Refer to the Technical Guidelines for Preparation of the RPP in Primary Schools by Kemendikbud (2013, p.9-10) above are described in the explanation points to 7, namely: "Competence, the specific capabilities that include attitudes, knowledge, and skills related to a charge / maple ". Lesson plans created by teachers in the RPP has outlined in detail the achievement of KD 1, 2, 3, and 4 so it can be said that the plans have included specific capabilities that must be mastered students include attitudes, knowledge, and skills.
In addition to a description of the KD to be RPP included in accordance with the syllabus, the guidelines also elaborates on indicator development undertaken by teachers to reach KD. The indicators dimksud: 1) the indicators of achievement is a marker of achievement of the basic competencies that are characterized by behavioral changes that can be measured which includes attitudes, knowledge, and skills, 2) indicators developed in accordance with the characteristics of students, the education unit and the potential of the region. Indicators are used as the basis for preparing the settlement tool.
The results of the analysis of the planning documents made by the teacher suggests that the indicators listed already includes knowledge and skills where the aspects listed in the attitude of learning objectives. Indicators developed extremely refer to what is stated in the book of teachers.
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