inilah yang menyebabkan umat Islam sekarang lemah. Kalau dulu Islam sa terjemahan - inilah yang menyebabkan umat Islam sekarang lemah. Kalau dulu Islam sa Inggris Bagaimana mengatakan

inilah yang menyebabkan umat Islam

inilah yang menyebabkan umat Islam sekarang lemah. Kalau dulu Islam sangat disanjungi, dihormati dan disegani. Tetapi sekarang? umat Islam disembelih sesuka hati mereka ! Dulu para sahabat cinta akan akhirat, sanggup berjuang bermati-matian demi agama, untuk syahid mendapatkan syurga. Inilah yang menyebabkan mereka hebat. Hanya takut kepada Allah, terbalik dengan Umat Islam sekarang yang mencintai dunia di atas segalanya. mereka tidak ingin mati hanya karena tidak ingin kehilangan dunia yang indah. karena itu, mereka takut untuk mengamalkan sunnah rasulullah SAW. mereka lebih takut jika kehilangan harta, tahta, pekerjaan dan juga rezeki , intinya mereka takut pada manusia bukan takut pada Allah SWT.
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Hasil (Inggris) 1: [Salinan]
This is what caused the Muslims now are weak. If the first of Islam is very adorable, honored and respected. But now? the Muslims were killed as their hearts! The companions used to love going to the afterlife, able to fight bermati-matian for the sake of religion, for the martyrs get heaven. This is what caused them great. Only fear Allah, upside down with Muslims right now loving the world above all. they don't want to die just because it didn't want to lose the world. Therefore, they are afraid to practice the sunnah of the Prophet. they are more afraid if the lost treasures, the throne, the work and also the sustenance, the point they fear in humans is not afraid of the Almighty God.
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Hasil (Inggris) 2:[Salinan]
This is why Muslims are now weak. If the first Islamic very disanjungi, respected and admired. But now? Muslims slaughtered their heart's content! First companions will love hereafter, capable bermati desperately struggling for the sake of religion, to get a martyr's paradise. This is what causes them great. Only the fear of God, reversed by Muslims today who love the world above all else. they do not want to die just because they do not want to lose a beautiful world. Therefore, they are afraid to practice the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad. they are more afraid if lost treasure, throne, employment and sustenance, the point they are afraid of a man is not afraid of Allah SWT.
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