Gloria Natapradja Hamel name in the spotlight. The girl was removed from the list Forces National Flag (Paskibraka) on Independence Day to 71 tomorrow at the Presidential Palace. Not because of any wrongdoing. But Gloria tripped citizenship. He has held a French passport.
The girl mulatto France-Indonesia has gone through a selection process and rigorous exercise since the district / city level. Gloria even made it into the 68 participants representing the National Paskibraka West Java Province. However, in the last seconds will perform the task in the 71st anniversary ceremony at the Presidential Palace RI, Gloria step failed.
However, the dream Gloria Natapradja Hamel to be present at the presidential palace did not completely disappear. After stints flag, Paskibraka members came to him, hugging and crying at Merdeka Palace Complex, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (17/08/2016).
During his comrades on duty, he watched the ceremony via television screens at State House. Prior to the palace, followed Gloria Kemenpora flag ceremony at 08.00. After that, along Affairs Imam Nahrawi went to the palace.
Gloria Natapradja Hamel might be left out of the 68 members of Army National Flag (Paskibraka) who served in the anniversary ceremony 71st Independence of the Republic of Indonesia at the Merdeka Palace.
On Wednesday (17/8 / 2016) this morning, he could only watch his friends in charge of flying the flag. However, Gloria actually get special attention from PresidenJoko Widodo.
After the flag raising, Gloria became the only member Paskibraka that Jokowi invited to lunch with local officials and other important visitors. He was certainly involved lowering the
President Joko Widodo and are happy to meet directly with Gloria Natapraja Hamel, member Paskibraka which was aborted due to have a French passport.
When they met at the Presidential Palace on Wednesday (08/17/2016), after the flag raising, President Jokowi expressed his delight that. " 'This is it ya really famous on TV'. Mr. President said so while laughing, "Gloria said at State House, after the meeting.
Inside, Gloria not only met the President Jokowi. Gloria also met Lady Iriana, Vice President Jusuf Kalla, and the president of the 5th Republic of Indonesia, Megawati Soekarnoputri.
In the meeting also Gloria received the good news that he was allowed to join the team of Bima in lowering the flag, on Wednesday afternoon,
the Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi appreciate Gloria Natapradja Hamel who received the cancellation decision itself as a future member Paskibraka 2016.
Gloria otherwise not included in Paskibraka who shall serve at the 71st anniversary ceremony RI, Wednesday (08/17/2016) tomorrow, at the State Palace in Jakarta, because the issue citizenship status.
However, the plan, Gloria will be given the opportunity to work with Ambassador at the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Imam rate, Gloria has the mental strength to face the problem.
"Gloria will participate and spread the spirit of abstinence surrender in the event and agendas of the Ministry of Youth and Sports are a lot of schedules in schools and regions," said Imam,
Imam said Gloria can be new inspiration for Indonesia's young generation does not stop when facing problems in reaching their goals.
"look at her (Gloria). He speaks English, French, Japanese, and Korean ya, athletes as well. At her age who had mental as it is, he's not to discredit anyone, do not look for scapegoats. Means, the mindset he's really advanced, "said Imam.
However, Imam not explain when embedding Kemenpora Gloria as Ambassador will do.
The first time, the news was disclosed by Vice President Jusuf Kalla. After that, Jokowi said the same thing. "Said Mr. President, passion for this afternoon. I said, 'Thank you, sir, for allowing me to come', "Gloria said.
During the meeting, the First Lady Iriana also convey a message to Gloria spirit. "The First Lady said, 'You're brave and spirit yes', so," he said. Previously, Gloria aborted for citizenship once known to have a French passport.
Dad Gloria is a citizen of France. Therefore, Gloria is not considered a citizen of Indonesia. Gloria aborted on Monday (08/15/2016) yesterday when 67 other Paskibraka candidate Joko Widodo was inaugurated President at the Presidential Palace. In fact, Gloria had passed the selection at the school, municipal, provincial and national levels.
Gloria previously eliminated from Paskibraka Palace because it has a French passport so it is not considered a citizen of Indonesia. He was aborted in the final minutes despite being through various selection processes and training.
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