonomi di sebuah Universitas Negeri ternama, akhirnya aku bisa dengan mudah mendapat pekerjaan. Dan inilah waktunya. Dua tahun yang lalu, Sarah bukan tak mau menerima cinta ku. Seperti yang sudah ku bilang. Sarah adalah seorang muslimah yang patuh. Dalam Islam tidak ada istilah pacaran. Dan malam itu isi sms nya, dia menyuruh ku untuk tidak menemuinya, bahkan dia melarang menghubunginya via telepon atau lainnya. Yang dia inginkan, ketika kiranya aku sudah siap untuk menikah, maka lamarlah dia, minta dia untuk mendampingi ku dikala suka maupun duka. Karena saat itulah dia siap menjadi pendamping hidup yang kelak menjadi ibu dari anak-anakku. Sarah, aku datang untuk melamar mu, kaulah cinta pertama dan terakhir ku.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
The first and last love My imagination is flying above the clouds. Hovering is not necessarily either which way that will go. My thoughts are instantly fell silent at one point impermanence colorless but there was little pattern that can be imagined, a mere pseudo shadow just like mine, try terka what it is, I think my also raba. But still hard also tuk answered. most people say it was love. But ah, my feelings either either a little less sensitive or did I not understand the meaning of a love. This may be the first time that I have felt it. This may be true, and which is called love. First love.That afternoon, I'm Faisal along with two of my Sidekick Fahri and Galih being engrossed a capuccino jelly in a cafe. Our chats suddenly stalled instantly came the figure of a woman with a height of semampainya seated right berbalikan with stools Galih tongkrongi. Either what I felt at the moment. All of a sudden just THUMP my heart beating firmer than normal, my blood was gushing wet clearly feels all cela-cela narrow visible. Hooded woman, has made my heart melt lantah without direction. Oh kah called love at first sight?Since that afternoon, every time somehow always just I started memikirkanya. Suppose God gives grace to be face to face with him. The pool area was great, and knows where his home. "dor dor dor! Isal, please to the minimart bentar dong. Buy mama tomato sauce is the same cheese. " My reverie was dispersed when the sound gedoran the door. "Yes ma ya wait a minute". But still, en route to the minimart however I still imagined his face. Whether indeed I too lebay or indeed himself who never want to go away from the shadow of my illusions.Seperti biasanya, hal yang membencikan pergi ke minimarket di pagi hari ialah harus bertemu dengan beberapa gerombol ibu-ibu yang sama sibuk dengan pencarian mereka masing-masing. Apalagi ini awal bulan. “apa gak ada ya pagi-pagi gini cewek cantik yang belanja, masa’ emak-emak semua sih isinya, eh eh (gubraaakkk)”. Dalam gumaman ku kali ini, tanpa disengaja tanganku mendorong kuat sebuah rak makanan ringan yang akhirnya jatuh dan berserakanlah semua penghuni dari rak itu. kutegakkan kemabli rak tersebut namun sedikit merasa kesulitan. Tiba-tiba datang seorang wanita berkerudung menghampiri ku dan membantu mengangkat sisi kiri dari rak yang sedang ku perjuangkan untuk berdiri tegak kembali “maaf mas, sini biar saya bantu.” Ucap wanita yang langsung mengangkat rak tersebut sambil tetap merundukkan kepalanya. Kali ini Tuhan benar-benar mendengar do’a ku, dan ketika wanita itu mendangakkan kepalanya, tak ku sangka dia lah wanita yang waktu itu aku jumpai di kafe. “eh ternyata mbak”. Kata ku dengan nada sedikit malu. “emang kita pernah ketemu?”. Timpal wanita tersebut saat mendengar ucapan ku yang seolah-olah sudah mengenali dirinya. “pernah sekali mbak, kemaren waktu di kafe saya liat mbak” sambil sedikit tersenyum kujawab pertanyaan herannya. Sarah, ternyata wanita itu bernama Sarah. Tak hanya tahu namanya, dari pertemuan tak terduga itu aku bisa tahu dimana rumahnya dan dimana ia kuliah. Memang sebagai rasa terimakasih ku, ku ajak dirinya makan bakso bersama di depan minimarket tersebut. Awalnya dia menolak. Namun ketika ada seseorang yang ia kenal memanggil-manggilnya dari warung bakso tersebut, akhirnya ia putuskan menerima tawaran ku. Diana nama orang yang memanggilnya. Dia teman satu kampus Sarah. Disitu lah kami banyak berbincang-bincang dan kami tahu satu sama lain.Since that meeting, we often meet. Whether it's just a coincidence or a fumbled a chance to I could meet with him. Seeds of love began venturing into my soul. Taukah you guys, and this is my first love, a new all-age this time I feel love and ventured to approach women. We are getting closer. One thing that makes me berdecak amazed by his personality. A muslimah who obeyed and really keep yourself. I urge them to go the way of, has always been he brought two friends Diana and Lisa. Always he refused my invite only if the both of you. He did not want to invite defamation from the view audience.I guess this is the right time, and a half years we've known each other. Of the community which have been intertwined, blatantly Sarah ever have the same feelings towards me. Today I resolved to shoot him. I ask help to Galih Fahri and set all existing plans. Kan ku make this a pivotal moment as the most important and historic moment in my life. This is the first time I'd love to someone. And I hope all ends happily."The interest already, food, other ornaments you've already. OK so ri, all ready ". Said Galih behind phone calls I contact. "Sip lah kalo gitu, thanks guys" timpalku tone eager. "assalamualaikum sarah, can I spend a moment not to the Cafe across the street from the home of Diana, Diana same Lisa there also kok, they've had to wait". Ucapku mobile telephone. And finally, Sarah was willing to meet with me. Right from 15: 00 PM Sarah arrived at the cafe. What a surprise he sees things different cafes do not like usual. Suddenly sounded faintly love songs start playing in one of the table filled with the words "Sarah, will you be my boyfriend?" the hanging. See the State such as that is not the look on a happy face that emanated from faces of Sarah, but instead seem to drip tears on his cheek. Sarah ran weeping approached his motorcycle. And finally, Sarah did in fact leave. "Sarah!" cried my gaze with wonder with an attitude odd. Sarah I was confused with this state of affairs, why Sarah even went away without leaving a piece of Word. "What's wrong with all this?" I said in my heart.This evening I resolved to call Sarah, asking what the hell she went away without any apparent reason that afternoon. No my phone numerous times lifted, none raised. The more confused I made. A few minutes later the sms tone sound from my hape. I see listed is the name Sarah. I too hastily immediately opens the sms. My read was really the content of sms from Sarah. Now I just understand, why did Sarah go so just last evening.Nobody feels 4 years already I'm sitting on the bench in college. S1 is already in hand, the provision as a graduate of Economics at a major State University, finally I could easily get a job. And this is the time. Two years ago, Sarah not to accept my love. As I told you. Sarah is a muslimah who obeyed. In Islam there is no term courtship. And that night her sms content, he told me not to see him, in fact he forbids contacting him via phone or other. She wants it, when I was ready to get married, then lamarlah him, ask him to accompany me at the break of love and grief. Because that's when he's ready to become a companion of life which would later become the mother of my children. Sarah, I've come to apply for yours, you're the one my first and last love.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
First and Last Love My dream is to fly above the clouds. Hover indeterminate either direction to be addressed. Immediately the fikiranku paused at one point colorless mortality but there is a bit of a style that can be imagined, like just like a shadow superficial, I guess what was there, I tried to touch my taste too. But still difficult also tuk missed. Most people say it's love. But ah somehow, somehow my feelings were a little less sensitive or indeed I do not understand the meaning of a of love. This might be the first time I feel it. And it may be true, this is called love. First love. Later that evening, I Faisal, along with two of my best friend Fahri and Galina are eager to enjoy a glass of grass jelly cappuccino in a cafe. Suddenly our conversation stopped instantly came the figure of a tall slender woman sitting right is contrary to Galina tongkrongi bench. I wonder what I feel today. Suddenly the pounding heart beat faster than usual, feels clear my blood flowing wet all blemish-narrow visible blemish. The veiled woman, has made ​​my heart melt lantah without direction. Oh is whether the so-called love at first sight? Since that afternoon, every time I somehow always start memikirkanya. Suppose God gives grace to be able to face him. Greetings, and knew where his house. "Bam bam bam! Isal, please to minimarket briefly dong. Mama traded at cheese tomato sauce. "My Reverie was shattered when heard the banging of doors. "Yes ma wait while yes". Still time-sempatnya, on the way to the mini I still imagine his face. Either I was too lebay or indeed he never wants to go out of the shadow of my illusions. As usual, things are loathe to go to the minimarket in the morning is to be met with some clusters mothers are both busy with their search. Moreover, this is the beginning of the month. "What is not there so early gini beautiful girl shopping, the 'Ma-Ma all hell it, uh uh (gubraaakkk)". In my murmur this time, accidental strong hand pushing a shelf snacks which eventually crashed and berserakanlah all occupants of the shelf. kutegakkan kemabli the shelf but feel a little trouble. Suddenly came a veiled woman approached me and helped lift the left side of my shelves are striving to stand up straight again "sorry mas, here let me help." Said the woman who immediately lift the rack while still ducking his head. This time God really hear my prayer, and when she was mendangakkan head, I never would have thought she was a woman who I met in the cafe. "Eh ya". I said with a slight tinge of embarrassment. "Emang we ever met?". The woman chimes when I heard my speech that seemed to have recognized him. "Once ya, yesterday in the cafe time I see ya" I said with a slight smile surprise question. Sarah, it turns out the woman named Sarah. Not only know his name, from an unexpected encounter that I can know where his home and where he lectures. Indeed, as my gratitude, I invite him to eat meatballs together in front of the mini market. At first he refused. However, when there is someone he knew calling to her from the meatball shop, he finally decided to accept my offer. Diana name of the person calling. He was a college friend Sarah. There was a lot of talk us and we know each other. Since that meeting, we often meet. Whether it's just a coincidence or I were looking for an opportunity to get to meet him. The seeds of love began to spread in my heart. And taukah guys, this is my first love, new age-old this time I feel the love and the courage to approach women. We were getting closer. One thing that makes me amazed with his personality. Muslim women are submissive and really take care of myself. Every time I take away the road, always he brought two friends Diana and Lisa. Always he refused if I take just two. He did not want to invite defamation of view of the general public. I think this is the right time, and a half years we've known each other. Of togetherness that has been established so far, it is clear she also has the same feelings towards me. Today I decided to shoot him. I ask for help Fahri and Galina to organize all existing plans. Kan me make this important moment as the most important and historic moment in my life. This is the first time I wanted to express love to someone. And I hope all ends happily. "Flowers already, meals already, others already ornaments. Okay ri, all ready ". Said Galina behind the phone while I contact. "Sip lah if so, thanks guys" timpalku with vibrant tones. "Assalamualaikum sarah, can temenin I briefly not to the cafe across the home of Diana, Diana at Lisa there is also why, they were already waiting for". I said through mobile phones. And finally she was willing to meet with me. Right At 15:00 pm Sarah arrived at the cafe. How surprised she saw the state of different cafes unusual. Suddenly drifted love song that starts playing at one of the tables were filled with the words "Sarah, will you be my girlfriend?" Hanging. Seeing such circumstances it is not a happy face that radiated from her face, but instead seemed to tear trickled down his cheek. As she wept, she ran to the bike. And finally, she was even gone. "Sarah!" I shouted at him surprised her with a strange attitude. I'm confused by this situation, why did she even go away without leaving a piece of a word. "What's wrong with this?" I asked in my heart. Tonight I decided to call her, asking what the hell he went away without any apparent reason this afternoon. There was lifted, many times my phone none raised. The more confused I made. A few minutes later the sound of the tone sms from my mobile phone. I see listed is the name Sarah. I was in haste immediately open the sms. I actually read the contents of a text from Sarah. Now I understand why she went away this afternoon. There was 4 years already I was attending college. S1 is already in hand, the provision as a graduate of the State University of Economics at renowned, finally I could easily get a job. And this is the time. Two years ago, she not refused to accept my love. As I already told you. Sarah is an obedient Muslim. In Islam there is no term courtship. And that night the contents of his text, he told me to not see him, he even forbade contact him via telephone or other. All he wants, when it seems I was ready to get married, then lamarlah him, ask him to accompany me when his love and sorrow. Because that's when he's ready to be a life companion who later became the mother of my children. Sarah, I came to apply for you, you're the first and last love me.

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