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Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Cheat Codes - PC
Cheats and codes for the computer game Counter-Strike: Condition Zero on PC.
From Jason Rybka
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Cheats - PC
Cheat Codes
The following cheats are available for the computer gameCounter-Strike: Condition Zeroon PC. To enter codes for Counter-Strike: Condition Zero press the`key (above the Tab key, same as the tilde key without pressing Shift.)
Kills all bots allowing you to win if the bomb is not planted.
Cheat code: bot_kill
Restart the map without losing any goals.
Cheat code: restart
Bring down the All Deleted Scenes.
Cheat code: cl_levellocks 16382
Enables cheats.
Cheat code: sv_cheats 1
Cheat code: god
NoClip, Go through walls.
Cheat code: noclip
Invisible, enemies do not see you.
Cheat code: notarget
Make them just stand there.
Cheat code: bot_zombie 1
Bots will only buy pistols.
Cheat code: bot_pistols_only
Kick the bots.
Cheat code: kick
Bots only buy snipers.
Cheat code: bot_sniper_only
Make the bot go to specific places.
Cheat code: bot_goto_mark #number
Set the bot´s difficulty level.
Cheat code: bot_difficulty
Bots only use knives.
Cheat code: bot_knives_only 1
Enables Flying.
Cheat code: Fly
Replace "#" with a number and change the gravity. Deaf. is 800.
Cheat code: sv_gravity #
Replace "3" with a number to change the C4 timer.
Deaf. is 45.
Cheat code: mp_c4timer #
Replace "#" with 1 or 0 to change Friendly Fire. 1=On 0=Off.
Cheat code: mp_friendlyfire #
Replace "#" with a number to change the starting money. Deaf is 800.
Cheat code: mp_startmoney #
Ends the round, and you lose.
Cheat code: career_end_round
Restarts the round.
Cheat code: career_restart
Replace "#" with 1 or 0 to make the bots stay still or move. 1=Moving 0=Non-Moving.
Cheat code: bot_zombie #
Set the BOTS difficulties.
Cheat code: bot_difficulty
Replace "#" with 1 or 0 to make the bots only use knvies. 1=Only Knives 0=Not just knives. Deaf is 0.
Cheat code: bot_knives_only 1#
Instant Max Money.
Cheat code: v
Freezes time for the set ammount, the player can still walk around.
Cheat code: mp_freeztime
Sets the gravity, lower #'s mean you can float along, high numbers mean you take more damage for falling.
Cheat code: sv_gravity
Makes the bots stand still.
Cheat code: bot_stop 1
Dissables rogue bots, they will all follow your commands.
Cheat code: bot_allow_rogues 0
The bots will not wait for you to rescue hostages, plant or defuse the bomb.
Cheat code: bot_defer_to_human 0
Gives you the highest ammount of money you can have.
Cheat code: mp_startmoney 16000
Revive as a Terrorist.
Cheat code: jointeam 6 ; jointeam 1
Revive as a Counter-Terrorist.
Cheat code: jointeam 6 ; jointeam 2
Gives you full money.
Cheat code: impulse 101
Shows a little information on the very bottom right of your screen.
Cheat code: +graph
Disables the litte information on the bottom right corner when you have +graph on.
Cheat code: -graph
The game restarts after 1 second.
Cheat code: sv_restartround 1
Enables unlimited spraying.
Cheat code: decalfrequency 0
Enables blood thickening on or off. 0 = Off. 1 = On.
Cheat code: gl_spriteblend
Enables player to be Right-Handed. 0 = Left-Handed. 1 = Right-Handed.
Cheat code: cl_righthand
Enables auto-team balance. 0 = Off. 1 = On.
Cheat code: mp_autoteambalance
Enables the local player to automatically kick other players. 0 = Off. 1 = On.
Cheat code: mp_autokick
You can see the last deaths of players on the specified seconds.
Cheat code: hud_deathnoticetime #
Bullets fired on walls will get through walls. Effective if the player is hiding.
Cheat code: sv_clienttrace #
When set to 0, the screen will be black when any player from the server is dead. Switch to 1 to disable.
Cheat code: mp_fadetoblack
Automatically ends the game and quits Condition Zero.
Cheat code: quit
Automatically ends the game but doesn't quit Condition Zero.
Cheat code: disconnect
Erases all the whole messages in the console.
Cheat code: clear
Lists available servers to participate in.
Cheat code: list
Executes the command by just entering the in the console.
Cheat code: alias "" ""
The game restarts after 1 second similar to sv_restartround 1.
Cheat code: sv_restart 1
When enabled, bots/players who kills their teammate(s) will die on the next round. 0 = Off. 1 = On.
Cheat code: mp_tkpunish
Automatically kicks the bot/player if he kills so many hostages according to the value. Put 0 to disable.
Cheat code: mp_hostagepenalty
Sets the maximum players when creating a new multiplayer game. Only works before you start a match.
Cheat code: maxplayers
Displays commands for faster use on the left side of your screen.
Cheat code: +commandmenu
Enter this code if you have "+commandmenu" activated only.
Cheat code: -commandmenu
Automatically buys the best gun for your team. AK-47 for T and M4A1 for CT.
Cheat code: autobuy
Refreshes time on the console..
Cheat code: timerefresh
Special thanks to Jeff Headly for the above list of cheat codes for the above list of codes for Counter-Strike: Condition Zero on the personal computer.
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero spawn item codes are on the following page.
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MenuSearchKirimPermainan video CheatsIklanCounter-Strike: Kondisi Zero Cheat Codes - PCCheats dan kode untuk permainan komputer Counter-Strike: Condition Zero pada PC.Dari Jason RybkaCounter-Strike: Kondisi Zero Cheats - PCCheat CodesCheats berikut tersedia untuk komputer gameCounter-Strike: kondisi Zeroon PC. Untuk memasukkan kode untuk Counter-Strike: Condition Zero tekan the'key (di atas tombol Tab, sama seperti tombol tilde tanpa menekan Shift.)Membunuh semua bot yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menang jika bom tidak ditanam.Menipu kode: bot_killRestart peta tanpa kehilangan tujuan.Cheat code: restartMenurunkan semua adegan dihapus.Cheat code: cl_levellocks 16382Memungkinkan menipu.Cheat code: sv_cheats 1Tak terkalahkan.Cheat code: AllahNoClip, pergi melalui dinding.Menipu kode: noclipTak terlihat, musuh tidak melihat Anda.Menipu kode: notargetMembuat mereka hanya berdiri di sana.Cheat code: bot_zombie 1Bot akan hanya membeli pistol.Menipu kode: bot_pistols_onlyMenendang bots.Cheat code: tendangan Bot hanya membeli penembak jitu.Menipu kode: bot_sniper_onlyMembuat bot pergi ke tempat tertentu.Cheat code: bot_goto_mark #numberMenetapkan bot´s tingkat kesulitan.Menipu kode: bot_difficultyBot hanya menggunakan pisau.Cheat code: bot_knives_only 1Memungkinkan terbang.Cheat code: terbangMengganti "#" dengan nomor dan mengubah gravitasi. Tuli. adalah 800.Cheat code: sv_gravity #Ganti "3" dengan sejumlah untuk mengubah C4 timer.Tuli. adalah 45.Cheat code: mp_c4timer #Ganti "#" dengan 1 atau 0 untuk mengubah ramah api. 1 = pada 0 = Off.Cheat code: mp_friendlyfire #Ganti "#" dengan sejumlah untuk mengubah uang awal. Tuli adalah 800.Cheat code: mp_startmoney #Ujung putaran, dan Anda kehilangan.Menipu kode: career_end_roundRestart bundar.Menipu kode: career_restartGanti "#" dengan 1 atau 0 untuk membuat bot masih tinggal atau bergerak. 1 = bergerak 0 =-bergerak.Cheat code: bot_zombie #Mengatur kesulitan BOTS.Menipu kode: bot_difficultyGanti "#" dengan 1 atau 0 untuk membuat bot hanya menggunakan knvies. 1 = hanya pisau 0 = tidak hanya pisau. Tuli adalah 0.Cheat code: bot_knives_only 1#Instan Max uang.Cheat code: vMembeku waktu untuk set ammount, pemain masih bisa mengelilingi.Menipu kode: mp_freeztime Set gravitasi, lebih rendah # 's berarti Anda dapat mengambang di sepanjang, tingginya angka berarti Anda mengambil lebih banyak kerusakan untuk jatuh.Menipu kode: sv_gravity Membuat bot masih berdiri.Cheat code: bot_stop 1Dissables penipu bot, mereka semua akan mengikuti perintah Anda.Cheat code: bot_allow_rogues 0Bot tidak akan menunggu untuk Anda untuk menyelamatkan sandera, tanaman atau meredakan bom.Cheat code: bot_defer_to_human 0Memberi Anda sejumlah uang yang Anda dapat memiliki yang tertinggi.Cheat code: mp_startmoney 16000Menghidupkan kembali sebagai teroris.Cheat code: jointeam 6; jointeam 1Menghidupkan kembali sebagai counter-teroris.Cheat code: jointeam 6; jointeam 2Memberi Anda penuh uang.Cheat code: impuls 101Menunjukkan sedikit informasi pada bagian paling bawah kanan layar Anda.Cheat code: + grafikMenonaktifkan litte informasi di bawah kanan ketika Anda memiliki + grafik di.Cheat code:-grafikPermainan restart setelah 1 detik.Cheat code: sv_restartround 1Memungkinkan unlimited penyemprotan.Cheat code: decalfrequency 0Memungkinkan darah penebalan atau menonaktifkan. 0 = off. 1 = aktif.Menipu kode: gl_spriteblend Memungkinkan pemain untuk menjadi tangan kanan. 0 = perjanjian. 1 = right-Handed.Menipu kode: cl_righthand Memungkinkan auto-tim keseimbangan. 0 = off. 1 = aktif.Menipu kode: mp_autoteambalance Memungkinkan pemain lokal secara otomatis menendang pemain lain. 0 = off. 1 = aktif.Menipu kode: mp_autokick Anda dapat melihat kematian terakhir pemain pada detik tertentu.Cheat code: hud_deathnoticetime #Peluru yang ditembakkan pada dinding akan mendapatkan melalui dinding. Efektif jika pemain bersembunyi.Cheat code: sv_clienttrace #Bila diatur ke 0, layar akan menjadi hitam ketika setiap pemain dari server sudah mati. Beralih ke 1 untuk menonaktifkan.Menipu kode: mp_fadetoblack Secara otomatis berakhir permainan dan berhenti Condition Zero.Cheat code: berhentiSecara otomatis berakhir permainan tapi tidak berhenti Condition Zero.Cheat code: LepaskanMenghapus semua pesan seluruh konsol.Cheat code: jelasDaftar tersedia server untuk berpartisipasi dalam.Cheat code: DaftarMengeksekusi perintah dengan hanya memasukkan di konsol.Cheat code: alias "" ""Permainan restart setelah 1 detik mirip dengan sv_restartround 1.Cheat code: sv_restart 1Ketika diaktifkan, bot/pemain yang membunuh teammate(s) mereka akan mati pada putaran berikutnya. 0 = off. 1 = aktif.Menipu kode: mp_tkpunish Otomatis kicks bot/pemain jika dia membunuh begitu banyak sandera sesuai dengan nilai. Menempatkan 0 untuk menonaktifkan.Menipu kode: mp_hostagepenalty Set pemain maksimum ketika membuat permainan multiplayer baru. Hanya bekerja sebelum Anda memulai pertandingan.Menipu kode: maxplayers Menampilkan perintah untuk lebih cepat menggunakan di sebelah kiri layar Anda.Cheat code: + commandmenuMasukkan kode ini jika Anda memiliki "+ commandmenu" diaktifkan hanya.Cheat code: - commandmenuOtomatis membeli senjata terbaik untuk tim Anda. AK-47 T dan M4A1 untuk CT.Menipu kode: autobuyMenyegarkan waktu di konsol.Menipu kode: timerefreshTerima kasih Jeff Headly khusus untuk daftar di atas kode cheat untuk daftar di atas kode untuk Counter-Strike: Condition Zero pada komputer pribadi.Counter-Strike: Kondisi Zero spawn item kode ini pada halaman berikut.Previous1 2 berikutnyaPC Cheats*. PC Cheat kode indeks*. Lebih pada PC CheatsLihat lebih lanjut*. Counter-Strike: kondisi nol cheats*. PC menipuArtikel terkait*. Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty Cheats - PC*. 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