IVU examination in Hospital Radiology Installation The Clean contrast to the theory of Yogyakarta. According to the theory of patient preparation performed for 48 hours by using projection AP photos on plain, post contrast media 1, 5 .10-15, 45 minutes, 30 minutes, PA projection projection LPO or RPO of minutes 20, and am using the AP projection of the erect or PA prone. On the installation of the Radiology Hospital Yogyakarta preparation Clean The patients performed for 24 hours using projection AP photos on plain, post contrast media 5, 15 minutes, and 30 minutes, while the PM done 2 projection of AP and PA. This research aims to know the procedure of examination preparation done, reasons for 24 hours, and the purpose of the addition of the AP projection on 30 minutes post contrast media.This type of research is qualitative case study approach. Data collected through direct observation and interviews with one urologist, two specialists in radiology, and three radiografer. The data results from observation and interview transcripts made for analysis with interactive models so that it can be drawn the conclusion. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik pemeriksaan pemeriksaan IVU pada kasus nefrolitiasis di Instalasi Radiologi Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih Yogyakarta menggunakan proyeksi AP pada foto polos, post media kontras 5, 15, dan PM, sedangkan menit 30 dilakukan 2 proyeksi AP dan PA. Alasan persiapan pasien dilakukan selama 24 jam adalah untuk efisiensi waktu. Tujuan ditambahkan proyeksi AP adalah sebagai evaluasi perjalanan kontras dan memperjelas gambaran bila ada sumbatan. Kata kunci : IVU, Nefrolitiaisis, persiapan pasien, proyeksi AP.
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