“Sicaaaaaaaa . . .,” Yoona screamed infear on her spot—holding the rai terjemahan - “Sicaaaaaaaa . . .,” Yoona screamed infear on her spot—holding the rai Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“Sicaaaaaaaa . . .,” Yoona screamed

“Sicaaaaaaaa . . .,” Yoona screamed in
fear on her spot—holding the rail on
the side of the ice skating venue—
and whining like a cute kid.
Jessica just giggled and approached
Yoona. Yoona looked really pale, and
immediately she put her palms on
Yoona’s face. “Gwaenchana?” she
asked worriedly, “Are you cold?” she
asked again, but Yoona just simply
shook her head.
Yoona gave Jessica her hands, as if a
cue, Jessica held the hand tightly
and she pulled slowly. They both
were facing each other, Jessica
pulled Yoona—not even looked at the
direction—and Yoona on the other
hand just followed Jessica’s steps,
learned how to have a balance like
Jessica has.
A young photographer looked at the
love bird couple and pulled out his
instax camera. Click. A picture of
smiling Jessica who was pulling
Yoona patiently and Yoona with her
scare face—like a baby who learn her
first step. The photographer followed
them, captured some moments of
them without being notice.
“You can let go off me,” Yoona softly
said as she was pretty sure that she
already can do it alone without
Jessica help anymore.
“Are you sure?” Yoona just nodded
her head.
Jessica slowly let go off of her hands
from Yoona’s grip and went beside
Yoona, stand by if Yoona fall down
later. But not even 3 seconds Jessica
left Yoona, she lost her balance, the
slippery ice make it even worse, but,
it’s not Jessica if she isn’t that reflex
to caught Yoona. Just in time, she
caught Yoona’s body, but in the end,
they still fell down with Jessica
under Yoona.
“I would never let go off you again.”
She said sternly, but Yoona just
smile clumsily.
“Excuse me,” a young photographer
greeted them when they got up, with
Yoona helping Jessica. “I captured
some moments of you earlier, sorry
for not telling you guys . . . but you
two has strong chemistry.”
Yoona took the pictures from his
hand and examined it together with
Jessica. “Well, it’s pretty cool, this is
for us?”
“Yeah, I already took one for myself.
By the way, what’s your name?” the
photographer asked and took his pen
to write down on the picture.
“YoonSic,” Yoona cut Jessica quickly,
“Our couple name is YoonSic.” Yoona
quickly said to the photographer and
the photographer wrote it on the
“Okay, thank you YoonSic.” He waved
goodbye to both of them.
“YoonSic?” Jessica asked while
pulled Yoona again, but now they
heading to the side of the ice ring.
The ice skating is done for them
“Yup. Yoona and Jessica. Cute right?”
“Why not SicYoon?”
“Eeehh? It’s weird, beside; I’m the
guy in this relationship, so my name
came first.” Yoona said and then peck
Jessica’s lips, make the latter
blushed. Yoona has always
successfully make Jessica blush in
the public with her simply behaviors,
like just now, gave her a quick peck.
It’s already evening when they
walked on the side of Han River.
Holding each other hand tightly and
smiles can be seen on they face. Just
walked like this, make everything
seems so perfect for them. They don’t
want anything else, just being like
this, being in each other side,
exchanging some romantic words,
walking hand in hand, it’s just
“Sica,” Yoona called her softly,
Jessica turned her head to look at
Yoona. “If something happen to me—”
“No!” Jessica stopped her track.
“Nothing would happen to you. I will
try my best to find the best doctor!”
she said, avoiding the fact that no
matter how hard she look for the best
doctor ever, they would say the same
“Listen to me,” Yoona faced Jessica
and cupped her face with both of her
tiny hands, “I know what Yuri said to
you,” she then looked at the Han river
and her mind was flying away to what
Yuri said to her early in the morning.
“Yoong, honestly the thing I’m about
to say to you is something that I
shouldn’t do. But . . . *heavy sigh*
you know I can’t lie to you.” Yuri
looked at Yoona who still looked at
her iPad, playing Ramen Chain on it,
but nevertheless Yoona was listening
to every word that Yuri said.
“You always caught me whenever I’m
about to lie or hide something from
you. And besides I’m bad at lying to
Yoona turned off her iPad and put it
beside her. “What are you trying to
say, Yul?” Yoona let out a deep sigh,
somehow she knew that what Yuri
about to say is something bad.
“It’s about your condition,” Yuri
finally said after a long awkward
silent, “The leukemia you had gone
worse,” Yuri said while she sat down
on the edge of the bed, “the last
chemotherapy you did, didn’t affected
to you, in fact, it lowered down your
immune system, feel weak, and throw
up early in the morning today, right?”
Yoona nodded her head calmly, but
inside her heart, she really broke
down, she really wanted to cry. But
she didn’t want to cry, she didn’t
want Yuri feel bad because Yuri might
thing that she is the one who should
blamed because she couldn’t heal
“I already told to Jessica about it.”
And that made Yoona heart throbbing
like hell. She didn’t want Jessica sad
and suffer because of her. For these
two years, Jessica is the one who
supported her needs, include the
hospital payment and stuff which
spent a lot of money for sure.
Jessica, the only shoulder she has
on the worst day ever in her life, how
can she make her sad or suffer even
more when the worst thing really
happens to her?
“I still can’t find any match bone
narrow donor for you. Even Jessica
insisted herself to be a donor for
“It’s fine, Yul. You already did a great
job for me, I should say thank you to
you because of you, I still live for
these two years,” she let out a bitter
chuckled, held down her emotion as
long as she can. “Maybe all I have to
do now is waiting and make the last
beautiful memories with Jessica, you,
and Jimin.” Yoona smiled softly to
Yuri who now already in tears.
“I’m sorry, Yoong.”
“Don’t say sorry, Yul. You have done
so much to me, and that more than
enough.” She held Yuri’s hand and
squeezed it gently. “Gomawo, Yul.”
With that, Yuri hugged Yoona tightly
as the both of them crying so hard.
For Yuri, Yoona is just like her sister.
She knows her since junior high
school—both of them attended the
same school with Yuri as Yoona
sunbae. Yoona cheerful and happy
energy caught Yuri attention, and by
the destiny, they were in the same
team of football. Since that, they
become best friend, or people said
that they are twin.
“Sica, if somehow I can’t manage and
I can’t spend my entire life with you. I
want you to be happy,” she cupped
Jessica’s tearing face and wiped
away the tears. “I want you to be
happy, with or without me. Pursue
your dreams, I will be there in here
*pointed at Jessica’s heart* forever.”
Jessica stubbornly shook her head,
denying the fact that Yoona might not
survive like she ever wish before. She
loves this woman in front of her so
much until she never ever thinks that
Yoona will leave her soon.
“No!! You will survive, we can make
it . . . we just ne—”
Yoona pulled the latter in her warm
hug, tightly; like she wanna make
sure that everything will be fine for
her even if God take her life. Because
for Yoona, Jessica is her last, no one
else again beside her that fills inside
her heart and mind, all of that matter
for her is now only Jessica. She
didn’t care about her condition
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Sicaaaaaaaa...," Yoona menjerit dalamtakut pada tempat nya — memegang relsisi tempat es skating-dan merengek seperti anak manis.Jessica hanya terkekeh dan mendekatiYoona. Yoona tampak sangat pucat, dansegera ia dimasukkan palms nyaYoona di wajah. "Gwaenchana?" diaworriedly bertanya, "Apakah Anda dingin?" diabertanya lagi, tapi Yoona hanyamenggelengkan kepalanya.Yoona memberikan Jessica tangannya, seolah-olahisyarat, Jessica pegang tangan eratdan ia ditarik perlahan-lahan. Mereka berduamenghadapi satu sama lain, Jessicaditarik Yoona — tidak bahkan tampak padaarah — dan Yoona di sisi laintangan hanya mengikuti langkah-langkah Jessica,belajar bagaimana untuk memiliki keseimbangan sepertiJessica memiliki.Fotografer muda memandangburung cinta pasangan dan mengeluarkan nyaInstax kamera. Klik. GambarJessica tersenyum yang menarikYoona sabar dan Yoona dengannyamenakut-nakuti wajah — seperti bayi yang belajar diaLangkah pertama. Fotografer diikutimereka menangkap beberapa saatmereka tanpa pemberitahuan."Anda dapat melepaskan dari saya," Yoona lembutberkata karena dia yakin bahwa diasudah bisa melakukannya sendirian tanpaJessica membantu lagi."Apakah Anda yakin?" Yoona hanya menganggukkepalanya.Jessica perlahan-lahan melepaskan dari tangannyadari cengkeraman Yoona's dan berjalan di sampingYoona, berdiri jika Yoona jatuhkemudian. Tetapi bahkan 3 detik Jessicameninggalkan Yoona, ia kehilangan keseimbangan,es yang licin membuatnya bahkan lebih buruk, tapi,Ianya tidak Jessica jika dia tidak bahwa refleksuntuk menangkap Yoona. Hanya dalam waktu, diamenangkap tubuh Yoona's, tapi pada akhirnya,mereka masih jatuh dengan Jessicadi bawah Yoona."Aku akan pernah melepaskan Anda lagi."Dia berkata, tapi Yoona hanyatersenyum kikuk."Excuse me," seorang fotografer mudamenyapa mereka ketika mereka bangun, denganYoona membantu Jessica. "Saya ditangkapbeberapa saat Anda sebelumnya, Maafuntuk tidak memberitahu kalian... tapi Andadua memiliki kimia kuat."Yoona mengambil gambar dari nyatangan dan menelitinya bersamaJessica. "Yah, it's pretty cool, ini adalahuntuk kami?""Ya, aku sudah mengambil satu untuk diriku sendiri.By the way, apa itu nama Anda?"fotografer bertanya dan mengambil penauntuk menuliskan pada gambar."Je —""YoonSic," Yoona memotong Jessica cepat,"Nama pasangan kita adalah YoonSic." Yoonacepat dikatakan fotografer danfotografer menulisnya padagambar."Oke, terima kasih YoonSic." Dia melambaikan tanganSelamat tinggal bagi mereka berdua."YoonSic?" Jessica bertanya sementaraditarik Yoona lagi, tapi sekarang merekamenuju ke sisi cincin es.Es skating dilakukan untuk merekahari ini."Yup. Yoona dan Jessica. Lucu benar?""Mengapa tidak SicYoon?""Eeehh? Aneh, selain; Sayaorang dalam hubungan ini, sehingga namakudatang pertama." Yoona berkata dan kemudian mematukJessica bibir, membuat keduatersipu. Yoona selaluberhasil membuat Jessica memerah diumum dengan dia hanya perilaku,seperti sekarang, memberinya cepat kecupan.----Sudah malam ketika merekaberjalan di sisi Sungai Han.Memegang satu sama lain tangan erat dansenyum dapat dilihat pada mereka hadapi. Hanyaberjalan seperti ini, membuat segalanyatampaknya begitu sempurna bagi mereka. Mereka tidakmenginginkan sesuatu yang lain, hanya menjadi sepertiini, berada di satu sama lain sisi,bertukar beberapa kata-kata romantis,berjalan bergandengan tangan, it's justsempurna."Sica," Yoona memanggilnya lembut,Jessica berpaling kepala untuk melihatYoona. "Jika sesuatu terjadi padaku —""Tidak!" Jessica berhenti lagu nya."Tidak akan terjadi kepada Anda. Pastimencoba yang terbaik untuk menemukan dokter terbaik!"Dia berkata, menghindari kenyataan bahwa tidak adamasalah seberapa keras dia mencari yang terbaikdokter sebelumnya, mereka akan mengatakan hal yang samahal."Dengarlah kepadaku," Yoona menghadapi Jessicadan menangkupkan wajahnya dengan kedua nyatangan kecil, "Aku tahu apa Yuri berkataAnda,"yang ia kemudian memandang Sungai Handan pikirannya terbang jauh untuk apaYuri berkata kepadanya pagi."Suwadi, jujur hal yang saya tentanguntuk mengatakan kepada Anda adalah sesuatu yang sayatidak boleh melakukan. Tapi... * sigh * beratkau tahu aku tidak bisa berbohong kepada Anda." Yurimemandang Yoona yang masih memandangiPad nya, bermain Ramen jaringan di atasnya,Tapi meskipun demikian Yoona mendengarkanuntuk setiap kata yang dikatakan Yuri."Anda selalu menangkap saya setiap kali akuuntuk berbohong atau menyembunyikan sesuatu dariAnda. Dan Selain itu saya buruk di berbohong kepadaseseorang."Yoona dimatikan iPad nya dan meletakkannyasampingnya. "Apa yang Anda coba untukdikatakan, Yul?" Yoona mengeluarkan napas,entah bagaimana dia tahu bahwa Yuri apakatakan adalah sesuatu yang buruk."Ini adalah tentang kondisi Anda," Yuriakhirnya mengatakan setelah lama canggungdiam, "leukemia Anda pergilebih buruk lagi,"kata Yuri sementara dia dudukdi tepi tempat tidur, "yang terakhirkemoterapi yang Anda lakukan, tidak terpengaruhkepada Anda, pada kenyataannya, itu menurunkan Andasistem kekebalan tubuh, merasa lemah, dan melemparkanup pagi-pagi hari ini, kan?"Yoona mengangguk kepalanya dengan tenang, tetapidi dalam hatinya, ia benar-benar pecahbawah, dia benar-benar ingin menangis. Tapiia tidak ingin menangis, ia tidakingin Yuri merasa buruk karena Yuri mungkinhal yang dia adalah orang yang harusdisalahkan karena dia tidak bisa menyembuhkanYoona."Saya sudah mengatakan untuk Jessica tentang hal itu."Dan yang membuat berdenyut-denyut jantung Yoonaseperti neraka. Dia tidak ingin Jessica sedihdan menderita karena dia. Untuk inidua tahun, Jessica adalah salah satu yangdidukung kebutuhannya, termasukrumah sakit pembayaran dan hal-hal yangmenghabiskan banyak uang untuk yakin.Jessica, bahu hanya dia memilikipada hari terburuk pernah dalam hidupnya, bagaimanaApakah dia membuatnya sedih atau menderita bahkanKetika lebih banyak hal terburuk benar-benaryang terjadi padanya?"Saya masih tidak dapat menemukan apa pun tulang pertandingansempit donor untuk Anda. Bahkan Jessicabersikeras dirinya untuk menjadi donor untukAnda.""Itu halus, Yul. Anda sudah melakukannya besarpekerjaan untuk saya, saya harus mengatakan terima kasih untukAnda karena Anda, aku masih hidup untukdua tahun ini,"dia mengeluarkan pahittertawa, diadakan turun nya emosi sebagaiselama dia bisa. "Mungkin semua saya haruslakukan sekarang adalah menunggu dan membuat terakhirkenangan indah dengan Jessica, Anda,and Jimin.” Yoona smiled softly toYuri who now already in tears.“I’m sorry, Yoong.”“Don’t say sorry, Yul. You have doneso much to me, and that more thanenough.” She held Yuri’s hand andsqueezed it gently. “Gomawo, Yul.”With that, Yuri hugged Yoona tightlyas the both of them crying so hard.For Yuri, Yoona is just like her sister.She knows her since junior highschool—both of them attended thesame school with Yuri as Yoonasunbae. Yoona cheerful and happyenergy caught Yuri attention, and bythe destiny, they were in the sameteam of football. Since that, theybecome best friend, or people saidthat they are twin.“Sica, if somehow I can’t manage andI can’t spend my entire life with you. Iwant you to be happy,” she cuppedJessica’s tearing face and wipedaway the tears. “I want you to behappy, with or without me. Pursueyour dreams, I will be there in here*pointed at Jessica’s heart* forever.”Jessica stubbornly shook her head,denying the fact that Yoona might notsurvive like she ever wish before. Sheloves this woman in front of her somuch until she never ever thinks thatYoona will leave her soon.“No!! You will survive, we can makeit . . . we just ne—”Yoona pulled the latter in her warmhug, tightly; like she wanna makesure that everything will be fine forher even if God take her life. Becausefor Yoona, Jessica is her last, no oneelse again beside her that fills insideher heart and mind, all of that matterfor her is now only Jessica. Shedidn’t care about her conditionanymore.
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